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File: 125 KB, 1024x819, Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16500754 No.16500754 [Reply] [Original]

He's right but I hate how utterly irrelevant he is in today's political landscape. I hope his upcoming book changes that.

>> No.16500760
File: 345 KB, 1356x837, accfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off accfag. Go read something good for the first time in your life

>> No.16500998

I only know Moldbug because he was interviewed by Borzoi, and damn Moldbug embarassed himself there.

>> No.16501297

Who is Borzoi?

>> No.16501363

He certainly has a way with words that few other political thinkers have. I'm not sure I agree with him at all, but I have to respect him in a time when political philosophers have forgotten how to write.

>> No.16501372


>> No.16501376

a TRS autist

>> No.16501377

He is a fucking awful writer, what are you talking about?

>> No.16501398

How is Moldbug's Jewishness treated in the interview?

>> No.16501427

can you at least link us to a good essay or book or something

>> No.16501502
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ITT: Seething /pol/cucks and commies because intellectually superior, politically detached and clearpilled Accelerationists absolutely mog them in every way

>> No.16501504

It was pretty funny and good. Moldbug is kind of a delight.

>> No.16501546
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>> No.16501556


De gustibus non est disputandum

>> No.16501564

he's a jew

>> No.16501567
File: 247 KB, 1920x1176, mises-hayek_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free market children, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Freeee-kidds: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Free. Chil. Dren. They were One, plain One, in the morning, standing four feet ten without tax. They were voluntary in contract. They were sold and re-owed on the dotted line. But in my arms they were always taxless. Did they have a precursor? They did, indeed they did. In point of fact, there might have been no free market in children at all had I not loved, one jubilee, an initial boy-child. In a patchwork by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before free children were sold as my age was that summer. You can always count on a federal accountant for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the married, the misinformed, simple, two-parent family, envied. Look at this tangle of taxes.

>> No.16501585


>> No.16501590
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>> No.16501595

What does an "accelerationist" even do? Internet people who call themselves a "fascist" or a "anarcho-communist" are just adopting a superficial online aesthetic but what in their daily lives have they done that's actually "facist"? Everyone living in western society is a liberal. The way they actually act in their daily life is a liberal. No, you are not a national socialist or a "dharmic bronze age warlord"

>> No.16501597
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unironically more white than the irl /pol/ meeting of '17

>> No.16501613
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Post your face when you realize what your Patchwork will look like.

>> No.16501623


How is he right? Most of what he writes is filler nonsense that's fun to read but lacks any substance. He spends a whole chapter talking about how American policy is Whig idealism, but never directly challenges it. He proposes a government with absolute power over its subjects because... the free market works and separations of powers doesn't? That a sovereign would never enslave its subjects because the real estate would decline in value? The blacks should have pointed that out to their slave owners (all of whom lived in fucking mansions) and we could have skipped the civil war

>> No.16501643


>> No.16501646

Give this a try. See what you think.


>> No.16501652


actually my post filtered you and everyone who disagrees with me

>> No.16501660

Wasn't the civil war a perfect example of how capitalism is a more efficient economic system then slavery? Scholars routinely argue that the slave economy, and the subsequent sharecropping regime impoverished the south as a whole while enriching a few aristocratic planters and northern merchants.

>> No.16501674


>while enriching a few aristocratic planters and northern merchants

But that's exactly my point.

>> No.16501675
File: 38 KB, 882x480, 748e8e45-372a-4c77-b84b-e20384c8fb32_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The clear pill does say you’re in a dome. It says nothing about the real world outside that dome, only that you know nothing about that world—just some facts. It does not even challenge any of those facts. It is made from pure philosophy and contains no jet fuel or steel beams.

>> No.16501691

I'm out of the loop what's the bottom pic

>> No.16501692


Let me put it another way: if you could somehow be a shareholder of a plantation that used slave labor, and you somehow felt confident that that plantation couldn't be overthrown by any external government (the slave master has nuclear weapons) or a slave rebellion, would you seriously not invest?

>> No.16501693

Some meeting for neoreactionaries.

>> No.16501737

Fair Point
What I'm wondering now is why would you run a plantation when you could keep the slaves in debt slavery as sharecroppers with a general store. You cut out the overseers and stop paying for food and clothing. Furthermore, there is more security and less of a chance of a general slave uprising.

Was American slavery literally just driven by lust and bloodlust?

>> No.16501744

Please feel free to recommend essays on this problem.

>> No.16501758


>> No.16501769

He has a cool writing style. I have good memories reading UR a few years back. That fucking fashion sense though, ensures he'll never be taken seriously.

>> No.16501779

Why did he do this photoshoot? Was he being ironic? This looks like something Sam Hyde would do as a joke.

>> No.16501792


>> No.16501906

damn, this is interesting stuff.

>> No.16501999


>> No.16502013

Well. Borzoi and Moldbug get along great, they're a perfect fit: autistic with a love of obscure books. The episode is four hours long. The only TRS dude weller-read than Borzoi is probably DK, but DK's wheelhouse is so obscure it sort of doesn't count. Moldbug is "Jewish" in the "my great grandfather had a menorah that he never used and my dad has a big nose" sense. He had to learn Jewish history from books. Borzoi sort of gets this, as he mentions that "you guys have a dialectic" (this makes sense in context), but really, Moldbug doesn't, as (and this is my opinion) his "belief" in the Holocaust is purely to not totally unperson him; he only "believes" in the Holocaust so he can tell actual Jews "hey, you're gonna get ACTUALLY Holocausted if you keep this shit up".

Borzoi picks up on this as Moldbug IS a WWII revisionist and believes in basically every Right Wing revisionist theory EXCEPT Holocaust denial. At one point Moldbug calls Borzoi's view of history "kinda Jewish" and Borzoi busts a gut laughing and sputtering in confusion.

>> No.16502140

Could you give a very brief rundown of TRS and the figures involved (you mention a DK who I've also not heard of). I wasn't really into politics back then and I can't be bothered listening to the years-old episodes of a current affairs podcast.

Also what does Holocaust denial amount to here? "It didn't happen" or "the real number is miles off the official count"?

>> No.16502215

All right wingers are monumentally stupid. Simple as. Notice how as people become more educated and well read they become more left wing ( see: Kantbot, logo_daedalus...etc)

>> No.16502311

>educated and well read
This guy doesn't even know German and he tries to claim to be an expert on German idealism lmao

>> No.16502506

he is a manipulative privileged authoritarian who want to keep his class in power. fuck him.

>> No.16502513


Come on, KB posting page shots from things about Nelson Rockefeller makes him a modern rogue scholar.

>> No.16502649

>lets assume borders are not disputed

lmfao, are libertarians actually this dumb?

>> No.16502657
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Worthless spam threads fuck off.

>> No.16502670

the absolute state of zoomers who live off the inane ramblings posted by midwit twitter celebs

>> No.16502692

I have always thought this, and rarely seen it expressed by anyone else. The right v. left dichotomy is a conflict between liberals.

>> No.16502703

This is what everyone has to realise first and foremost.

>> No.16502740

>no true Scotsman fallacy

>> No.16502757


>> No.16502792

I'm gonna be totally honest, I literally only listen to TRS (therightstuff.biz) for Borzoi's stuff. I do not paycuck for FTN or TDS, although I do listen to TASOB when I want to feel sad and the free FTN episodes. There's a bunch of dudes of varying NatSoc leanings, with some on the more Nat end, some on the more Soc end. I would put Striker more on the "Soc" end, and Enoch more on the "Nat" end. I do not care about them. I hold no ill will to these guys, they seem nice, I wish them well, they're worth listening to, so don't take me saying "I don't care about them" as disdain, I just have heard literally everything they have to say like, a decade ago.

TRS hosts the Godcast, which I feel is lowquality. Borzoi was a host like, four years ago, maybe it was different then, but I have no interest in listening to 3-4 year old episodes to confirm. If you want christfag podcasts, I'd recommend going elsewhere, you will learn little from this one.

Borzoi hosts the Poz Button (discussing movies, many of these are worth going back years to listen to), Hyperpodcastism (ostensibly about faggy frog philosophy, but any philosophizing is also welcome; the Moldbug episode is on this), and the Third Rail (current events with a running cast). The Moldbug episode is only two months old.

One of the running hosts of the Third Rail is a dude who goes by Dharmakirti; he's big into Buddhism, and while he's very well read in it and Western philosophy, Buddhism is a relatively niche subject. He hosts a podcast, Right Wing Dharma Squads, but they've been on hiatus because apparently someone doesn't like them. If you're not into Buddhism or Eastern Religion, ignore this one.

>> No.16502814

Moldbug calls Brozoi's view of history Jewish when he's the one calling Hitler an Autistic faggot.
Seems about right.

>> No.16502817

This image has always bothered me, because the dude on the right in the blue sweater looks like a fetal alcoholed version of myself.

>> No.16502824

I don't know Borzoi's "official" stance on the Holocaust, and he's openly admitted that it's not his wheelhouse because he finds it boring (I agree) and as such he does not memorize facts and figures about it. Having said that, from what I can gather, he more or less adheres to the following:
>The Six Million figure is a sacred mythic number in the "American Civic Religion", the actual number is much smaller
>White People do not deserve to have bad things happen to them because of the Holocaust, even if it did happen
>Almost everything "official" about the Holocaust is bullshit
>Most of the deaths were either due to negligence or the general problems that come from a country's supply lines being cut
>There was no top-down scheme created by the Hitler on "Day 1" to eradicate the Jews

Moldbug, meanwhile, supports numerous historically revisionist theories (the US ONLY got involved in the Pacific Theater to start a global empire; Icebreaker, wherein Hitler was an unwitting pawn of international finance to create a boogeyman to justify a global empire). He does not, however, deny the Holocaust, and tacitly reifies the Six Million. The Holocaust is a myth in that it is a narrative justifying a moral system (the narrative can be totally historical, or a literal fiction, it's irrelevant). Moldbug fundamentally does not challenge this myth. In my opinion, he is trying to give The Jews (you do not necessarily have to be Jewish to fall in this category) a way out: Liberal Capitalism is bad, WWII doesn't justify Global US Hegemony, oh but btw the Holocaust happened but let's move on and get over it.

If the Holocaust didn't happen, however, then the Jews, simply put as I'm running out of characters, don't deserve to continue existing, as they have committed a grave number of crimes in its name. If it exists, but we're moving on, then they can adopt changes needed to survive. It's a gracious attempt at compromise and justice that will go, in my opinion, totally ignored.

>> No.16502836

For a second I thought you were referring to Venti, and I was going to say yeah, no shit, her mother drank while pregnant with her.

Yeah, that's a better summation of his views: WWII sucked, let's move past it, oh but don't do that Nazi shit. I disagree with the idea that he's JUST covering for the Jews. He is, but it's more than just that.

>> No.16502863

Poz Button was occasionally all right but Godcast was total dogshit

>> No.16502917

SuperLutheran has a kid, and I'm pretty sure he's said the kid is White, and from the sound of it he and his wife are planning on having more, so I genuinely wish him the best. I have little respect for Miles. He really wants to be the Right Wing equivalent of a Tranissary, and it shows, even in the way he speaks. Godcast doesn't do big book reviews, and if it wasn't apparent by me being a Borzoi fan, I like discussions of philosophy and theology and literature, so Godcast in that regard has little to offer me. Their three-part neo-pagan episode was terrible, and best described as "couldn't even bother to read Wikipedia articles". If I didn't know they were serious, I'd honestly think it was performance art by neopagans to make Christfags look bad. I feel bad comparing it to Right Wing Dharma Squads, because they're both doing a totally different type of show, but if The Godcast did a ten part discussion of something by, I dunno, Martin Luther or something to match RWDS's ten-part discussion of the MMK, I'd totally listen to it.

>> No.16503746
File: 15 KB, 341x341, m1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a member of an elite group conducting vital scientific experiments using cutting edge morphology technology to combine pictures of Curtis Yarvin with mugshots of African Americans.

All of the output subjects look extremely *Irish*.

What could this mean?

>> No.16503754
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>> No.16503758
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>> No.16503762
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>> No.16503768
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>> No.16503771
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>> No.16503821

>He hosts a podcast, Right Wing Dharma Squads
jesus fucking christ

>> No.16503830

he's not even an accelerationist you faggot

>> No.16503846

>Right Wing Dharma Squads
holy cringola

>> No.16504096

this guy is more well read than 99% of /lit/

>> No.16504123

Absolute brainlet take

>> No.16504667

And yet it didn't help him. So what's your point?

>> No.16505158

that was actually a super simple refutation and you got filtered

>> No.16505163

What do guys like moldbug want? A monarchy?

>> No.16505168


>> No.16505173
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>accfag isn't an accelerationist
Holy fuck you're retarded.

>> No.16505217

you completely misunderstood. They're saying you can believe whatever you want, but in western liberal societies, there's no way to function as a communist or fascist. The social organisation is just not there. Whatever we believe ourselves to be, most of us function as liberals

>> No.16505260

I think that might be Catboykami lmao

>> No.16505306

Moldbug is like scott alexander, his ideas are OK but his writing is way too longwinded.

>> No.16505319

What actions are we talking about here? This is a very ill-defined argument and almost intentionally vague but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and not call you a bad faith actor here.

I'm not a fascist myself, but I believe I am furthering the demise of liberal democracy if I myself contribute to fostering a community against it. Democracy is founded on the will of the people. The less people vote, the less democratic the state becomes. Anything in pursuit of that goal (for instance alerting people to the flaws of democracy) is in essence anti-democratic.

Anyone who has their fingers on the pulse of societal trends can see global society becoming increasingly illiberal.

>> No.16505482


>> No.16506244

Not the anon you're replying to, but what we're saying is that everyone acts in an essentially liberal manner in this society even if they claim to oppose it. This is not a critique of anti-liberal ideologies, just a fact of life. For example many natives of Washington DC (my city) feel that the federal governments rule is illegitimate without representation in congress. Everywhere you see "No Taxation without Representation" license plates. But in practice everyone still obeys federal law even if in theory they oppose it. The opposition to this ostensibly unjust system is a political slogan and nothing more, everyone still respects the force of government and thus implicitly it's right to exist.

>> No.16506356


God I haven’t heard some of these names for a few years. I really only listened to TDS back in the day because it was actually kinda funny. Then I realized this whole thing was a dead end.

I would listen to rw dharma squads but unfortunately DK can’t help but word vomit and circle the point endlessly and interrupt aura when he’s making a good observation. Really kinda kills it.

>> No.16506723

Moldbug isn't accelerationist you raving homosexual

>> No.16506748

Why does it seem like everyone who is hostile to Yarvin's thoughts is also an actual resentful retard who doesn't even know what he's talking about?

>> No.16506832

Wtf are you even trying to say? That moldbug is accfag?

>> No.16507798

I think what he was attempting to say is thus:
>Moldbug isn't accelerationist you raving homosexual

>> No.16508424

you will have to be more clear.
Molbug is an accfag?

>> No.16509535

It funny how there is literally just one easily recognizable anon who thinks Moldbug and Land are the same thing, who magnetically seeks out threads about Moldbug to spam for months on end

>> No.16509709

Did anyone say that in this thread?

>> No.16509910

Yeah they guy (you) one post above mine insinuating Moldbug is an accelerationist, an ideology which was seminally developed by the CCRU
Despite Moldbug literally never acknowledging or interacting with Land once in his life

>> No.16510009

>Moldbug is an accelerationist
ctrl+f 1 result
There's a question mark in that post

>> No.16510058

>ctrl+f 1 result
it would help if you could spell "Moldbug"

>> No.16510106

Why are you so obsessed about Land and Moldbug while saying some anon is the one obsessed?

>> No.16510119

>he's right
Name one thing

>> No.16510223

Basically everything in "Technology, communism
and the Brown Scare" from 2013
>As a mainstream conspiracy theory, fully in the institutional saddle, the Brown Scare is far greater and more terrifying. Unfortunately no central statistics are kept, but I wouldn’t be surprised if every day in America, more racists, fascists and sexists are detected, purged and destroyed, than all the screenwriters who had to prosper under pseudonyms in the ’50s. Indeed it’s not an exaggeration to say that hundreds of thousands of Americans, perhaps even a million, are employed in one arm or another of this ideological apparatus. Cleaning it up will require a genuine cultural revolution—or a cultural reaction, anyway. Hey, Americans, I’m ready whenever you are.
And then you can compare that essay to his recent essay on Neo-Mencheviks during the "cancel culture" fad and say yeah, so far, his diagnosis has grown increasingly true. Most people from 2013 would laugh it you told them what 2020 is like, but Moldbug was ready

>> No.16510243

>t’s with mixed emotions that I see the Brown Scare starting to really rise up and kick ass in my own dear field of hackerdom.
Stopped reading

>> No.16510659

2013 was... a different time...

>> No.16511005

Thats not obsession. Real obsession is only observable in Kantbot

>> No.16511033

Hi Nick.

>> No.16512009

Moldbug gets shit on everytime he gets posted, someone is really dedicated

>> No.16512066
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>very inspirational in the ‘libertarian’ tech scene
>inspiration to much of the Charter Cities community
>inspirational to the overlap of the two (tech is funding Charter Cities)
>friend to billionaire financiers

Ever read Jacobite Mag? Land writes there sometimes. The co editor literally works at Yarvin’s company Urbit.

There are plenty of intellectual thinkers, many of whom you don’t know about, that he’s inspired. And there is big money waiting to fund them.

Charter Cities are where this is going to start. Look into Promonos.vc

Try Grey Mirror substack. Read the about section.

>> No.16512085

Tech and the hacker space has become dramatically more progressive since then. The shift toward the left has amplified. And more thought leaders are in support of a kind of monarchy

>> No.16512184

Basically feudalism run by corporations

Big money funding obscure internet political theorists is the most ridiculous meme

>> No.16512269

I don't mind it because I feel that if DK didn't then Aura could just go off on hippie tangents that would lack any technical sophistication what so ever. But then, that'd probably also be rather fun. As with all podcasts, you have to actually like, or at least be able to stand, the people speaking. I do think it's neat how they're crude representations of their individual schools:
>DK the overly technical autistic encyclopedia
>Storm who swings between manic episodes of dense reading and just sitting
>Aura's low to the ground utilitarian simplicty and vague mysticism

Thiel gives millions out to anyone with a half formed idea, I don't see why he wouldn't toss some at some random blogger. We know for a fact that he's done this in the past, and continues to do it. Whether or not it amounts to anything that matters is a separate point.

>> No.16512310

I've never seen evidence that Thiel or anyone else gives millions out to anyone with a half formed idea. It's like those bullshit Mom makes EASY cash from home! Google ads. Link evidence and prove me wrong, and not that kbot podcast line.

>> No.16512551

What do you mean? Yarvin is a friend to the likes of Balaji, Thiel, Marc Andreesen (who was listening to him talk in the screenshot I posted), and Anirudh Pai — all of which are financiers and half of which are billionaires.
Marc and Thiel have funded him in the past, moreover they are funding his types of ideas. Yarvin himself is more prophet than king

>> No.16512567

So it comes down to he might be friends with rich people. Maybe you're right that they feed him, but there is zero proof.

>> No.16512603

Society has shifted leftward rapidly since Obama's second term. Tech/hacker space is no exception.

>> No.16512609

Lol the absolute state of the meme right

>> No.16512757

>but there is zero proof.
You really have no clue what you’re talking about, do you?
Thiel, Balaji, and Marc have invested in Yarvin’s last company. Anirudh literally has a recent blog post calling for an American Napoleon, Balaji has a famous talk saying that Microsoft as CEO of America would be a better leader than any president, Thiel has a blog post saying that he no longer believes in democracy — all inspired by Yarvin.
And again, the point isn’t that they’d invest in Yarvin, who will not be the guy making our new world, the point is they are investing in these ideas. And these ideas are seriously gaining traction in places that matter. It’s a thing

>> No.16512808

Thiel has given our money to some pretty odd, but interesting ideas.
Saying you don’t see evidence of a guy doing something, when you clearly know nothing of the guy, is a redundant statement. It’s a waste of time typing it and a waste of time reading it. Try Google

>> No.16512825

Given out*
I don’t work in any of Thiel’s funds sadly

>> No.16512904

He is neoreactionist

>> No.16512927

>Ever read Jacobite Mag?
Yes, and Land`s work is much much sensible and understandable for me then this incongruent mess of a mag.

>> No.16512933

He doesn't use that term. Neo-monarchist is what he calls himself now

>> No.16512947

Hey KB

>> No.16512960

But nevertheless he gravitate more to NRx sphere then to the true acceleration bubble. Late Land gone the same way tho.

>> No.16512973


Moldbug wrote another article quite recently. I didn't see it until today.

>> No.16513073

These ideas are far older than Yarvin. He's a mouthpiece for the corporate cathedral. A propagandist. Notice how he aligns with WEF's Great Reset.

>> No.16513141

>The corporate cathedral
where do these corporations get their views from?

>> No.16513177

Personal interest, accumulation of power.

>> No.16513228

Not answering the question, of course everything is about power and nothing else. The thing is this "corporate cathedral" is nonsense. Corporations have these views because not having them is risky and going woke, despite what people may say, does not make you go broke. Corporations are as much subject to ideology as the average consumer, it's made up of people who browse the same media and went to the same schools that teach the same things. That is the cathedral, the ones that manufacture the ideas. When corporations who aren't presses go woke they are basically just serving as mouthpieces of the cathedral

>> No.16513312

Wokeness = Capitalism + Civil Rights. When corporations "go woke" they're largely just complying with Civil Rights law or adhering to the ideals of the 1960s that they learned in school. It won't stop until you reform the Civil Rights laws.

>> No.16513321

>These ideas are far older than Yarvin
No one is claiming otherwise buddy, least of all him. He is the preeminent contemporary thinker bringing it back.
He’s not the mouthpiece for any existing establishment, least of all the Cathedral

>> No.16513328

Yarvin is wrong (and you, who parrots him) because he pretends the cathedral spins doctrine from thin air. Funding and appointment of ideologically friendly academics is key. Money controls that. Yarvin ignores the vast influence of money in academia. It takes him 50,000 words to say, 'dude, like, what if corporations ruled the world?' because he's a sneaky shill.

>> No.16513341

The cathedral he talks about isn't real, at least in the way he describes it. It is a compelling story, though.

>> No.16513377

In Grey Mirror, he labels the very rich funders and non profit / think tank financiers the Foundation of the Cathedral.

I’ve never read Patchwork but I’m guessing you’re misinterpreting that as well. Read the new blog for what’ll be the most concise description of the new regime that he’s calling for.

>> No.16513391

For a non-real thing it seems to have some tangible effects

>> No.16513403

Most universities' money comes from government grants and tuition (also largely subsidized by the government).

>> No.16513432

"Since the Cathedral is accountable to no other organ, no one is watching it. The Brain does not need to be watched. It watches itself... In short: the Brain is inherently right—or as right as possible... The Cathedral is the head of the System. Every other subsystem respects its authority. No other subsystem has any significant power over it."

Right... academics in tweed jackets set the world agenda, not the super wealthy. Corporations are the rebels. If only they had more power! ... what a fucking joke

>> No.16513440

>he pretends the cathedral spins doctrine from thin air.
What makes you think he says that?

>> No.16513454

Maybe you haven't noticed but the government is corrupt to the core and sucks lobbyist cock. People leave the government and take their real C-suite position.

>> No.16513472

Notice that Yarvin advocates for simply a continuation of the trend we already see: increasing corporate control over government and social life, corporate monopolization, securing power. How strange!

>> No.16513479

Another reason to support monarchy

>> No.16513484

How do you think corporations' owners' views are shaped? They go to the same elite colleges as everyone else. They adopt macro-inefficient practices because they're required to by law.

>> No.16513510

Might is right. Get your nut and fuck everyone else. Survival of the fittest. That's how their views are formed.

>> No.16513527

How is "might is right" compatible with e.g. subjecting employees to critical race theory training where employees must come together as a Community to come together and acknowledge the Victim and vow to Do Better? You can see this mindset among tech CEOs today. They aren't doing a very good job at being a Netizschean caricature.

>> No.16513555

Wow, a retard. So much for nuance.

No. The people who run these corporations are humans just like you and me, no amount of retarded resentment will change that. Before Trump banned it, many corporations were beginning to adopt mandatory "racial sensitivity" sessions for their employees. Why do you think they would adopt such a blatant ideological ritual if they supposedly only believe that might IS right?

>> No.16513568

Also, I recommend you actually read Nietzsche for once

>> No.16513572

"You don't understand man. This is how the CORPORATIONS are MANIPULATING us! If we could just come together against them with PEOPLE POWER we could have a heckin' socialism!"
Meanwhile the 20th Century shows that the State can get anyone to believe anything so "People Power" is just a manifestation of the central power in its own right.

>> No.16513586

Power is conserved brother!


>> No.16513620

Easy. It makes their employees drones who are less likely to organize/unionize (diverse work environment); you can fire people on a whim because they are a bigot et al; rest of society adopts intersectionality, making it easier to divide and conquer. This is for the slaves. The people who matter obviously don't believe this shit and use it as a tool. The goal is a population of atomized, impulsive, emotionally juvenile consumers. "Turn brands into religions". They are winning by a landslide and will take their next major step thanks to shills like Yarvin. Everything is going in their favor. The 'new' system Yarvin so daringly proposes was already the goal of the super rich establishment. His role is to sell it to the slaves.

>> No.16513684

If you can manipulate society into believing anything, why do you need them to adopt moronic beliefs to "discipline" them, that make your own company less efficient as well?

>> No.16513685
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>> No.16513702

No one asserted that, and efficiency for who? It is efficient, just not in the way you think. They aren't aiming for a Star Trek utopia. The goal is population control.

>> No.16513727

Then why try so hard to increase the population to prop up the pension system?

>> No.16513738

You're too dumb for this discussion. Good luck.

>> No.16513758

There's mountains of recent literature about how we need more young people to make up for an aging population and pay pensions. Unless you mean "population control" in the sense of "controlling people" but again this just brings us back to the original point of why only Western leaders seem uniquely determined to do so in stupid ways compared to, say, Asia.

>> No.16513781

Because if you push totalitarianism all of a sudden people are going to chimp out. You have to do it slowly, bit by bit

>> No.16513801

You're making a lot of asssumptions and generalizations that automatically just make you seem like another dogmatic ideologue. fs, this whole "he want's to turn the state into a corporation!!!" shows that you misunderstand what he's talking about, propably because you haven't read much if anything by him. No wonder Yarvin seems to have dropped the whole corporate terminology.

When Yarvin was known as Moldbug he talked a lot about the really vague differences between terms that we usually take for granted, f.e. Idealism and Ideology vs Religion, and Corporation vs State aswell as the failure of secularism. Back then he would have told you that the State IS ITSELF a Corporation, it's just run terribly and is highly Orwellian/controlling. From this he advocates for basically absolute monarchism because he thinks (or thought) it is the best way to detach the state from the cathedral but considering people don't really view the words monarch and dictator favorably, he compared them instead to CEOs of a 'Sovereign Corporation'. in addition he decided that a way to minimize the rise of the very historically real bad monarchs he theorized the new system should have a set of people who are involved and have stakes in government appoint the monarch, i.e: a board of directors in a joint-stock corporation. You should honestly just read him for yourself, as I don't care enough to rewrite his entire blog.

>> No.16513802

Russia, China, and Germany rather successfully pushed totalitarianism over a much shorter time frame with enthusiastic participation of the masses (because a majority will go along with anything). You seem to believe that there's a well of People Power ready to engage in class struggle that I do not think exists.

>> No.16513823

Seemed to work just fine for the Nazis and the Bolsheviks.

>> No.16513845

Those countries didn't inherit the Enlightenment values of freedom and democracy. In the case of Germany, they were in very peculiar circumstances when the Nazis were coming into power.

>> No.16513864

The US managed to get the masses to believe that cutting one's penis off is a noble act within like 5 years. At least Communism is supposed to be the end of history in theory.

>> No.16513878

No, they managed to do it because the state can theoretically do anything and revolutions are only successful due to either: weak government, elite support, usually a mix of both.

>> No.16514105

The Irish are the niggers of Europe, what else is new?

>> No.16514111

>asssumptions and generalizations
>"he want's to turn the state into a corporation!!!"

>> No.16514138


>> No.16514155

4channel is anonymous so I can't tell exactly who everyone here is. Plus, it's something a lot of people have said about him.

>> No.16514162


>> No.16514166

>>16513141 is wrong meant >>16513328

>> No.16514490

>pension system
They dont give a fuck about that. They wamt a higher population in the US, Canada, Europe and Australia in order to raise housing costs and lower wages.

>> No.16515179

>left wing
I thought those two retards were beyond ideology

>> No.16515190

and follow your manipulative privileged authoritarians who want to keep their class in power too?

>> No.16515232

just stop replying to him man, rule 1 of the internet

>> No.16515242

>2013 would laugh it you told them what 2020 is like, but Moldbug was ready
100%, also why I love visionary thinkers from earlier ages (not saying M is one) something about being spot on with where society is going when no one in the mainstream recognizes the issue is captivating.

>> No.16515266

Do not talk about /b/?

>> No.16515734
File: 44 KB, 600x600, Yarvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideologues both left and right really hate Yarvin, huh?

The right hates him because he's a sneaky Jew who wants to gatekeep their precious Natsoc.
The left hates him because he's a corporate shill who wants to keep the proletariat down or something.

>> No.16515767

I think hate is to strong a word. A lot of right-wingers agee with him firstly, lib upper class america wierdos (capitalist right) and NRx types bsae a lot of their contemporary analysis in his works, or are inspired by it (even though it is not originally his, as he often mentions). NatSocs and a lot of other rights don't mind his analysis but dislike his solution, thinking its either ridiculous or subversive. Still, hate is too strong, anywhere from Strongly like to dislike/make fun of for jewyness

>> No.16515868


>> No.16515892

Aren’t like half of that milieu feds and/or jews?

>> No.16515932

Nobody asked him to regurgitate everything he ever read when attempting to write a simple essay. KISS.

>> No.16516001

The real 21st century revolution won’t be the old 20th century red or brown boot, nor that of 19th century monarchical or theological boot but that of an outsourced corporate boot doing the stamping. Where get fired and denied access to key services is the neo-excommunication, while elected officials and the state go “free market innit, racist!” while counting their kickbacks.

>> No.16516022

And to introduce new disparate tribes into the polity, who will lash out at one another and the natives due to worsening material conditions which will allow for increased surveillance and less potential for resistance.

>> No.16516349

Yes. And the formation of a mongrelized 90-IQ slave race.