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File: 6 KB, 216x250, F1DFFAA1-EEDE-49C4-A340-096C534AB555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16500280 No.16500280 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, philosophy newfag here. I’m writing an essay on Nietzsche. Did he acknowledge the impact of historicism on philosophy, or did he just reject it as slave morality (like he did everything else lol)?

>> No.16500283

eww report.

>> No.16500290

who is the girl in the pic pls do tell

>> No.16500292


>> No.16500296

satan's dauther.

>> No.16500298

not replying op, i think ur a /lit/ new fag too, make a decent post first retart

>> No.16500302

thotposters should be shot

>> No.16500305

is it not a girl ?

>> No.16500325

Answer the fucking question.

>> No.16500332

Begone you satanic sinner!

>> No.16500334

Holy Clement of alexandria (pbuh) pilled and based.

>the woman who colours her hair, does makeup, [etc] is a fornicator, painted ape and devil's snake.

>> No.16500339
File: 66 KB, 1168x460, 1524915891563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my dinner party

>> No.16500345

Try to not drink more than 3 cups a day and you'll be fine

>> No.16500347

Yes, coffee is good for you.

>> No.16500357

Make Nietzsche sit on the end of the table next to Hitler on John Locke's place.
In that way you get to watch Hitler praise Nietzsche before realising he got trolled by his sister.

>> No.16500361
File: 300 KB, 838x793, 1546700670849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is excellent for you.
Loss of semen is not.

>> No.16500377

But then that destroys the clusterfuck that is the Marx-Locke-Hitler side of the table. Plus Nietzsche needs to sit next to Popper and Socrates for maximum friction.

>> No.16500414

Socrates wasn't real, so he shouldn’t be there.

>> No.16500448

>attested by Xenophon
>not real

>> No.16500458

Coffee is good in moderation

>> No.16500504


>> No.16500510


>> No.16500520

What do you mean by historicism?

>> No.16500536

Historicism is the ideology that says history is the only determining force of human thought. In other words, all kinds of thoughts are influenced by the historical period in which they arise. There is then no universal thought per se

>> No.16500555

Its better then a girl.

>> No.16500579

based, unless you're a tranny.
if you are, then it's cope.

>> No.16500584

Is it a wild Woow-man ? I ever heard of them from fiction books; what are they here for ?

>> No.16500588

Personal purposes.

>> No.16500596

Shit tastes. Goebbels was an actual genius

>> No.16500618

Does those personal purposes can involve me in some possible ways ? I feel ready to brave the unknown into the Woow-man !

>> No.16500634

It's not about having an actual dialogue it's about seating the most annoying, arrogant airheads in history next to each other to create the most wide-reaching fist fight possible.

>> No.16500672

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.16500704

Mary Cunningham

>> No.16500725
File: 257 KB, 1237x1390, mary-cunningham-agee-american-business-executive-and-author-in-san-francisco-2CAT860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kinda cute. I see her in an alternate universe where she leads a feminist nazi party to femdom everybody

>> No.16500737

Clement was an incel and so are you

>> No.16500743
File: 9 KB, 200x200, ee3d8803-e602-486e-b4c3-48b189fe16bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16500769
File: 363 KB, 788x1000, dfpz99929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her squad rating your dick before they decide what is your worth.
Would let her ravage my dick her mouth if you catch whaat I mean. (spoiler-phallus in her mouth-spoiler)

>> No.16500803

But historicism in Georg Iggers' sense hadn't really reached full self-consciousness or full elaboration during Nietzsche's period of productivity so you have to have a more broad definition of historicism or you might confuse the reader. In fact at the surface level it's more the case that major famous "historicists" like Dilthey, Meinecke, and so on were influenced by Nietzsche than the other way around, at least in the conventional sense of influence. As far as I know there is no solid evidence that Nietzsche engaged directly with, say, Droysen, even though he probably did.

If what you mean is more broad, basically the impact of genetic and deconstructive methods in explaining the history of philosophical concepts, you should probably look more for Nietzsche's engagement with contemporary philology. But I think even that is a bit murky. He talks about it a bit in the early abortive book, Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, and in BoT a bit obliquely I think. What you would probably call his engagement with "historicist" thinking obviously comes out most strongly in The Use and Abuse of History, where he describes the "modern historical school" as being like the castrato guarding the harem, faithfully guarding entrance to it but unable to interact with it. But then of course he turns right around in his genealogical writings and lays the groundwork for conceptual destruktion or deconstruction, which is arguably the entelechy of historicism. So it's a complicated question.

>Brobjer, Nietzsche's Philosophical Context: An Intellectual Biography
>Koslowski, The Discovery of Historicity in German Idealism and Historism

>> No.16500812

shh, don't help him.

>> No.16501195

OP, check out Untimely meditations, on the use and abuse of history for life

>> No.16501726

>not your tutor
go do your homework anon