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File: 65 KB, 220x369, Eumeswil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16497301 No.16497301 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy the book Eumeswil in English but I can't fin anywhere. I can find the fucking Worker fuck I can't fine Eumeswil in English, anywhere know where I can find it for a reasonable price? It's a book I genuinely like and I'd like to own it.

>> No.16497308

>He did not learn German yet

>> No.16497335

I'm trying to learn German but I've kind of loss site of my confidence towards it, is it really worth it to learn this language just for the literature? I want to read so many of their books in their own language like Junger and Goethe and Kant but at the same time I could be doing anything else. Is it worth it?

>> No.16497357

Was more of a meme response but I'd say yes purely because translations from German are the most cumbersome reads I've had so far in English

>> No.16497364

German is a bitch to translate to most languages kek

>> No.16497377

AT least as an english speaker, you will never understand a german translation, because the german language is very, very accurate in their choice of words, making their thinking deeper as well. To translate Kant or even Goethe into english, is like translating shakespeare into african click sounds with a vocabulary of not even 200 words. On the other hand, german shouldn't be that hard for an english when seriously studied. So it depends, do you really read german books beyond an wikipedia summary understanding? Than you have learn german for 4-6 years. ideally speaking with native Krauts for easier learning.

>> No.16497381

I'd rather learn French.

>> No.16497384

Well, than learn french.

>> No.16497393
File: 33 KB, 500x372, Come-and-See-Flyora-500x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking with native krauts for easier learning
>"Yo how do you form sentence X"
>"I don't know it's just natural for me :D ^^ xD"
Why are they like that

>> No.16497400

Really then I just want a link to an English version of Eumeswil that isn't $300 lmao.

I know some French from my pre-puberty learning and because the idea have been that sinched into my mind I've been thinking of re-learning the language but I'm not sure what else I'd read in French other than Gargantua, Voltaire, and 20th century meme shit.

>> No.16497409

>I'd read in French other than Gargantua, Voltaire, and 20th century meme shit.
Literally all the 19th century writers, ffs..

>> No.16497414

Like who? All the 19the century writers I'd want to read are German.

>> No.16497427

It's not about asking them questions, it's about getting the feeling for the language naturally from natives. Learning Der-die-das from a native speaker by simply using it and listening to them, is much more fruitfull than learning it on paper.

>> No.16497436

You want to read shit like Gargantua and Pantagruel but you don't want to read fucking France's 19th century writers? What do you mean "who"? Everyone.

>> No.16497447

Nothing, I know it because I learnt french. french is not as complex as german nor as different than english. You gain much more philosophy-wise learning a language that abides much more different semantic laws than a language that is closer to yours. Switch to german, germany is the better country with the better philosophers.

>> No.16497469

Like who? I'm genuinely asking who you think in French is equal or superior to the Germans in the 19th century to the point that I should learn French?

Yeah I know but it would be much easier for me to learn French because it has been set into the cement of my mind since I took classes in it earlier in my life and the concepts of the language are ingrained in my brain. I've tried learning German and it's like learning and entirely new way of thinking, which I love but is it realistic at this point to try for that when I already have a base in French?

>> No.16497476

It would be easier to learn french, but than again yiu don't need french, as english-french translation are good enought. You only need to learn german, because this language can't be really translated.

Just learn german, it might even prevent dementia, as any further language lowers the risk of it, due to a more complex brain structure.

>> No.16497483
File: 45 KB, 550x543, 3ewk9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as english-french translation are good enought
absolute state of krauts. you ovbviously don't read. every french to english translation lacks soul.

>> No.16497509

Ahh, soul! that non-arbitrary quantifiably measure that makes a compelling argument, and the funny 4chan meme makes it an even better one.

>> No.16497513

correct. french translates better, almost perfectly to spanish, italian or portuguese. but to english? forget about it.

>> No.16497516

Well, than read the frenchies in german. A much more complex language which easiy can accomodate french.

I learned french from german, so I should now.

>> No.16497520

is dutch better than german? I have a dutch friend and he keeps telling me how german sucks dick and how his language is better, is he right?

>> No.16497537

i got the telos press print, from 2013 or something. should be available on amazon.

>> No.16497541

Mmm, no. I know spanish, english and french. French is more similar to spanish, yes, but frenchies always use latin or greek based words in their intellectual works, which every english speaking person can understand. French spanish and english logic are more similar to each other than any of those are to german. The debate is if french it's more worth learning than german, philosophy-wise, and it is simply not the case.

>> No.16497545

No lol, unless you write his arguments here.

>> No.16497551
File: 26 KB, 713x611, pepe-laughing-smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch is like the retarded little brother of germany. They have complexes and always hate on their big brother. But even as a Polak, which lived in the netherlands and in germany, having spoken both languages, dutch is just silly. Not only that there is barely if anything worth literary wise but it also sounds so unbelievably tardish.

English: I went eating panncakes with my wife.
German: Ich war Pfannkuchen essen mit meiner Frau.
Dutch: Ik GiNg pAnnEnkoek EtEn mEt MiJn vRoUw.

>> No.16497573

He says the language looks and sounds cooler and that they pronounce their Rs like men not like "french homosexuals" (his words). Is it true Germans pronounce their Rs like Frenchmen?

>> No.16497601

What a load of shit. It doesn't look cooler, every Germanic language looks like a soup of consonants, there is nothing cool about it. No women looks at dutch (or any germanic language for that matter) and says: So beautiful!!! I'm wet. Regarding the Rs, it's true, but the thrilled R sounds as silly as the guttural R, I'm saying this coming from spanish, they are both over the top stupid pronunciations. German has never been seen as a faggy language, but a steel cold masculine dead ass serious language, which is much more reputation than dutch is ever going to receive.

>> No.16497612

Maybe in the early part of the 20th century, but nowadays nobody rolls the R anymore, except when trying to give a Hitler impression. Honestly the dutch roll it much more, especially in the gay way, meaning on the tip of the tongue, instead of the throat. I think your friend is just compensating. Dutch really isn't a nice or at last usefull language.

>> No.16497616

It's said that french is the language of love, while german is the language of war. Checks out.

>> No.16497623

I think the feminine French R really takes away from German's masculinity. Hitler sounded manly. Today's German soibois simply don't.

>> No.16497633

I will send him this to see what he says lol

>> No.16497729


>> No.16497737

how the german sounds depends entirely on the speakers dialect

>> No.16497748

they literally don't know same as 90% of native speakers of any language. because a halfbaked description or worse prescription isn't the language. as >>16497427 says it's feeling. you gotta actually use the language not construct something externally. this even applies to learning new scripts. if you just call up the romanisation then you will never be able to read fluently even at a slow pace. when you do something automatically and by feeling, then you know you're actually learning a language. formal learning can even be counterproductive of the description is misleading or inadequate (often is).

>> No.16497754

doesn't make sense at all because no language is a superset of the other and translations cannot replicate the original. translations can be good if they make proper use of the language being translated into but that doesn't make them the same.

>> No.16497775

Whileyoucannotreplicatetheoriginalfully,itis easier to translate a language with less vocabulary into one with more than vice versa.

>> No.16497783

Did you read Heliopolis first? Read Heliopolis first.

>> No.16497792


Here it is in English.


>> No.16498208

It's because Hitler's Austrian.