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File: 24 KB, 480x480, 5e4e528c5e5be3ff42a80d2a_sam-harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16495307 No.16495307 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Sam Harris?

>> No.16495323

like most modern 'philosophers' and most modern atheists, he's a flaming faggot

>> No.16495332
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BTFO by Taleb

>> No.16495339
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He's extremely based and redpilled.

>> No.16495441

His """"islamophobia"""" pisses off lefties so I can tolerate him.

>> No.16495460

Doesn't understand Ethics (or philosophy in general) but is incredibly smug about.

>> No.16495465

I think he does what he can given what he has, is just trying to make a living doing what he loves to do, etc. I don't find him at all threatening. Usually don't agree with him but don't resent him either.

>> No.16495484

>I'm unaware or uninterested in any arguments to the contrary
I mean come on that's a literal quote from his philosophical arguments, arrogant retard who tried to write a book about a field he doesn't respect, read none of the literature and on top of that claimed to solve the is/ought gap. Hack/pseud.

>> No.16495491

his podcast and meditation app are pretty interesting, though his philosophical ideas are mediocre

>> No.16495507

>Hating on the Muslims because (((he))) feels threatened
classic merchant

>> No.16495516

do burgers really...?

>> No.16495537

So you saw that youtube video that made the thinking for you. I bet you didn't even read the book.

>> No.16495631

I think he's a piece of shit just just like all the other popular atheists. One time he tried to use Luke 19:27 as evidence that Jesus commanded his followers to kill unbelievers so he's either very stupid or very dishonest.

>> No.16495772

>very dishonest.
Sums him up

>> No.16495908

consult the stove

>> No.16496009

He's good at packaging existing ideas in ways that are engaging, but his thought is almost always derivative of someone who said it better. His books can serve as good introductions to certain topics, but are never in depth enough to really satisfy.
>Good imagery
>decently engaging if slightly generic style
>usually well reasoned
>generally pretty accessible.
But he really is the philosopher for the common man, and is let down by having to explain complex ideas to 90 iq americans.

>> No.16496744

>Torture is justified
>why? here's an obscure thought experiment that may not reflect reality

>> No.16496914
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BTFO by Chomsky

>> No.16496954

he's a grateman

>> No.16496960

Exactly. Why does /lit/ waste so much time with Harris, Pinker, and Peterson? Stop it stop it

>> No.16496972

He made me watch the social dilemma.

>> No.16496993

holes with names, kek

>> No.16497759

The smug meter is off the charts and he's arguably the least interesting of the horsemen, but his book on free will is worth a read

>> No.16497764
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He's a major faggot and pure pseudo.

>> No.16497765

They're all poseurs, but Chomsky too. You want authenticity? I don't know where you'll find it.

>> No.16497777

One of the less useful authors I've read.

>> No.16497780

Has the most cancerous fanbase conceivable to man.

>> No.16497829

But his fanbase (on reddit) ridicules him all the time

>> No.16497839
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damn, /lit/ is so comfy and antijewish while the shills are asleep.

>> No.16497843


>> No.16497899

He is a NYT fan and super blue

>> No.16497902

Please read his PHD thesis.
You will shit brix, I promise.

>> No.16498065

Usually for not being leftist enough or for daring to speak to people more rightwing than himself.

>> No.16498747

What a friendly face, OP, is that you?

>> No.16498753

Based. Taleb would say the same thing, that suicide bombing was invented by Christians.

>> No.16498758

Sneering critics in this thread: 28
Neuroscientists in this thread: 0

>> No.16498912
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I haven't read Sam Harris, but I have enjoyed his interviews/debates.

>> No.16498928

>has a BA in philosophy
>no masters degree in anything vaguely related to biology
>phd is collection of wild theories his friends came up with while they were high
>never worked in the field of biology
>published exactly zero research papers
>doesn't teach neuroscience at any university
>doesn't participate in any research relating to neuroscience
He isn't a neuroscientist either :)

>> No.16498929

Older version of Ben Shapiro.

>> No.16498930

Grade A pseud. Writes perfect midwit jerkoff material.

>> No.16499011

This is probably the only intelligent post you've ever made.

>> No.16499039

Whoa is that real

>> No.16499768
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>Goes to India
>Takes psychadelics and gets inspired by Buddhism
>Publishes generic book about atheism that no one reads
>Realizes he needs appearance of authority
>Mom and step-dad make generous "donations" to UCLA
>UCLA lets Harris pretend to do science stuff
>Thesis is an unreplicatable mess
>gets PhD anyway
>Suddenly invited to TED talk and Bill Maher

Face it, Sam Harris isn't a neuroscientist; he's a midwit who bought his way into the American intelligentsia

>> No.16499801

Funny how Chomsky responds to a "99%" claim by pointing out one single counterexample individual, and maintains that Harris has no clue what he's talking about immediately before saying he's only "presuming" this, aka doesnt know what he's talking about.
Both these guys are jokes.

>> No.16499823

used to listen to his podcast if the guest seemed interesting but then he but it behind a paywall and i unsubbed from his youtube channel. thanks for reading my story.

>> No.16499875

>bunch of jobless liberal arts major getting high and mighty about a scientist's work

>> No.16499927

dumb burger detected

>> No.16499974


>> No.16500037


>> No.16500052

I used to think Sam Hyde and Sam Harris were the same person, until I found it to be too weird for a serial mass shooter to have a normie atheist podcast.

>> No.16500087

based and checked

>> No.16500237

yes that's exactly what I did, is that wrong? By all means if you have a smack down against the arguments in that video you could say them instead of leaving snarky replies. I'll be receptive.

>> No.16500246


>> No.16500248
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>> No.16500342

basically ass

>> No.16500703

His podcast is good, but only at 1.5x speed and above

>> No.16500734

Because most of us are in our late 20s or early 30s and spent our formative years watching them fight with the Christian Right and SJWs on Youtube.

Funny how now these "New Atheists" get accused of being racist/sexist/homophobic by the new left that once embraced them.

>> No.16500765

kek libtards owned
trannies btfo

>> No.16501204

>Harris, Pinker
Dude, they're literally radical ethno-nationalists.

>> No.16501228

Hardly, they support enlightenment western ideals against Islam and the radical left. Does that make you a nazi nowadays?

>> No.16501333

Supporting a violent apartheid state on the basis of "my people deserve it" makes you a nazi, yes.

>> No.16501362


>> No.16501365

What apartheid state exactly?

>> No.16501385


>> No.16501392

Scientific arguments against his work in this thread: 0.

>> No.16501396

Illegitimate Zionist entity of the so-called Israel.

>> No.16501410

Because every argument used against Israel could also be used against America. Civilization has a natural right to subjugate inferior peoples.

>> No.16501436

Harris and Pinker are still radical ethno-nationalists, and way more extreme than people like Jared Taylor lolz.

>> No.16501438

So True!

>> No.16501487

The guys occupying Palestine?

>> No.16501530

He's one of the best comedy actors, I loved him in "Meet the Fockers"

>> No.16501572

gonna use this to refer to Israel from now on

>> No.16501671

what a white smug faggot

>> No.16501672

I think he's a big fag

>> No.16502291

>Civilization has a natural right to subjugate inferior peoples.
True, and the progenitors of the notion of progress in civilizations is going to correct Kourosh's mistake.