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16490542 No.16490542 [Reply] [Original]

>The Stranger was about a normal guy
>Catcher In The Rye was about a stereotypical normie
>Molloy was a clown caricature of mental illness by a normie
>Big shock, the MC of all these books have relationships and friends
Is there any actual outsider books? Books that actually portray insanity? I'm going to have to write it myself if there really isn't. These are the most popular and well known books about crazies but none get it

>> No.16490546

The Interrogation by Le Clezio
Child of God by McCarthy

>> No.16490551
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Incels hate it anyways but this book is kino

>> No.16490552

My Twisted World

>> No.16490560

>Big shock, the MC of all these books have relationships and friends
Molloy had relationships? With his catatonic (and probably nonexistent) mother? With the lady who kidnapped him? Have you ever actually read Molloy?

>> No.16490561

any particular translation? tried reading it once, found it a bit dry

>> No.16490584

I gave up early on, very early on, I admit, because I had some bias against it. I just remember the line, from the first page,
>The true love was in another. What was her name?
And thinking "Oh, he's had passed relationships, what a scam."
If it turns out it was actually something like the woman didn't love him back, or manipulated him, I will pick my copy up again

>> No.16490589

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.16490607

The Stranger is not a book about a crazy. Catcher in the Rye isn't either. What the fuck are you talking about?

Read My Friends by Emmanuel Bove.

>> No.16490633

Great book but Bardamu has quite a few relationships and is not crazy

>> No.16490640

I am saying that those books are generally said to be about crazy people when they are not actually. I in fact said
>>The Stranger was about a normal guy
>>Catcher In The Rye was about a stereotypical normie
Because most people point to these when asked about what the most well known books on crazy people are.
We are in agreement

>> No.16490647

I've never heard anyone say The Camus is about a crazy person. Even the retards who get filtered by the opening line hardly consider Mersault to be mad.

>> No.16490669

No, but as displaying some let’s say distinctively French cracks in the facade of adulthood.

>> No.16491572
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You're all fucking pseuds, Notes from the Underground is less than 200 pages and you can't be bothered to read it? Fuck you.