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/lit/ - Literature

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16488739 No.16488739 [Reply] [Original]

>Author shills for some current political candidate
Is there any quicker way to make you lose respect for a book?

>> No.16488766
File: 148 KB, 1023x996, pumpkinpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive never had this problem because I dont read anything written after the year 1500

>> No.16488803

actually based except for maybe moldbug

>> No.16488811

Generally whenever they whine about WW2 as if it was some extra-special moment in history never to be trumped.
Doesn't matter on which side either I just find it extremely offputting.

>> No.16488818

Based and culturepilled

>> No.16488825
File: 291 KB, 937x982, I cant breed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I tell that OP is a salty rightoid and he came to post on /lit/ after his former favourite author endorsed Biden?

>> No.16488833

>The world is bad and good and love and hate and following that narrative of life, vote for Biden/Trump so we can continue living

>> No.16488850

>unironically posting bunkerchan spam on /lit/

>> No.16488868

Lol William Gibson now just does boomer lib anti-Trump posting and had Hillary win in one of his recent books.

>> No.16488885

I don't see why anyone would care about Gibson past Burning Chrome and maybe arguably Neuromancer if only because of some of the imagery.
Pattern Recognition in particular was just a pile of shit.

>> No.16488903

This. I fully supported my favorite author Richard Spencer's support for Biden

>> No.16488922

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16488927

I have no idea what the identity of a "favorite author" who has the ability to do this could be. McCarthy's still alive, but he'd never talk about it; I guess Franzen most likely supports Biden, but that's predictable enough that it shouldn't upset anyone.

>> No.16488942

I'm Canadian. Favourite is natural to me.

>> No.16489091


>> No.16489106
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>> No.16489180

Nice pic, but of course anything seen through chink eyes will look distorted like that.

>> No.16489217

>there can be no poetry after Auschwitz
Wow truly this is worse than the fall of Rome

>> No.16489238

Those images are not very anti-racist of you friend.