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/lit/ - Literature

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16487503 No.16487503 [Reply] [Original]

Paperkinos like this?

>> No.16487646

Mythology, fairy tales, ancient epics, the Bible, pretty much anything narrative and pre-modern.

>> No.16487673

Pretty much all philosophy, to be honest. I have working class friends who never went to university, got merely passing marks in high school just to finish it, and rarely read, but have lively philosophical discussions with because they don't have a huge blockage of modern ideologies and dogmas so they're much more open to new ideas than midwits.

>> No.16487681

stephen king. airport novels

>> No.16487685

Finnegans Wake

>> No.16488120

Unironically the Bible.

>> No.16488129

Derrida. Only topwits and absolute retards like him. He makes midwits seethe.

>> No.16488134


>> No.16488135

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.16488136

what happened when the rye got caught?

>> No.16488237

>People claiming the Bible despite higher IQ people being less religious
These threads always seem to prove the high number of midwits on this board

>> No.16488279

The Qur'an

>> No.16488287

the bible

>> No.16488295

stop coping and find god

>> No.16488317
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1583175569441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid-wit detected. On my second time reading the bible and im not even religious. Its beautifully written and is the one book you can guarantee every western author has had on their bookshelves (until maybe more recently).

This is why i love these threads, you get pseuds coming out the woodwork. Shouldnt you be writing your blog or something?

>> No.16488342

The majority of the old testament is complete trash, and the few bright spots throughout the totality of the Bible are average at best.

>> No.16488344

>most popular book on the planet
>not for midwits

>> No.16488387
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except the average person hasnt read the bible. Most christians today dont even read the bible, let alone non-christians.

so you've read it? lol. even if that were true, its impact on western literature makes it a must read. Its like studying ancient greece and not reading the iliad


>> No.16488394

All that's meant to be will eventually be a memory of a time

>> No.16488441

Bible study is widespread across most churches, what are you on about?

>> No.16488464
File: 37 KB, 924x499, 1561465290464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not reading it. some pastor recites something and gives an interpretation. Read it back to back. Its the ultimate high/low IQ book because everyone treats it like a piece of literature to be studied rather than reading it for your own sake.

Hold still let me defecate in your filthy mouth mutt, i heard it helps with the seething.

>> No.16488471


>> No.16488481

>The average person hasn't read the bible
>well, yeah, of course they read it in church but they don't read it by themselves
??? are you retarded anon?

>> No.16488506
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Feel any better anon? Still cant tell the difference between reading it cover to cover and some bloke hearing the pastor quote a passage?

>> No.16488516
File: 13 KB, 222x227, forklift 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most interesting conversations ive ever had have been at bars with drunk blue collar dudes. when they're not talking about pussy or sports they love to bounce around ideas about God, history, philosophy, science, and all sorts of shit. they can't name all the famous philosophers and what schools of thought they belonged too like a university student could, but they have a unique perspective that is unfiltered and unmarred by metropolitan ideology. i wish my back wasn't fucked up so I could do manual labor for a living; I'd certainly hate my coworkers less.

>> No.16488620

took an iq test lads I'm a confirmed midwit any midwit kino?

>> No.16488854
File: 1.80 MB, 311x228, f89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are super cool because if you dissent with anybody's opinion you're automatically a midwit

>> No.16488873

Thats something a midwit would say

>> No.16488905

wow, tell us more genius

>> No.16488926

I've been found out!

>> No.16488999

found out? I was being sincere

>> No.16489019

new testament is kino nigger

>> No.16489039

Good answer, this is what people dont get when they are called a psued or mid-wit. They get called this because they place dichotomies in their head and arent willing to challenge themselves mentally or be humbled when they follow something incorrect so that everyone can benefit from discussion and reach deeper conclusions. Normies cant contribute too much but their basic interest and open mindset(usually) makes them refreshing to talk to

>> No.16489061


>> No.16489071

Midwits are more atheistic but geniuses are more theistic... cope

>> No.16489081

Midwit and genius by your definition not IQ like the other anon stated

>> No.16489083

Midwit IQ- 110-125
Genius IQ- 140+

>> No.16489317
File: 51 KB, 568x562, 1515307052456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Midwit IQ- 110-125
I have been baited

>> No.16489516

Ok I'll read it I was going to watch the movie soon anyway

>> No.16489538

no you have not. that is midwit. its the middle class uni student range, not capable of genuine intellectual creativity. if you think that range is not midwit you are midwit

>> No.16489548

How do I not be a midwit please the test it

>> No.16489573

read tragic sense of life

>> No.16489680

never mind I think I'd rather stay a midwit

>> No.16490566

Geniuses are definitely less theistic. They are almost always atheistic or deistic

>> No.16490583


>> No.16490610

>the most interesting conversations ive ever had have been at bars with drunk blue collar dudes. when they're not talking about pussy or sports they love to bounce around ideas about God, history, philosophy, science, and all sorts of shit.
Where do you live? I wish this was true where I am. All the working class people I’ve met don’t have any interests in conversation beyond sports, women, drugs, friends etc. If you try to spark an intelligent conversation they’ll get visibly uncomfortable and make it clear they’re not interested. Maybe it’s a generational thing, I’m probably younger than you.

>> No.16490792

ok midwit

>> No.16490988

>you need to be religious to read or enjoy the bible
Secular and purely literary appreciation of the bible is the high iq curve. The Bible is perhaps the most influential book ever created, carries the light of the bronze age through millennia - and alongside the surviving corpus of greek and roman literature forms the deepest and oldest things in western civilisation.

>> No.16491288

everything that has to do with esotericism or mysticism. Midwits operate on stereotypes and when they hear the words esoteric and mystical they relate them to other occasions where they have heard these words: their mom's yoga courses, thus it automatically has to be dumb and false. This is also the reason why midwits fall for sophistry: just mention words that sound deep and it will make them feel deep: reality doesn't exist, we live in a simulation run by aliens on Mars.

>> No.16491295

Where did you get the image? Did you make it yourself? I made a very similar graph about job enjoyment a little while ago.

>> No.16491298

i searched iq memes 4chan on google and found a tv thread

>> No.16491334
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 4D420991-FF39-4148-9824-940BE7358CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just above midwit range

>> No.16491390

Go back.

>I argue that scientists should be atheists, because that is the only way anyone would ever be desperate enough to pursue science...

>> No.16491425

This is known to me as the 'torture zone' of intellect. I am content just to enjoy common things more deeply than normal people can reach, and less burdened by the notion of lowering myself to such an undignified intellectual status- the constant thorn in the side of 'tasteful' midwits...

Yet that which I can recognize as truly tasteful is still just beyond my threshold of access. In order not to act a pseud, I try not to harbor any pretense that I actually enjoy and seek out and regularly read those tasteful and intelligent works. Only a few and far between, when I have some itch to scratch or something to prove to myself- (I guess!)

>> No.16491451

Maybe just be more honest anon. Only take an interest when you have an interest. Or, be less pretentious! Take an interest in those things, learn why they are so important...
Just be yourself

>> No.16491734

Being less religious =/= non-belief in God. The world's greatest thinks always argue for the existence of a divine Creator, because it is the logical conclusion