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16485811 No.16485811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine worshipping a failed ideology

>> No.16485821

All ideologies are failed (except for Islam) because they originate from this dunya or shaytaan

>> No.16485833

>tried multiple times
>every time it ends up in genocide, totalitarianism or capitalism
Yeah sure buddy

>> No.16485835
File: 1.68 MB, 821x1173, 03d4ca819e27279abd78f4ab4f41312c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alhamdulillah I'm a Muslim and Islam is the future, no matter how hard kuffar cope.

>> No.16485836

>commie pepe
it just doesn't feel right

>> No.16485840

Based and wahypilled

>> No.16485846

i'm unironically a bit of a commie, but this is cringe, op.

>> No.16485847

Muslims are like 50% inbred, their population is fucked

>> No.16485848

cuck thread. trump thoporters are nazis!!1!1

>> No.16485859

stop samefagging

>> No.16485862

Is everyone a lumpen to tankies? They are aware immies are largely lumpens and often interbreed lmao

>> No.16485865

>Ends up in capitalism
This is a better outcome than the ``capitalism" we went straight into in the west.

>> No.16485879

Man commie mental gymnastics is really something else huh

>> No.16485888

Do you even know where Pepe Came from?

>> No.16485893

t. Sperm donor baby

How can you both avoid a homosexual relationship with your father and not impregnate your sister.

>> No.16485896

America, thats why it doesnt feel right.

>> No.16485899

Some guy that nobody knows or cares about and who's character was irrelevant until 4chan started posting him?

>> No.16485910

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.16485916


>> No.16485919

What does it mean for an ideology to fail?

>> No.16485930

This isn't about your lesbian parents, dude. Keep fun facts about yourself to yourself.

>> No.16485932
File: 81 KB, 515x955, 1A9AA447-B59C-45B1-857D-E8FD409F63DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image that broke pol

>> No.16485943

Jews and Muslims are inbred, I take you reject their religion?

>> No.16485945

i only use /lit/. can't imagine what pol looks like now. the tranny raid will be over soon.

>> No.16485951

Why not first build an economy not based on oil?

>> No.16485957

Wasnt the guy this image is based on a democrate voter?

>> No.16485974

That's a cool image, saving it because the Mujahedeen were heroic, it's an awful shame what the Pakistani intelligence services did to radicalize the next generation because of the war.

>> No.16485981

stop forcing this shitty meme, it's not happening

>> No.16485989

Afghanistan has no oil (that we know of)

>> No.16485996

>Afghanistan has no oil (that we know of)
Yes, a state build around the production of heavy opiats is certainly an improvement.

>> No.16486007


>> No.16486015

>implying that becoming a moderate will do you any good
Yeah great, you’ll achieve jackshit and your opponent will still call you a communist

>> No.16486029

If you don't pick a side, the other side will pick it for you

>> No.16486050

>20th century political communism isn't a failed ideology.
I guess Cuba has impressive literacy rates, so you can pat yourself on the back for that one.

>> No.16486064

I'm not entirely sure how wanting something better is worship but please do go on. Or how Americans have no idea what the terms they constantly parrot means. Having less expensive healthcare is not communism. Welfare is not communism. It's such a blatant apathy or ignorance of what things actually are in order to turn them into a bogeyman or a slogan that can be chanted to the other mongoloids that will take up the chant and hee and haw.

>> No.16486079


>> No.16486091

Unfathomably based

>> No.16486113

indescribably based

>> No.16486121

bunkerchan dot xyz

raiding 4chan

report their spam, direct them to /pol/

>> No.16486124

Cuba's literacy achievements are overrated. Even fascist Portugal's literacy campaign was better and raised it from a lower level.

>> No.16486138

Based and redpilled

>> No.16486148

>i'm unironically a bit of a commie
aka i like free shit
socialism is when you get free stuff right? typical burger thinking

>> No.16486153

Can you explain what you like about communism or what communism means to you?

>> No.16486162

>socialism's never been tried
>therefore we should never try to implement it on the world scale because its main tenets are currently unverifiable and could result in catastrophe

>> No.16486167

>Having less expensive healthcare is not communism. Welfare is not communism. It's such a blatant apathy or ignorance of what things actually are in order to turn them into a bogeyman or a slogan that can be chanted to the other mongoloids that will take up the chant and hee and haw.
I agree. The problem is that the people trying to implement them are communists or have communist sympathies. The problem with American politics is that we're trained to think of politics as lists of proposals rather than attempts to Fundamentally change than manner which societies as a whole are organized. The same exact policy can be proposed by two different people and completely different in the ends it is trying to achieve depending on which long-term agenda they're attached to.