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16482189 No.16482189 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16482200

With actual occult literature. Start with Manly P Hall and Dion Fortune.

>> No.16482203

You read holy platon and realize its watered down mystifying garbage.

>> No.16482208

Avoid this new age garbage.


Jacques Lacarriere - The Gnostics
Hans Jonas - The Gnostic Religion
Kurt Rudolph - Gnosis
Couliano - Tree of Gnosis
Filoramo - A History of Gnosticism

as dense and scholarly as they are speculative and poetic. all patrician, high-level introductions to gnostic thought.

>> No.16482214

This also. Most people interested in the stuff get bogged down in mystifying shit. if you are going to get into it get into it proper.

>> No.16482215
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>Hall and Fortune
>New Age

lol ok

>> No.16482222

Gnosticism is the most satanic-in-nature doctrine ever conceived by men. Study it, but don't get attached.

>> No.16482232

quads of the demiurge

relative to Jonas, Rudolph, Couliano? absolutely. this gross stew of hermeticism, gnosticism, watered-down neoplatonic metaphysics and hand-me-down thelema is absolutely poisoning the discourse, no one has any hope of arriving at a individuated grasp of these ideas anymore without getting hoovered down the pseud kybalionfag vortex

>> No.16482239

Gnosticism is almost exactly the same as Buddhism, only with a more semetic/western mythos to explain it's metaphysics

>> No.16482244
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>discourse wankery over practice and results
wouldn't expect less from a Gnosticfag

>> No.16482308

thanks, saving this

>> No.16482314

You are a faggot

>> No.16482338

you better don't desu, it's a meme for pseud midwits, for NPCs that think they're special. but feel free to see for yourself

>> No.16482358
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>it's a meme for pseud NPC midwits bro
>tfw Bloom self-identified as a gnostic

kek fucking destroyed

>> No.16482374

Is there a more clear red flag for midwits than liking sHACKespeare?

>> No.16482377

>oh no my peers and people I don't like who I have an inferior complex to are into gnosticism
>t-they're the real NPC's
Just admit that you want to one up people

>> No.16482380

yeah, not liking him

>> No.16482443
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this for the high yield academic texts

or you can cut right to the chase and grab the source.

>the Nag Hammadi Codex
for the best box of source material
>Ireneaus's Against Heresies
for an ideologically opposed look into it
>the Pistis Sophia
mutlisect, pagan syncretic work
>Cathar texts
gnostics of the middle age.
Book of Two Principles and The Book of the Secret Supper/Interrogation of John.

more modern ones include
>Carl Jung's Red Book
specifically Seven Sermons of the Dead
>the Exegesis of Phillip K. Dick

i'm not as familiar with the Zoroastrian, Mandaen, Manichean, or other small sects' literature, but i'm sure some other occultanons are.

>> No.16482452

I also specifically recommend Jung's 7 Sermons of the Dead. He makes no attempt to psychologize his gnosticism there.

Primary texts are best read after "high yield academic texts", but to each their own.

>> No.16482453

look within, not outward

>> No.16482463
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yes i agree, i meant no disrespect by it.

>> No.16482466
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me neither.

>> No.16482481
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i think i might have a few more images of book collages/collections pertaining to gnosticism

>> No.16482497

Yes, those are solid. I also recommend David Lindsay's Voyage to Arcturus for gnostic fiction. And PKD's work, goes without saying.

>> No.16482501

>>Cathar texts
>gnostics of the middle age.
>Book of Two Principles and The Book of the Secret Supper/Interrogation of John.
I've heard weird things about the Cathar movement being a myth and/or anachronism of later regional pride. What's the historical veracity of these texts?

>> No.16482512
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they are legit. they just were very niche. basically all the gnostics went north of the alps after the RCC consolidated and the byzantines turned them around. they made a nice east-to-west trail of heresy and the cathari were just one large group of gnostics from that lineage.

>> No.16482519

as someone whose basically read, more or less, every work recommended in this thread, what advanced, obscure shit on gnosticism would you recommend?

have a gnostic graphic novel: http://www.gnosis.org/littleworldmade/Finch-Little-World-sm.pdf

>> No.16482536

I had a good time reading that one. Anyone wonder what the beginning is supposed to be exactly? I always thought the other people Sophia is living with are the Aeons(?)

>> No.16482549

They must be Aeons, yeah. It's a great little book.

>> No.16482557
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books of Jeu
sibylline oracles
chaldean oracles
the cloud of unknowing
mirror of simple souls
christ the eternal tao
meditations on the tarot
the works of Meister Eckhart and Jakob Bohme
Dionysius (and Pseudo-Dionysius) the Areopagite
Clementine Homilies and Recognitions

>> No.16482564
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ive read or read parts of all of these. alas, my search continues

>> No.16482567
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you prolly also wanna go back over the bible again too, inclusive of things like Enoch and Odes and Psalms of Solomon, maybe even a harmonized Gospel for that part too.
the basic hermetic works and stuff like Elaine Pagels are things you've likely already gone over tho

>> No.16482582

Yeah I've exhausted gnostic material on the internet. It's a shame.

>> No.16482620
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i'm terribly sorry

>> No.16482668

>discourse wankery
Like the various Christological disputes that Nicene Christian clerics engaged in?

>> No.16482684

Yup, and where did it get them? Not any closer to Christ that's for sure.

>> No.16482699
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is The Gnostics and their remains by Charles William King any good?

>> No.16482827

>inferior complex
lmao keep projecting

>> No.16483135

If it's less than 100 years old, it hasn't yet stood the test of time that make these type of books legit. The longer the book has managed to survive, the more legit it is.

>> No.16483788
