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16481612 No.16481612 [Reply] [Original]

Which translation of Mein Kampf should I buy?

>> No.16481616

we have this thread literally every day for 10 years
use the fucking archive

>> No.16481663
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We really don't. Meanwhile I've been seeing 'White Fragility' threads almost every day for months.

Pic related, the new Ford translation.

>> No.16481980
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No, we dont

>> No.16483358
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Seconding this
>Ford Translation
I've heard that it has (((meddling))) in it, are you sure? Personally I am learning German just to read this more accurately in the native tongue.

>> No.16483393

if you have to read it translated you are already doomed

>> No.16483396
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>> No.16483458

Ford translation is a scam. Ford has no academic credentials and pays people for positive reviews. Avoid.

>> No.16483852

Don't get any of them with a commentary. They are so stupid. For example, in the first or second chapter, Hitler writes "I excelled in history" and goes on about his german history. The commentary at the bottom simply says, "He didn't". This is one of many examples. The Jews really are unashamedly trying to misinform the populace.

Anyway, find a 1940s translation.