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File: 78 KB, 620x800, Portrait_of_David_Ricardo_by_Thomas_Phillips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16481282 No.16481282 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who sincerely complains about "capitalism" is a socially unhygienic retard. Someone had to say it so it might as well be me, David Ricardo.

>> No.16481312

I don’t complain i just endure the struggles of capitalism, does that count

>> No.16481332

There is no such thing as "capitalism." only a perpetual effort by all living beings to acquire scarce resources.

>> No.16481345

wow nice take too bad literally everyone disagrees with you lol

>> No.16481379

>virtually everyone is retarded
thanks but I already knew that.

>> No.16481454
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>t. socially unhygienic capitalist

Typical Jew

>> No.16481540

> he tries to universalize capitalism as a inherent and natural phenomenon

No other species would destroy their ecosystem and even jeopardize their own future survival for the sake of mindlessly producing useless trinkets.

>> No.16481547

No other species has had any thoughts on the environment whatsoever

>> No.16481549

It depends what is meant by capitalism. I heard someone on NPR define it as "using money to make money" and that pissed me off.

>> No.16481876


What is an invasive species?

>> No.16481917

Thats not a strong argument at all. Other creatures dont create dynamic complex systems like humans. and to be frank, I dont think a cow or any other animal BESIDES humans care about the long term impacts of what they do. If you could somehow inform a hummingbird that it will get a fuckton of food for a month if it presses a button that will destroy its ecosystem with a fucking nuke in 40 years. I dont think it would fucking hesistate.

>> No.16481933

and thank god for it

>invasive plants catabolize their prey to make funko pops

if my grandmother had balls, she'd be my grandfather

>> No.16481946

>if my grandmother had balls, she'd be my grandfather
Whats your point? You are the one who said no other species would destroy their ecosystem, and I am saying that every other species would for short term gain, your the one who tried to somehow make it out like Humanity was the exception on that issue.

>> No.16481957
File: 33 KB, 714x243, 6BCC3C28-1DDC-4213-8B76-30A9DF1198CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mercantilism never existed, it was capitalism bro!
>feudalism was actually just capitalism!
>communism will never happen, it’s actually a form of capitalism
The absolute state of /pol/ posters shitting up /lit/

>> No.16482071

Chinese people make Funko Pops and the mainlanders seem pretty invasive,

>> No.16482275

Imagine being too stupid to understand spontaneous order.

A sensible poster, rare in the nu-/lit/ dark ages.

"capitalism" is a bogeyman, most morons use it to mean a regime that vests property rights and sort of understands the laffer curve.

None of these things are real, in the sense that none of them can oppress you. Other people can oppress you by outcompeting you for scarce resources.

>> No.16483092

Lmao be gone Marxist scum. This is a thread for adults!

>> No.16483993

And i hope that you are aware that you belong with them.

>> No.16483998

Imagine being a bootlicker for someone who dominates and hates you. Such is the life of the anti-Marxist. Sad!

>> No.16484252

by definition a marxist in a marx bootlicker, what is your point? you cant be a boatlicker simply by rejecting something, only by evracing something regardless.

why do people who use the termbootlicker always turn out to be the most apt to be described as such?

>> No.16484266

Based Richie saying it as it is

>> No.16484276

ffs David, look at the mess you've made!

>> No.16484298

imagine that, a loser doesn't like competition

>> No.16484304

>Other people can oppress you by outcompeting you for scarce resources.
It'd be just as accurate to say that you can oppress yourself.

>> No.16484317

As a life long owner of means of production and proud member of the bourgeoisie, I don't hate poor people or workers. I don't even hate lazy people or the homeless. Hell, I'm even cool with (most of the) people who game the social safety net system. So stop it. Stop antagonizing this shit. Anyone with a brain knows the real human struggle has nothing to do with class and everything to do with cultural (and therefor, metaphysical) identity/hierarchy.

>> No.16484332
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>majority rite

>> No.16484333
File: 34 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. aging manchild educated by the internet

Ah, cute... you're mistaking getting old for becoming wise.

>> No.16484452

Thinks benefiting from his dad's middling business (in corporate terms) and having his own car during high school makes him an elite entirely 'in on' and in some privledged command/comprehension of global markets, free from any ideological conditioning that might cause him to blindly promote a tension which keeps him clinging to a soon-squandered hereditary accumulation of capital.

Quit acting like a political realist cynical bigshot who 'gets it'. This is why 'Bourgeoisie' have a terrible reputation among the wealthy, poor, and intellegista alike. And I say this as...

>> No.16484644

>having his own car during high school makes him an elite entirely 'in on' and in some privileged command/comprehension of global markets, free from any ideological conditioning
Except no one like me feels that way (obviously some do but they have no perspective). I've met people who could buy and sell my entire existence. This isn't really about how I feel. It's about how you feel about (people like) me. In financial terms, I "have money" (compared to the median household). However, I wasn't brought up to engage in conspicuous consumption or things like that. I was raised religious and taught it's a virtue to donate money, help those around me, live well below my means, not to waste, et al. I was also raised to remember that no matter how well I do or lucky I am I still won't have shit on the grand scheme of things. My issue is that I'll end up a casualty in a theoretical class war regardless of my individual actions and regardless of how far short I fall when compared to a Bezos, Saud, etc. That's morally wrong. That's downright evil, anon. You said it yourself, I'm not a member of the elite. So why punish me as if I am? Why take valuable property from me only to give a nominal (barely even measurable) increase to the quality of life to another? I'm not even a capitalist, but I wholeheartedly reject socialism. There has to be a third way. There must necessarily be. If there isn't, we're all fucked in one way or another anyway.

>> No.16484675

Imperial china was right to prosecute and excommunicate the Merchants so they wouldnt develop into the European rich burgers and bourgeoise.

>> No.16485252

If you can't scrape together a living in what is essentially a free and non-violent marketplace, you are more than likely human filth and giving you wealth transfers should be the last thing on our minds.

It wouldn't have mattered if the various crowns, strapped for cash, hadn't sold offices and titles of nobility.

>> No.16485377

/pol/ is filled with national socialists, tard

>> No.16485394


>> No.16485438

Is inequality increasing these years? The pie might be getting bigger, but are the proportions it is shared out in getting more uneven?

>> No.16485490

how's your freshman year of college treating you, little tyke? You do realize that the economy isn't a zero sum game, and that if you're seeing either wage increases or cpi decreases that outpace inflation you're making net economic gains, right?

>> No.16485506


Was my question not clear? I tried to include the idea of the economy not being a zero sum game by talking about proportions and relative gains.

>> No.16485585

the way you phrased your post (like a libtard) made me think you were under the delusion that the economy was growing meanwhile the average person was getting poorer