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File: 158 KB, 960x713, Orbiters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16480295 No.16480295 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that biological determinism is real and that physically unattractive people are doomed to live a miserable existence?

>> No.16480305

Never because im an ugly 4/10 manlet latino and I got with a 7.5/10 white woman

>> No.16480319
File: 5 KB, 263x191, 99D297A9-4E98-45A2-AF91-6540F5C64156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all stacies and melvins around Chad
>not accounting for Beckys and brads
Did you get your social cosmology from the dark ages?

>> No.16480324

never because I'm an ugly 3/10 sandnigger and 8/10 blondes and redheads have turned to dating other sandniggers just because of me

>> No.16480344

and honestly, where is Tyrone in all of this? We discovered dark matter ages ago.

>> No.16480918

Look at it like this
What art is fractals across reality
Art essentially is pattern and arrangement
What the patterns are madenof are not as important as the patterns themselves
This is what power and influence and attraction are
Its never what you have
Its what you do with it

>> No.16480932

Why is the chad in this pic not a chad?

>> No.16480937
File: 72 KB, 456x600, external content-duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are what you are, be proud of it. And don't be limited in guilt or shame by such things as outward appearance.

>> No.16480948

>t. 3/10 goblino who managed to nail 4/10 slightly white mystery meat

>> No.16480955

but I'm hot and miserable

>> No.16480967

This would be doable, were one not also lazy and dim.

>> No.16480988

>biological determinism is real
>physically unattractive people are doomed to live a miserable existence?
Only unattractive people who have high standards are doomed to misery. As a result of long-term societal usefulness of unattractives, well-adapted unattractives are comfortable pairing off. Plenty of ugly-as-shit people I know are married with big families, and as happy as anyone else to look at them. Me, I'm handsome and fucking miserable because I want to be a god.

>> No.16481002

Then be not lazy! Satan.

Do some work, dimness can be corrected with much good-will, work and toil. Even Socrates said, the most hopeless and least able of cases are capable to do and see the most extraordinary things, when contrasted with what the normal eye would see them as in their prior existence, lacking teaching and guidance.

>> No.16481017

The dude in the middle is just a "chad" because he lifts though. He could easily be just another Melvin