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16479751 No.16479751 [Reply] [Original]

I am a turk but live in germany. I feel very disconnected from turkey and wanna learn more about my roots and and the history of turks.

Where should i start?

>> No.16479767 [DELETED] 

Worry about assimilating, first, Mehmet.

>> No.16479784

Uhm, try /his/. Also, Turkey does have a national epic. I don't remember what it's called.

>> No.16479787

Uhhhh the Armenian Genocide. Reconcile your Turk guilt and privelege first.

>> No.16479788

But anon, i am. I am to actually well adjusted so that i lost my culture. I know nothing about my past and am pretty much seen as "german".

>> No.16479790

>moves to country where he doesn’t belong and fucks over people living there
You’re already familiar with almost all of Turkish history

>> No.16479791

Read greek books, those are your ancestors.

The original turks looked pretty much like Mongols and it was mongol and turkic tribes that harassed China, Eastern Europe and Persia for a long time.
The Seljuk Turks invaded and conquered Persia and later invaded Anatolia.
The few soldiers that invaded Anatolia, who had already had several centuries to mix with the locals in Persia and Mesopotamia, are the entirety of the turkic genetic stock brought to anatolia.
The rest of the genes comes from the locals that already lived there, mainly Greek, Anatolian tribes and Armenians.

In no way shape or form does Turkish turkic identify make any kind of sense.

>> No.16479792

The armenian what?

>> No.16479798
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>> No.16479805

The thing that made turks the majority along the Greek populated coastlines and thar made kurds the majority in the east were Armenians and Assyrians were the majority beforehand.
Now there barely exist any Armenians anymore.

>> No.16479806

Are you planning on moving back to Turkey? That's the only way to reconnect with your roots.

>> No.16479807
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good luck have fun

>> No.16479816

In case you weren't being a memeing /pol/tard. It's a pretty big part of Turkish history. Kind of like the Israel Palestine Franco German conflicts.

>> No.16479854
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Can the jannies and fucking mods do their jobs and 404 these raid threads already.
This one is somewhat subtle but still belongs on /his/

For fucks sake you shit ass mods, do something

>> No.16479868


>> No.16479883

In Turkey

>> No.16479892

I hope turkey accidently shoots down an Iranian fighter whilst helping Azerbaijan, then you will have no country to even think about returning to.

Anyway you should go ahead and do a DNA test, just make sure you keep a loaded gun next to you when you look at the ancestry results.

>> No.16479915

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.16479951
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a shotgun to the brain PONTUS NEVER FORGET

>> No.16479959

All turks are literal hurensohn since no Turk is majority turkic.
They are literal rape babies and sons of whores. This is not an exaggeration, think about it logically.
This is not true for any other people, truly they are unique in this way.

>> No.16480189
File: 95 KB, 559x374, Go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back.

>> No.16480197


>> No.16481277

Turkish people are descended from the ancient inhabitants of Anatolia who adopted Islam and a Central Asian language from their conquerors. They don't really have a lot more in common genetically with East Asian people than people from the Russian Caucasus or Northern Iraq do.

>> No.16481288
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>> No.16481300

Learn German instead, become a part of the nation of poets and thinkers.

>> No.16481306

>Where should i start?
by going back and staying there instead of ruining other countries with your disgusting culture and peoples

>> No.16481309


>> No.16481325

I'm a quarter Indian but of Mughal ancestry. I feel like an ethnic imposter everywhere.

>> No.16481363

Start with moving out

>> No.16481382

Fuck off to Turkey then finally and take as many of your roach friends and family with you.
You are only being used by the germans for their profits anyways.

>> No.16481392

Lol is this what German TV is? Literally "I was arguing with an old racist WHITE MAN, and I told him accepting an adult male refugee into his home didn't make up for him being kind of an asshole, and everyone clapped!"

>> No.16481399

he says as the Germans destroyed Rome

>> No.16481411

>the Germans destroyed Rome
and that was a good thing

>> No.16481442

yeah sure okay

>> No.16481482

go back

>> No.16481512

fuck u askin us for
you take us for a turkish board?

>> No.16481581

Watch Ertugrul

>> No.16481688

It's true. Rome was decadent, weak, and decaying. It was time to die.

>> No.16481720

Turks are kinda neat. take a trip to istanbul sometime.

>> No.16482160

I recommend moving back to Turkey

>> No.16482197

>The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600, Halil Inalcik
>The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650: The Structure of Power , Colin Imber
>A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire, M. Sukru Hanioglu
>Living in the Ottoman Realm: Empire and Identity, 13th to 20th Centuries, Christine Isom-Verhaaren, Kent F. Schull
>Preparation for a Revolution: The Young Turks, 1902-1908 , M. Sukru Hanioglu

>> No.16482236
File: 201 KB, 660x1000, Grey_Wolf_İngilizce_Baskıların_Kapakları.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selam kanka.

Intro to the (Republican era) Turkish psyché (fiction)
- The Time Regulation Institute by A.H. Tanpınar (somewhat reactionary)
- The Disconnected by O. Atay (identity crisis of the new middle class)
- My Name is Red by. O. Pamuk (the eternal struggle within: East vs West)

Then move onto this
S. Huntington - The Clash of Civilizations (especially the part about the 'torn countries') - this will give you how the West perceives it.

Then you can read Orientalism by E. Said and how Easterners see it.

This is all about the Republican era, though.

>> No.16482260

And who caused it? Filthy germans and barbarians who weren't loyal

>> No.16482266

aria aber's poetry might interest you.

>> No.16482391

>And who caused it?
Retarded and corrupt aristocracy, centuries of constant warfare, bloated imperial system, Hunnic invasions causing a refugee crisis, etc. etc.

Sorry this is /lit/, we generally appreciate nuanced opinions here. If you want reductive shit flinging go back to >>>/his/

>> No.16482396

You should probably start in Turkey.

>> No.16482738
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Watch it.

>> No.16483214

Why are you even in Germany? Not because you love the country or the people, but because you or your parents wanted to make easy money. You'll only find your roots where they come from, in Turkey.

>> No.16483288

How long turkish trout pregnancy lasts?