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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 940 KB, 874x685, Screenshot_2020-09-30 Panpan on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16478066 No.16478066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is what happens when you read Mishima.

>> No.16478081

Dude is malnourished and retards think being skinny and doing a few pushups and crunches makes him ottermode

>> No.16478092

I remember when pewdiepie was the most hated eceleb on 4chan but now you fags take every opportunity to suck him off, what happened?

>> No.16478096

He fell out of favor for normies. 4chan counterculture now loves him. Well likes him anyways.

>> No.16478101

He got cancelled for shitting on jews and saying the word nigger.

>> No.16478107

This place has been around for more than 15 years and yet the age average remains around 20.

>> No.16478128

Remember when he pretended he was going to donate to ADL, later apologized and retracted the donation and got his whole fanbase redpilled? Good times.

>> No.16478133

>hot wife
>nice place
basically all of lit wishes we were him there's nothing more to it

>> No.16478146

whats the difference in the photos? all he did is take his shirt off. he's not muscular whatsoever. also he's Swedish so his wife probably gets fucked by sandniggers on a nightly basis.

>> No.16478151

he said nigger on the bridge

>> No.16478159
File: 32 KB, 258x544, 1601309603151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these seething fatties and poorfags . Stay bitter, dorks

>> No.16478162

They live in the UK so it's pakis now

>> No.16478180


>implying you wouldn't

>> No.16478191

There is no way the right side is malnourished or underweight.
Having a BMI of 20 or so is perfectly healthy. Maybe Americans think you're underweight unless your BMI is 29 or more.

>> No.16478254
File: 8 KB, 225x225, gayniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also what happens when you read Mishima. I got ripped but also became gay. It's an ok tradeoff I guess.

>> No.16478256

It's called having good swedish genes. He was always skinny so all he needed to do was up his calories and protein + lift and in no time he looks great. Determinism always wins

>> No.16478289 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 645x770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember when he pretended he was going to donate to ADL, later apologized and retracted the donation and got his whole fanbase redpilled? Good times.

>> No.16478293

Mostly because he switched content from screechy videogame shit for kids to showcasing current memeshit.
Turns out the latter persona is far more likeable.

>> No.16478303

He's just screeching memes for kids now though

>> No.16478305


>> No.16478318 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16478329
File: 134 KB, 485x458, 8DEB8E6D-0E5F-4191-9351-992D9FA6A3B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell out of favor for normies
>107M subscribers

>> No.16478330

We have a leftypol tranner

>> No.16478339 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 490x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have a leftypol tranner

>> No.16478341
File: 22 KB, 657x527, f3qiqxwbjl631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Now he has to start fucking men too.

>> No.16478351

your mclovin/wojak mashup merely shows how culturally bankrupt the tranny-left is.

>> No.16478352

how many of those faces do you have tranny?

>> No.16478356

His wife is a trap

>> No.16478362 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 645x822, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your mclovin/wojak mashup merely shows how culturally bankrupt the tranny-left is.

>> No.16478369 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 515x955, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many of those faces do you have tranny?

>> No.16478372
File: 481 KB, 1300x1300, look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em all, faggot

>> No.16478375

back to leftypol, subhuman

>> No.16478377

ledditors still love him though

>> No.16478378

All bots.

>> No.16478380
File: 88 KB, 1083x1146, 1599908005835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lefty-/pol/ shit is everywhere. Are those faggots raiding the site again?

>> No.16478381

he said nigger on stream, even with his content being dogshit, ye can't hate em

>> No.16478387 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 840x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16478388

I love you

>> No.16478396


>> No.16478405 [DELETED] 
File: 732 KB, 711x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16478406

>says nigger live on stream
I've never watched him but that makes him based in my book

>> No.16478411

That's an excellent physique, you just conflate aesthetics with having a big massive torso.

>> No.16478421 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 1206x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>says nigger live on stream
>I've never watched him but that makes him based in my book

>> No.16478427

you got it bro

>> No.16478465

cozy living rentfree in some soiiboiis headerino

>> No.16478548

someone PLEASE tell this dude to add neck curls to his routine
it's starting to look goofy

>> No.16478558
File: 233 KB, 753x753, 1590118740019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame he cucked to BLM after that doe

>> No.16478565


>> No.16478618

nah pass, too much pressure, he has to produce and be in character all the time. fame is highly overrated, the money would be nice though.

>> No.16478620

he changed. his earlier youtube videos were annoying but he stopped that shit. he admitted he was kind of playing up the whole thing.
normies still love him

>> No.16478646

you stand by a window with your shirt off?

>> No.16478678

Light is gut for photo

>> No.16478822

>>hot wife

>> No.16478845


>> No.16478848
File: 111 KB, 1136x956, 9243C5F0-6457-4C7F-8C70-FA85134416EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread derailer

>> No.16478866
File: 55 KB, 577x608, 1601406727156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder lol

>> No.16478878

>basically all of lit wishes we were
>not an author
If and when he writes and "publishes" a book he would've achieve what /lit/ only dreams about. I never cared much for his videos, they're clearly not for my demographic, but I do hear he likes reading classics so I do hope he doesn't go the easy route of "Eceleb autobiography" and instead uses what will be a best seller, on his fame alone, to push a higher standard of literature on the children that will read his book. Think about, pewdiepie writes(hopefully well) some classics inspired novel, his fans read it, some of them may come to be more interested in literature—I think that'd be a nice outcome.

>> No.16478901
File: 58 KB, 480x600, 1599954796394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16478944

He complains about the fame and money all the time.

>> No.16478963

no this is what happens when you read him

>> No.16478975

this thread is cancer

>> No.16478992
File: 940 KB, 730x750, Will you shut up, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the meanest meme I've ever seen.

>> No.16479029
File: 32 KB, 660x371, Pewdiepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16479041

It's not wrong but
>post body

>> No.16479057

is this just calestnics or some hsit ? l4wmge;lt

>> No.16479092

this doesn't have any bite. when you make bait, you have to upset the people you're targeting, this is just low effort.

>> No.16479106

He doesn't, he's a redditor

>> No.16479110

not funny didnt laugh

>> No.16479128 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 645x770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this doesn't have any bite. when you make bait, you have to upset the people you're targeting, this is just low effort.

>not funny didnt laugh

>> No.16479137


>> No.16479139

He literally does, you're a newfag because you don't know. /lit/ used to talk about it often, and pewds would make /lit/ references in his book videos like "START WITH THE GREEKS". The confirmed boards he has browsed at least at one time are /v/, /pol/, /fit/, /lit/ and /mu/.

Just look at one example out of thousands:

>> No.16479151

>don't trust the media
>except when you should

>> No.16479157

>he really thinks his sacred memes aren't stolen by redditors

>> No.16479161

We get it, you love spamming this picture everywhere.

>> No.16479166

That's correct, because Pewds followed Sam Hyde on twitter and used to explicitly do and say things requested on /pol/. Back in 17.

>> No.16479167

does /lit/ discuss books ...like ever?

>> No.16479176
File: 456 KB, 1024x537, pewds_and_vaush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do occasionally. Just not on threads like these.

>> No.16479185

That's not malnourished you dumb shit

>> No.16479190

Sam Hyde is reddit and he only went to /pol/ for attention

>> No.16479206

Fuck leftypol

>> No.16479205

That's a pretty weak meme ngl, doesn't really sting for me at all

>> No.16479214

t. newfag trying to surmise his prehistory

>> No.16479220
File: 15 KB, 236x336, 1ddd34e633e5e4c78097c70595253594--japanese-culture-role-models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really fucking excited about this thread

Then I realized it was 98% Pewdiepie and 2% Mishima

>> No.16479224

Mishima was a simp

>> No.16479226

The old pewds/mishima threads were on-topic.

>> No.16479229
File: 106 KB, 899x600, Instant-City-Livre-Yukio-Mishima-004-900x600px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


simp's about to fuck your butt lol

>> No.16479242

>Insecure skinny faggot losers bending over and spreading their cheeks wide open in defense of some skinny loser with a mediocre body because when you are that skinny, a few crunches and pushups makes faggots at >>/fa/ jazz

>> No.16479315

Technically this counts as avatarfagging. Just saying.

>> No.16479329


>> No.16479346

>he doesn’t think being homosexual is peak male lifestyle

>> No.16479361

I read this in pewdiepie's voice

>> No.16479385

they can't have any 'bite', their opinions are informed by the political equivalent of a woman scolding kindergarten children

>> No.16479521

Not true.

>> No.16479675 [DELETED] 


Mishima teaches you the basic photography?

>> No.16479817

But it does lmao.

>> No.16479886

thanks immunity dog

>> No.16479902

It used to, then /pol/niggers and /leftypol/trannies decided to turn half the catalogue into another shitflinging contest.

>> No.16479930

I used to be really into Mishima but him being a fag always dampened it for me. Knowing that he's gay I'm able to see all the homoeroticism hidden in his novels and that kinda sucks desu.

>> No.16479934

of course, there are way more people here because of pewdiepie than because of mishima. no-one cares about gay books, they want based gameplays from based youtubers.

>> No.16479946
File: 23 KB, 600x600, lqbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.16479962


>> No.16479995

Was also expecting some Mishima posts but it's all Pewdiepie. Anyway, I only read Sailor from him so far, should I read Confessions of a Mask or Golden Pavilion next?

>> No.16480032

good. the more people that get into fitness the better.
this is true. but to normies, this is seen as "fit"

>> No.16480034

By "here" I was revering to this tread.
I wasn't trying to bait, but it's the sad truth. There probably are more people invested in Pewdiepie than in Mishima on this Board.

>> No.16480039

Pavilion to get into the mind of a self destructive schizo incel. Confessions is the gayest book I've ever read. Honestly it's overrated skip it and read the tetralogy.

>> No.16480040

I'm pretty sure he did write a book.

>> No.16480043

That Wall Street jew came after him so he went full fash.

>> No.16480071

Sorry for you misreading you then. It's a shame that this board now will just rather fight over some half-rate celebrity who gave this site some shitty winks, rather than an actually interesting author. I've only just started looking into Mishima, and OP actually excited me.

fuck this board

>> No.16480073


>> No.16480086

Oh you're right. And they're awful; "Inspirational sayings"?

>> No.16480128

How long does it take to get a physique like that?

>> No.16480136

Ehh even he admitted it wasn't good. At least he has a book out better then not having one in my opinion.

>> No.16480152

Starve yourself for a few weeks, then do pushups and crunches every day for two weeks

>> No.16480165

Depends what you start out looking like. If skinny like 3-6 months. If fat you might have some muscle already so 3 months to lose weight and maintain your muscle. Might vary depending on routine and diet.

>> No.16480177


>> No.16480185

Not in this context. He probably regrets it know after become bookpilled—wishing that his debut as an author wasn't just some cheap cashgrab/whim.

>> No.16480236

Oh oui, le morceau de saucisse, il me rentre dans la bouche, dans le lard, et j'aime ça, j'aime le morceau, oui oui ! C'est une extase sans nom, un petit jardin de plaisir tel que les hommes ne peuvent que trop rarement le concevoir.

>> No.16480237

aren't crunches and pushups just a meme though? what about lifting weights? if i do that for 3 months with a clean diet, what will happen?

>> No.16480239

Hmm I disagree, just like his youtube it evolved and became better by his own admission. If he regretted his older videos then he probably would have deleted them by now but they are still up. Same with his book it was a product of that period of his life. No one's going to start with a masterpiece so no point in trying just get it out and work on the next project improving on your mistakes.

>> No.16480240

Pewfags clearly doesn't lift weight. Does minimal cardio with crunches. Pushups are a great workout though

>> No.16480243

crunches are kind of a meme, pushups are a top tier exercise provided you do them correctly.

>> No.16480276

These excersizes are pretty good, though if you want to really define yourself, as you build up the muscle mass, I'd highly recommend some cardio, e.g. erging and running. The latter will really help with your core, provided you push yourself, and the former can be a pretty comfortable, yet potent workout, especially if you bring your split down.

>> No.16480277

Push ups are god for your shoulders. Crunches probably aren't that good would recommend planks or maybe weighted crunches. You can lift weights but are not required for that body. As long as you're consistent and keep adding weight or reps or both you'll see some good results.

>> No.16480287

/lit/ died for good when girardfag left

>> No.16480348

I think it was a satire of inspirational saying books

>> No.16480354

There are degrees, anon. He probably didn't give something as middling as a gag book that much rumination. If a dishonest attempt at dipping your toe into authorship isn't to be regretted, then he hasn't evolved as a person. There's noting to be learned from writing what is essentially a long form tweet. He has interests in literature, more so than the average, it's sad to admit, so he no doubt has some interest in being an author himself: In sense he disgraces himself for smearing something so shameful to be his debut. It's not the same as making a click baity minecraft video, because as far as I've gathered that still is his style; but even if he suddenly becomes someone known for high quality videos about serious shit, it doesn't matter, those shitty videos were of that some ilk in the skills acquired and hones, and the honesty of the attempt—even if the culmination of those effort are manifested in the quantity produced rather than quality.

>> No.16480362
File: 23 KB, 310x475, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewdiepie's wife wrote a book, is it /lit/?

>> No.16480372

leg raises are the best calisthenics for core, especially hanging leg raises.

>> No.16480494

Seconded, for crew, we had to a ton of these for core. Also, consider leg circles and holding your legs about a dozen centimeters off the ground. If you don't have a yoga mat, place your hands under your ass, but if you do, fold them over your chest or hold them out in the air.

>> No.16480497

There’s worse ways to go

>> No.16480514

shes a wop so she is a nigger already

>> No.16480607

I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think he see it as that big of a deal. Because he is still able to laugh at some parts of his book. There's no use in living with regret, especially about something that most people don't even know about him. There are people who started with some meme shit then took it seriously(joji and Joe rogan). No use in taking yourself or your work so serious because it's not.

>> No.16480621

he's retarded, I don't want to be him

>> No.16480641

leg raises are based. dragon fly is the next step once you can crank out a few leg raises.

>> No.16480663

Intermittently, board quality seems to vary during the week and month where sometimes threads like this will get deleted immediately along with political bullshit threads to make room for actual literature and acceptable philosophical discussion, other times this e-celeb garbage stays up for hours and archives. I think different jannies take shifts and who it is affects how much they actually care about preserving board quality. /lit/ used to be like this far less often but it went hugely downhill since lockdown began and tourists influxed
>inb4 newfags tell me I’m lying
It wasn’t good before lockdown but during the 6 month summer of wuflu/lit/ traffic doubled and thread quality reduced further; though it’s not as consistently bad now as it was in May-July, which was unbearable.

>> No.16480679

I mean he looks good. Low body fat and that but he isn't ripped. If thats his goal then good for him

>> No.16480696

I hope he livestreams his failure to instigate rebellion, and after that his suicide.

>> No.16480859

>hot wife
she's a plank with a weird mouth and an absolutely insufferable voice.

>> No.16480977


>> No.16480990

She's cute

>> No.16481001

cute yes, but i would not say hot.

>> No.16481102
File: 3.23 MB, 1536x6912, Catholic Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempus fugit.

Sic transit gloria mundi.

Remember man that you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.

>> No.16481132

>early christianity was basically Catholicism
Well, yes? What is it trying to say?

>> No.16481159
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x4065, Catholic Resurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, yes? What is it trying to say?

Remember your last end.

There are no pockets in a shroud.

>> No.16481173

post body and gf/wife

>> No.16481180
File: 631 KB, 769x1024, 7872AC72-5BFA-4FED-A51B-5CF72538809E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16481186

fuck you

>> No.16481201


>> No.16481223

Of course

>> No.16481235
File: 142 KB, 933x933, logoutforever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16481252

>hot wife
hol up

>> No.16481289
File: 34 KB, 875x411, marzia sexy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being able to google your wife and find this

>> No.16481352

Does he still do the silly rääändom voice xD thing? Remember he is like 30 years old...

>> No.16481353

Damn it blobby

>> No.16481358

I stopped using this board for the better half of the year to focus on my degrees and personal life, and when I came back, this is pretty much the conclusion I came to. Plus, the aforementioned inconsistency in jannies can make it really jarring, it can swing from tranny- to /pol/nigger- dominated to somewhat quality all within the course of a week.

>> No.16481437
File: 629 KB, 600x600, EhWew-bWoAAUFWl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup pretty much
if only he werent agnostic he'd be the ideal form form of man for /lit/fags to aspire to

>> No.16481670


>> No.16481683


>> No.16481689

De he actually get embarrassed and deleted his post? lol.

>> No.16481845

Shifted to Japan. Its samurais now

>> No.16481848

I thought that got delayed due to corona

>> No.16481856

>Good swedish genes

>> No.16481869

he was probably banned and all his posts were deleted. There was a little raid earlier today

>> No.16481907


>> No.16481909

She puts on the voice you retard, that's her youtube voice. Look


>> No.16481926

Damn exposed

>> No.16482211


>> No.16482219

He is based and makes SJWs seethe.

>> No.16482235

You will never be as rich as him, cope more

>> No.16482241
File: 588 KB, 678x665, 1596819409172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you read Mishima
Where should I start?

>> No.16482268

You get shitty tattoos?

>> No.16482579


>> No.16482596

Gay faggot

>> No.16482606

fk off

>> No.16482612

you take your shirt off?

>> No.16482617


>> No.16482618


>> No.16482622

how come when I do this I get instab& but you fags get away with it

>> No.16482852

>it's already gone to cat ear research

>> No.16482862


>> No.16482926

Screams 48 Laws of Power to me

>> No.16483702


>> No.16483725

>that infograph

are you saying, anon, that proto-orthodox church fathers held orthodox and chalcedonian beliefs? SHOCKING. I do notice however that you left out Arius, Theodotus, Nestorius, etc etc

>> No.16483728


>> No.16483768


>> No.16483791

>proto orthodox
no such thing they are orthodox
>you left out heretics
yea no shit, they are not church fathers

>> No.16483816

based dogmatic retard. Using those second century approved church fathers like a boss.

>> No.16483949


>> No.16483958


Also to all that read this
Reply To This Post Or Ill Die Painlessly At Work Tomorrow.

>> No.16483962

A fine lad.

>> No.16483978


>> No.16483987

yodelay heho

>> No.16483996
File: 46 KB, 288x400, 70Apostles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to the 70 then they wont say anything different

>> No.16484022

Sailor. Then read Confessions of a Mask, Sun and Steel and the Sea of Fertility. Then watch the Paul Schrader movie. Done.

>> No.16484050

>he puts on the voice you retard
>getting butthurt over some mediocre woman married to some mediocre youtuber
kill yourself. this an 18+ board

>> No.16484090


>> No.16484166

This. He's dyel at best.

>> No.16484226

I watched Mishima: a life in four chapters the Paul S film first and from that I read confessions first. It’s super gay but it’s easily the most brutally honest book I’ve ever read and it’s incredible in that kinda boldness...there’s this scene towards the end where he tries to fuck this prostitute that is absolutely devastating I loved it. I’m reading temple of the golden pavilion now tho and it’s good so far, gonna read sailor next.

>> No.16484253

what's the point of having a physique that's only sustainable through mass consumption of industrialized "food"?

One week in the wild and you'd melt like butter lmao. Fuck outta here domesticated asset, nothing screams urbanite like big swollen corn syrup arms.

>> No.16484358

No way. Start with Confessions move on to Forbidden Colors and then temple/sailor/sound of waves

>> No.16484365
File: 959 KB, 1329x1429, 1579215299393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any man that can say the N-word with a hard R is my friend, pal.

>> No.16484973



>> No.16485450


>> No.16485477

Yes to everything except the hot wife. He could've done MUCH better, let's be honest.

>> No.16485540

Sorry, I forgot to mention, femanon here

>> No.16485581

>chose to settle down cute modest loyal wife who chose him when he had no status over banging tons of hot gold digging skanks
He successfully dodged one of the most dangerous traps of wealth and success, this should be praised

>> No.16485598

what's the point of all his other assets, then? being hot, being rich all for what? so you could get some girl even a normie could get?

>> No.16485613

Not malnourished at all. Most people are fat and don't realize how far they are. They see the slight outline of an ab under florescent overhead lighting and thing they are at 13% when in fact they need to drop 20+lbs to stop being fat. A good hint is that if you start making excuses for why you can't easily do pull ups with weight added for decent reps, because you're big, it's because you're fat or weak.

Not an impressive physique except that most people are unhealthily fat.

>> No.16485633

Primarily security and luxury to follow one's own path without worry of financial hardship. Are you unable to imagine any meaning in life by making other troglodytes jealous of how shiny your possessions are?

>> No.16485634

2016 electionsfags flooded the entire site and /pol/ began sucking in an endless number of newfags. As you can see from the responses, they're morons and saying a slur is enough to make you "based and redpilled." That's literally the level most of the site is at.

/lit/ will eventually end up like /v/ and people will be dismissing booms because they have female main characters or blacks in the story...

>> No.16485650

>dismissing books because they have female main characters or blacks in the story
They already do this and have for years, even before the election

>> No.16485693

>Beloved? Written by a black woman, LMAO, dropped.
>Spinoza? No he's a dirty Jew, not worth reading.
>Heidegger was a Nazi. Based! Time to farm some quotes and have no understanding of what he wrote.
>Orwell? He fought for Antifa. Fucking beta cuck simp!
>Maimonedes? Sounds like Jewish pilpul trash. Aquinas, now that's a totally original son of Europa who would never put up with Jewish degeneracy!

>> No.16485708

You're right.
>Anna Karenina? Haha, I don't read chick books cuck.

>> No.16485717

Spinoza is a household name here already, tranny. Many Jews are good writers, in fact. But everything that blacks from the US write is worthless, yes.

>> No.16485751

pewds produced an informative, sincere (animated/slideshow) video about aristotelian ethics, which went out to his 100m subscribers, many of whom are young. he has used his platform to promote literature. he’s based beyond belief, because he’s already so successful and wealthy he can do whatever he wants. he has mettle, and has turned to the patrician life, while still actually working. i can very well see him retiring, investing his millions cautiously, and, accumulating wealth, start or contribute to some serious initiatives, or be a patron of the arts

>> No.16485761


>> No.16486040

Malnourished for American standards

>> No.16486043


>> No.16486048

>implying he believes what he preaches

It’s just PR to make normies know that he mistakenly said nigger (which he did)

>> No.16486051

why didn't he continue with the book reviews?

>> No.16486053

>isn't Catholic

Yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.16486065

Did you guys know that thanks to him certain Mishima books are back in print and others are being translated?

>> No.16486070

>being catholic
just be thankful he isn't a tranny kek

>> No.16486073

tell me more, what books are back in print and which are being translated

>> No.16486092


>> No.16486250


>> No.16487066

The Catholics aren't ethnonat enough (well not counting their nigger idolatry) for our rightwingers, although I bet pewdiepie wouldn't like them because he still holds the indoctrinated belief that fags are just normal people like everyone else.

>> No.16487070

The belief that they're not is also indoctrinated

>> No.16487649

>hmm I want to stick my dick and tongue into fecal zones of boys groomed from their teens and act as a walking disease and parasite vector
>no this is natural and you'd have to be indoctrinated to think otherwise

>> No.16487675

do you think that gay stuff only started happening in the 20th century?
straight people also have some fucked up sexual desires. There's also plenty of gay guys that are disgusted by anything other than "vanilla gay sex"

>> No.16487686

also aids is a cia invention
straight people obsess about deflowering women that have been groomed since they were a child.
straight people wiped out countless thousands with syphilis

>> No.16487713

I use to like him when he was just starting out and Marzia was fucking hot. I stopped watching him because I just knew he was going to start spouting some liberal shit and I wasn't wrong ie. the capitulation to blm.

>> No.16487716

>it's old therefore it's natural (ignore all the laws about killing people who did it and how the only place that ever gets cited was about pederasts)
>there exists other deviant sexual abnormalities that are almost as bad therefore mine is okay

>> No.16487744

>There's also plenty of gay guys that are disgusted by anything other than "vanilla gay sex"
I do not believe you

>> No.16487745

deus ex Mishima

>> No.16487758

All human thought and beliefs are indoctrination

>> No.16487770


>> No.16487776

Brainlet who can't into definitions of words.

>> No.16487890

He has a video where he shows his setup, which is just a bench and adjustable dumbbells.

>> No.16487995


>> No.16488063


>> No.16488747

take your meds you homo

>> No.16488826
File: 2.84 MB, 960x540, bully.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wasn't mishima a homosexual transvestite?

>> No.16488860

Stop slurping his cock you faggot and stop making highly speculative, retarded claims

>> No.16488900

Aren't we all?

>> No.16489235


>> No.16489248

I cant picture a better person to be king of YT than him. Were lucky it's not some Disney emoting tiktok zoom zoom faggot

>> No.16489253


>> No.16489299

I’m gonna be honest. I saw this picture two days ago and went out and bought kettlebells. It’s not much, but goddamn. Thanks Pewds. I can’t let some scrawny oldfag from /v/ be THAT much better than me.

>> No.16489316

Cope. Any larger than that is undesirable and unattractive to women.

>> No.16489346

Anyone have Mishima recommendations? Titles to start out with

>> No.16489382

He's not malnourished you stooge. He's just an average sized guy that is doing cardio, dunno why the internet is acting like he's Brad Pitt in fight club mode.

>> No.16489409


>> No.16489421

At least so far pewdz has channeled the better parts of Mishima without the autism unless the guy is planning to attempt a coup in Stockholm sometime.

>> No.16489426

Fuck you

>> No.16489575

>remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie

>> No.16489583

More like
>this is what happens when you're aging and need to retain your viewerbase of nerdy young gay boys

>> No.16489588


>> No.16489616
File: 72 KB, 631x711, niggers tongue my anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely need more porn

>> No.16489651


>> No.16489976


>> No.16490012


>> No.16490279

That movie is so fucking good. Genuinely top 5 of all time

>> No.16490960


>> No.16491002

Fuck you

>> No.16491002,1 [INTERNAL] 
