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16477658 No.16477658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that can help me see the LGBT for the digusting degenerates they truly are?

The recent lack of intense disgust in me towards them caused by intense media propaganda is already a corruption within itself.

So what books can reignite my righteous and natural hate towards them?

>> No.16477670


>> No.16478231

Man, you guys really all suck, don't you? You all need books to tell you things. You already seem to believe that gay people are evil and disgusting, so why do you need a book? Is it to reinforce your already established beliefs? Why? Why not write a book about how disgusting they are, you know, form your own opinions? Instead of doing even the most basic of thinking, you feel the need to post on 4chan asking for a book that will already tell you something you already believe in. You guys all need to stop posts like these. You don't need a book to solidify every fucking opinion you have, you can just have an opinion.

>> No.16478242

>You don't need a book to solidify every fucking opinion you have, you can just have an opinion.
but I agree that having no opinion and looking for a book to specifically give you one is cringe

>> No.16478247

LGB are unironically harmless, I don't get the hate. T I can see as sometimes being strange (discord grooming, etc.) but most transpeople are fine.

>> No.16478262

In my experience G is particularly noncey. Never really been around T groups but I know some of the stigma. You're right though

>> No.16478265
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>I can't think of any reasons to hat LGBT folks, so give me some pseudoscientific right wing trash to conform to my views

>> No.16478270

This, though activists among them in the U.S. have a somewhat selfish tendency to highjack pushes for reform, which in turn undermines advocacy for more universal economic policy by antagonizing more conservative portions of the population.

>> No.16478278
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>Are there any books that can help me see the LGBT for the digusting degenerates they truly are?
>The recent lack of intense disgust in me towards them caused by intense media propaganda is already a corruption within itself.
>So what books can reignite my righteous and natural hate towards them?

>> No.16478281

He's not actually looking for a book this is just a /pol/bait thread.

>> No.16478307

In the same way, an oncologist grows numb to the sight of gruesome tumours, after years of practice, I have grown numb to the sight of degenerates.

But my disliking for them is rational.

My desire is to regain the irrational and emotional hatred.

>> No.16478312

There is nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality, unless one takes religion into account.

However, men court and women are courted. When two homosexual men engage with each other both are sexual hunters, eager to engage in sexual activity without the normal courtship routines.
This is the reason as to why the median homosexual man has thousands of sexual partners and that in turn is the reason why they, depending on the STI, account for a majority or a large part of all infections. I assume it is also the reason why extreme sexual fetishes.

Another reason as to why male homosexuality should be shunned is that the majority of pedophiles are also homosexual. If you meet a homosexual man the risk he's a pedophile is greatly increased by the fact he prefers men.

>> No.16478323
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>It's rational but I can't explain why

>> No.16478324
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I'm 6ft6 Polish guy with 20/20 eyesight.

Stop thinking that 4chan is banned in Europe.

>> No.16478335

No way OP isn't a self loathing closet case. Seen this way too many times

>> No.16478337

>the majority of pedophiles are also homosexual
Why is this the case? I think more straight men rape little girls but are mostly not pedos, but straight up pedos are often faggots. Why is this?

>> No.16478353

If you don't want to eat shit you secretly want to eat shit.

>The intelectual prouwess

>> No.16478363

T grooming isn't a thing at all. And when it does, it's caused by neurotic cis liberals

It's all so fucking tiring. Dealing with the billions of mouth breathing cisoids. Hylic degenerate barbarians the lot of them. SO FUCKING TIRING

>> No.16478373

Mouth breather

>> No.16478392

I'm a black person on 4chan. Say something nice about me.

>> No.16478400

Only when I swim ))))))))

>> No.16478407

>If you meet a homosexual man the risk he's a pedophile is greatly increased by the fact he prefers men.

If you meet lesbians the majority of them were raped or molested younger than 17.

>> No.16478412

Are you referring to "non-binaries" and those who lack dysphoria? I suppose you can be correct on that front, but to deny that true tranner groomers exist is incorrect. There's bad patches in every demographic. Whether or not you think it's worth having a caution label atop every trans individual for that patch is up to interpretation, but it IS a thing.

>> No.16478413

I don't know, but I do know many pedophiles were themselves raped as children, so maybe this is also how a significant amount of all homosexuals are created. This would explain the overlap, but it's purely speculation on my part

>> No.16478420

I would but regardless of race 4chan users are the filth of humanity so sorry.

>> No.16478437

So you truly believe in that fantasy of yours where Schizo.

>> No.16478476

>There's bad patches in every demographic

But these bad patches are hardly proportional

>> No.16478485

that's why i said..
>Whether or not you think it's worth having a caution label atop every trans individual for that patch is up to interpretation, but it IS a thing.

>> No.16478497

riled up, rent free.
It's just a word, anon.

>> No.16478498
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God says fags are an abomination in the Bible

>> No.16478516

Yes but the bible is a bit too soft on them I find.

>> No.16478537

Slavs are basically niggers

>> No.16478540


Interestingly science teaches us that transexuals have a higher rate of Narcissistic disorder.

And who could say otherwise about someone

>Who resulted to self-mutilation just so that he can satisfy a fetish
>Who want to push his corrupted interpretation of the world on to other.

This fact is that gender disphoria is on a DNA level associated to a great number of other mutagenic issues (autism and deafness among others).

All of which
>Impair proper development of the Brian
>Impair proper conceptualization of the self
>Impair proper differentiation between fetish and reality.

>> No.16478541

That's the old testament, leviticus to be specific.
No Christian needs to follow leviticus or you wouldn't be able to wear mixed fabric clothing.
'You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you.'

Jesus was against homosexuality and that is enough.

>> No.16478545
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Cis people are literally pajeet tier. I deal with both all the time and they are no different, just an infinite amount of horny mouth breathers. A never ending stream of just unthinking hylic flesh. Soulless and full of blood, shit and piss, repeating the same tired phrases until the end of time. An incessant tide of animal flesh

So fucking tiring to deal with. I have to take a shower after dealing talking to one

>> No.16478557

How is it just a fetish but also in the DNA? bruh moment

>> No.16478560
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You're not white if you disapprove what 99.99999% of whites throughout history have disapproved of.

Logic truly is a foreign concept to you, isn't it.

>> No.16478562

Literally only islam can do this

>> No.16478563

Aren't foot fetishes both a DNA wiring and considered a fetish?

>> No.16478566

Genocide poles lol faggot EU gibs niggers

>> No.16478572

Uh no? There’s no gene to justify your foot fetish bro, it’s learned

>> No.16478578

Pretty sure searching "foot fetish gene" brings up interesting results.

>> No.16478579

It's only a bruh moment in that you're too much of brain to understand it.

Fetishes can occur naturally in a weel constituted person.

>The developmentally impaired brain of the transexual is lacking the ability to regulate and manage the fetish because of anomalous DNA

>> No.16478586

There's a difference you fucking retard.

>> No.16478588

They are the future of the white race so no.

>> No.16478589

Stay in your shithole, welfare leech

>> No.16478594


Trying to connect genes to psychology is top tier brainlet and always has been. Read blanchard if you want to understand transsexualism since it’s obvious you’re talking out of your ass

if you hate trannies bc they’re gross cool but atleast don’t pretend to understand them

>> No.16478608
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>They are the future of the white race so no.

>> No.16478614
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stfu lol hitler was right about you

>> No.16478617




It is no wonder that narcissistic disorder has been the norm inside the LGBT cult

>> No.16478621

I didn't say I hated trannies. I just brought up a topic that might have been worth considering. Calm down.

>> No.16478622

Why don't you just be nice instead of going out of your way to hate ppl? :)

>> No.16478625

>Cis people are literally pajeet tier. I deal with both all the time and they are no different, just an infinite amount of horny mouth breathers. A never ending stream of just unthinking hylic flesh. Soulless and full of blood, shit and piss, repeating the same tired phrases until the end of time. An incessant tide of animal flesh

IE:I am special and comfortable rationalization, is preferable to uncomfortable rational understanding.

IE the individual manifests the desire to make his subjective and emotional reality the defacto reality.

IE the individuals wants to force the world to manifest respect towards his emotions.

Therefore we are confronted with a narcissistic fantasy in which the individual believes he deserves to be the one in control of the accepted reality.

Also, narcissistic disorders are overrepresented among transexuals which explains their fear of science.

>> No.16478626

LGBT is narcissistic but most normal people only casually hate fags and trannies, extreme fixation like OP probably means he’s a fag or tranny

>> No.16478637

What’s wrong with narcisissism, there’s no real reason to care for others it’s the next step in human psychology

>> No.16478638

>Trying to connect genes to psychology is top tier brainlet and always has been

IE comfortable rationalization is preferable to uncomfortable rational understanding.

IE the individual manifests the desire to make his subjective and emotional reality the defacto reality.

IE the individuals wants to force the world to manifest respect towards his emotions.

Therefore we are confronted with a narcissistic fantasy in which the individual believes he deserves to be the one in control of the accepted reality.

Also, narcissistic disorders are overrepresented among transexuals which explains their fear of science.

>> No.16478643

my bet is you are a closetted gay man, and your way of coping is hating yourself and hating everything that's gay. Seek therapy

>> No.16478650

I myself am a deeply closeted gay man

>> No.16478652

IE you’re a faggot

IE take your meds

IE go outside


>> No.16478656

>extreme fixation like OP probably means he’s a fag or tranny


>> No.16478659

Yes. And?

>> No.16478669

When narcissism goes as far as to deny reality then and force fantasy down the throat of others then it is pathological.

>> No.16478671


>> No.16478672

You're going to die alone and miserable
Very soon at your own bidding I hope

>> No.16478675


Tranny wanting to NATSOC when it will be among the first to be gased.

How pathetic.

>> No.16478683

not that anon but I agree with them
I have wealth in my life, love in my life, passions, and anything else you'd want from a good life. Seethe harder

>> No.16478685

Yet another iteration of the

"If you don't want to eat shit you secretly want to eat shit."

>The intelectual prouwess

>> No.16478694
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You will submit

>> No.16478699
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No, Poland will not.

>> No.16478707

Then nukes it is

>> No.16478722

Whose nukes?

>> No.16478738

Do you retards read articles or do you just never skip past headlines? The guy stole the flag from an LGBT center and burned it in front of it, his sentence was longer than it would've been because he had two felonies from beforehand.

>> No.16478739

>Are there any books that can agree with my previous beliefs
Your diary, desu

>> No.16478779

Burning a flag should never be punishable. He should only be punished for stealing a 10 dollar item, a misdemeanor.
You justification is laughable.

>> No.16478877


LGBT, arrogantly attempt to throwaway the dna they have inherited. LG, can't reproduce therefore the cause is in the exterior. Being LG is a mental illness because it prevents you from reproducing and glorifies the luxury of choice, because ultimately they want to feel sexual pleasure via their own conditions.

>> No.16478885

>LG, can't reproduce therefore the cause is in the exterior
This does not necessarily follow.
There are many reasons as to why homosexuality increasing genes might increase fitness or at least be neutral. The gay uncle theory is one way of explaining it.

>> No.16478889
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>sometimes being strange (discord grooming, etc.)

>> No.16478895

You will never pass.

>> No.16478898

The rational male by rollo tomassi, also his blog.

>> No.16478912

>Impair proper development of the Brian
who's he?

>> No.16478930

Pre christian greeks and italians were gay as fuck, and nordic men look identicle to women when they shave.
fags are agents of the devil, but you don't know what you're talking about
cope, off-white

>> No.16478936

It's not dna, it's the way the brain is structured. The part of the brain that registers feet sits right next to the part of tye brain that recognizes genitals

>> No.16478978

All the major pedophile activists were and are gay men

>> No.16478987

Ironically pedophilia is only wrong if it's also gay

>> No.16478998

>italians were gay as fuc

During pre-imperial Republican times, homosexuality was highly repressed, it only became mainstream in the last phases of the corrupted Roman empire.

>> No.16479005

As a psychologist who studied sexuality, fetishes, and the cultural and genetic (even comparing animal begavior to humans) ways they influence people, from fetishes to transgender, I can tlel you you're full of it.

Well, no, not about the DNA level, that much is true. Gender disphoria is genetic, but only about 40% to 50% of trans people suffer from it. For about 40% to 50% it's a weird mix of cultural things that can vary from person to person that causes them to be like that. Neither is necessarily GOOD, and gender disphoria isn't cured by gender reassignment surgery.
That being said, trans behavior, as in, taking the usually feminine rolls by biological males, appears often in the wild, amongst our closest relatives (genetically, dolphins and primates), as well as other species (has been observed in herds and packs of deer, foxes, large cats, and wolves), and is assumed to be due to an increae inmale population compared to the female population (though as of now it's only speculation).
However, if by trans you mean wearing a dress... the fuck do you care? It's a dress. As long as they're not showing their privates, who cares what they're comfortable wearing? Hell, if I could I wouldn't wear pants, but it's socially frowned upon. Honestly, those trans/LGBT people that do that during rallies really should reevaluate themselves. That's no way to make a point.

As for it being related to autism and deafness... where the hell did you get that from? I'm legit curious to see your sources here. Mind you, when I say sources, I mean souces. Plural. One backwater newspaper or something isn't proof.

You want degenerate that's also genetic? Attraction to animals is actually perfectly normal, as one CAN fall in love with an animal the same way they do with a human. The same chemicals (can) flow through your brain for your dog as they do for your SO. Most often these are with pets, and rarely with horses, VERY few times with animals ment to be slaughtered or in the wild. And we've (as in, I was a part of one of the research papers on this) have studied relationshipsbetween humans and animals, who are "in love", and have, as far as we can, seen that yes, the animal can also attracted to the human in the same way they are to other animals, and even sometimes reject others of their species in favor of the human.
Though MUCH more testing would have to be done to actively prove if this was trained behavior, or instinctual, and funding for that isn't coming any time soon, because, let's face it, this is not something you just unleash on the world.
That being said, don't fuck animals. Disease, not to mention animal abuse, chances to hurt yourself (and if you do, fuck you, you deserve it), are all highly probable.

>> No.16479028

>trans you mean wearing a dress
It's called transvestism (DSM) so stop larping as a psychologist.

>> No.16479065

I was talking about transgender, not transvestism. The fact that you missed that is... No, actually, I can take the blame for that, I should have been clearer. And not every person who wears a dress is a transvestite.

>> No.16479077

Homosexuals reproduce through pedophilia, you disgusting fucking groomer

>> No.16479102

is this why they have trannies reading to kindergartners?

>> No.16479125

>Natural = good

>> No.16480547
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Remember goyim, nobody is free unless you can masturbate inside other men's intestines.

>> No.16480686

This is an anti-lgbt bait thread, it shouldn't be here on this board. OP thinking he's getting away with it by the obligatorisch 'any books for?' but we know well what he is doing.

>> No.16480697

Evolution is a lie.

>> No.16481330

It’s one of the most damaging organizations of our society. Once the family unit is abolished, the state will swoop in amd claim our children in full.

>> No.16481342

Even logically homosexuality is degenerate. It’s practice kills reproduction. Just because we have developed tech in the last 100 years out of what 400,000 + of existence that can help us reproduce doesn’t justify the practice.

>> No.16481366

why is this weird john olivier meme being spammed?

>> No.16481415

Just read Aristotle and draw your own conclusions
Aristotelian-Thomism is probably the best philosophical and moral grounding that ethically invalidates homosexual acts and through hylemorphism invalidates transgenderism

>> No.16481421

>Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
>St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologiae Concise Translation

>> No.16481432

What about B

>> No.16481438
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Indulging and cultivating hatred in yourself is pointless. Pity those who harm themselves through misdirected thinking. Don't be like them.

>> No.16481495
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>> No.16481501


>> No.16481507
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>ellen degenerates face shopped on idi i smotri kid

>> No.16481520

citation : trust me bro?

>> No.16481964

wait. why ARENT there any books that display lgbts disgusting cultures?

there arent any treaties against modern lgbt? what about ancient ones?

>> No.16482130

And the Band Played On, by Randy Shilts
Gays caused AIDS because they would go to a bathhouse with a can of Crisco and let a dozen men fuck them in the ass. Most early cases had more than 1000 lifetime sexual partners, which straight researchers often didn't believe. Many of them refused to believe their extremely decadent sexual behavior had caused AIDS, and resisted all efforts to close bathhouses. They also resisted efforts to screen gay blood donors, and to this day they're trying to remove restrictions.

The real core of the gay movement were the fisting, shit eating, inhalant abusing freaks driven by a hatred for normal morality. I think they're having a second go at getting mainstream acceptance for their gross fetish stuff, like pup play.

>> No.16482149

Chuck Palahniuk, Hubert Selby.

>> No.16482154

They're all disgusting don't be fooled.

>> No.16482180

>As a psychologist

>> No.16482316

first best post

>> No.16482320
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whats a good childrens story to indoctrinate normal people with? I'm transitioning to a demon gender.

>> No.16482329

>natural law

>> No.16482332

Yes I am a pedophile, but over the years I've grown numb to the sight of toddlers, but my liking towards them is rational. My desire is to regain the irrational and emotional love

>> No.16482344


>> No.16482352
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>> No.16482354

Not a book, but probably should be considering the length:

>> No.16482383
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>> No.16482448

talk to a tranny
not one of the ones who seems normal and is probably fundamentally just a gay guy, one of the really weird perverted ones

>> No.16482484

The roman empire was gay and so were all the emperor's.

>> No.16482494

Straight up pedos are more often males, males are more likely to be coomers, male coomers are more able to be in positions of authority over young boys (coach, uncle, priest). Is it that pedos are faggots, or that pedos don't really care who they're diddling, but are more often able to conveniently diddle little boys?

>> No.16482495


>> No.16482503
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>> No.16482561

another thing worth mentioning is that whenever ancient Roman historians were writing about it they referred to it as a debased practice which was scolded by the average Roman

>> No.16482571

Everyone looks down on people who commit adultery these days. Doesn't prevent anyone from actually doing it.

>> No.16482586

Homosexuality was present since at least 200BC (appears in Plautus' plays of everyday life) and became more stigmatised toward the decline, not less.
>whenever ancient Roman historians were writing about it they referred to it as a debased practice which was scolded by the average Roman
cite 1 (one)

>> No.16482590

I film my wife getting spitroasted and then upload to pronhub, ez money lol

>> No.16482631
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>cite 1 (one)
Plato, Laws: '' we must not forget that this pleasure is held to have been granted by nature to male and female when conjoined for the work of procreation; the crime of male with male, or female with female, is an outrage on nature and a capital surrender to lust of pleasure. And you know it is our universal accusation against the Cretans''

>whats a good childrens story to indoctrinate normal people with? I'm transitioning to a demon gender.
What's a good story about demons (trannies) ?

>> No.16482651

That is a Greek text (which demonstrates nothing except Plato's personal attitudes - it seems to excise the fact that the accusation is that the myth of Ganymede originated in Crete). You said Roman historians.

>> No.16482667
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>you said roman
That wasn't me. And everyone knows the Romans borrowed most of their ideas from the Greeks and Plato > average roman pleb.

Stop chasing bugs and trying to get anal HIV, go read good books and wise thinkers. Start with the Greeks, then work your way up to the Church fathers and then the reformers. Reject globohomo.

>> No.16482676


>> No.16482701

I had no idea plato was a Roman historian

>> No.16482703

The absolute state of the internet

>> No.16482800
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based Plato

>> No.16482865

>suddenly /pol/ cares about the children
weren't you the same ones who said that you'd sacrifice all the kids to school shootings?

>> No.16482901


Dobar dan, slavenski prijatelju

>> No.16482903


>> No.16482924

read the Bible, start to finish.

/pol/ has always supported kids against things like abortion, faggot groomers, hollywood, trannies, moslem pedos, pedos in general, etc. It's not new.

>> No.16482969
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>> No.16483017
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>guns are guilty of murder
>lets disarm the peaceful people who willingly give them up
libtard logic

stop getting brainwashed by pornhub jews, read good books. Read CS Lewis.

>> No.16483039

The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis by Matthew Pageau

>> No.16483161

>the majority of pedophiles are also homosexual
A narrative pushed by people who try to distract from the fact that heterosexuality and pedophilia are practically synonymous.
>inb4 muh infograph
The idea that you shouldn't fuck a 12 year old is barely 50 years old and invented by feminists.
No wonder feminism has a shitty reputation.

>> No.16483169

>/pol/ has always supported kids against things like abortion, faggot groomers, hollywood, trannies, moslem pedos, pedos in general, etc
Come now. /pol/ is the biggest bunch of pedophiles on 4chan.

>> No.16483184

/pol/ used to be a commi shithole years ago

>> No.16483191

Also, referring to the Bible as argument against homosexuality is hilarious.
You want to pretend a bunch of Dead Sea savages who never groomed, wiped their asses with their hands, mutilated their sons and married off their 12 year old daughter to a 30 year old man in exchange for a goat have anything worthwhile to say about morality and ethics?

>> No.16483310

>You want to pretend a bunch of Dead Sea savages who never groomed, wiped their asses with their hands, mutilated their sons and married off their 12 year old daughter to a 30 year old man in exchange for a goat have anything worthwhile to say about morality and ethics?
Do you want to pretend they don't?

>> No.16483355

>what are some books about *insert /pol/ topic here*
>almost no book talk in the thread
Big surprise here.

>> No.16483360

Forcing yourself to spend 15 minutes a day on /lgbt/ for a little while should be enough.

>> No.16483371
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>> No.16483460

>read a pedo

>> No.16483467

Lack of aesthetics is close to being a terminal illness for the human race. LGBT is just one of the symptoms.

>> No.16483543

Faggots and miscreants are okay. The problem is politics and ideology grounded in sexual identity which is understandable in a sense but ultimately the most damaging kind of materialist conception

>> No.16483575
File: 328 KB, 1080x695, Arigato,_Misato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16483582

you're thinking Lewis Carrol, not CS lewis