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16477012 No.16477012 [Reply] [Original]

Smith was leftist: he hated corporations, landlords, and believed in self employment
Orwell: obviously leftist
DFW: hated capitalism, leftist
Dumas: hated racism as a black man, leftist
Tolstoy: anarchist, hates capitalism and hierarchies
Marx: duh
Darwin: was pro science, leftist
Wilde: duh
Camus: left anarchist
Nietzsche : thought fundamental to left wing social movements and critical theory, and the right resisted association with him
Rousseau : huge egalitarian, leftist
Goethe: called himself a liberal

>> No.16477033

>DFW: hated capitalism, leftist
What about the part in Infinite Jest that's about making fun of the way black people speak?

>> No.16477038

Darwin was also pro eugenics, and I don't need to say that being pro science doesn't mean you're automatically a leftist, your whole post is just dumb.

>> No.16477039

Those conservatives, Steven Pinker and JK Rowling...

>> No.16477041

David "votes for Reagan twice" Wallace

>> No.16477047

Trans women are women.

>> No.16477050 [DELETED] 

Yep, I can't imagine not wanting to move to a post-capitalist society. Capitalism has huge inherent flaws, Fascism is just plain authoritarian capitalism with a tendency to kill minority groups to misdirect the anger of lumpen proles. Socialism is the way, Marx his critique of capitalism is as relevant as ever.
People dismissing Marx are absolute pseuds.
Without leftist we still would have child labour, 7 day a week workweek, insane workhours, no benefits, no education, etc, etc.

>> No.16477070

Transport half of those "leftists" to today, and they'd be considered right wing.

Also, nice troll image.

>> No.16477079

>Darwin: was pro science, leftist
Actually no, it is readily apparent that his entire theory was comissioned by the EIC.

>> No.16477136

Not a left-right issue, in the economic sense.

>> No.16477146 [DELETED] 

Leftist of today: Slavoj Zizek, Noam Chomsky, Richard Wolff, Yanis Varoufakis, Chris Hedges, Cornell West, Angela Davis, Angela Nagle, David Harvey, etc.

Rightist of today: Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Thomas Sowell, Richard Spencer, Nick Fuentes, Dennis Prager, etc.

Kek, stay delusional. The right is filled with pseudo intellectual hacks.

>> No.16477156

>Without leftist we still would have child labour, 7 day a week workweek, insane workhours, no benefits, no education, etc, etc.
When you look at the state of culture in a society with those things, you have to wonder if it was all worth it.

>> No.16477162 [DELETED] 

Capitalism ruined our culture, another good reason to be anti-capitalist

>> No.16477164

The point was that Darwin's work is pseudo-scientific and is clearly manufactured to fit the values of British imperialists.

>> No.16477168 [DELETED] 

meant to quote >>16477070

>> No.16477170

>Cornell West, Angela Davis, Angela Nagle
Imagine being impressed by these people.>>16477162
The first century and a half of it was perhaps the strongest period of cultural creation in human history. It really only started to decline when those reforms were implemented.

>> No.16477175

>Nietzsche : thought fundamental to left wing social movements and critical theory, and the right resisted association with him

Lel, just no. Nietzsche is antidemocratic and elitist.

>> No.16477191

Smith was rightist: he gave grist to a hundred years of english whig colonial and domestic exploitation
Orwell: obviously rightist - a 'social fascist' who betrayed his left-wing peers to the tory establishment
DFW: voted reagan
Dumas: hated racism as a black man, leftist
Tolstoy: christian, exploited serfs both materially and sexually, homophobic and sex-negative
Marx: called people niggers, called jews greedy, hated liberalism
Darwin: eugenicist
Wilde: exploited arab boys for sex, aristocratic, egoist
Camus: bourgeois phony
Rousseau: totalitarian moralist
Goethe: called himself a liberal

>> No.16477536

>he doesn't know

>> No.16477860

>Marx: called people niggers, called jews greedy, hated liberalism
The problem with Marx critics like you it's that you never Read his works and if you didn't, you didn't understand anything

>> No.16477909

>child labour, 7 day a week workweek, insane workhours, no benefits, no education
Objectively a good thing if you people would have any historical understanding instead thinking with your feels.

>> No.16478904

>Wilde: exploited arab boys for sex, aristocratic, egoist

>> No.16479008

That has literally nothing to do with capitalism, retard.

>> No.16479026

you can be a leftist and hate niggers too

>> No.16479060

>Marx: called people niggers, called jews greedy, hated liberalism
hating liberalism is apparently incongruent with leftist ideology ?

>> No.16479069

Dumas was only 1/4 black

>> No.16479084

Wait he actually voted for R*egan? Jeez no point in finishing IJ I gues...

>> No.16479149

Quite funny considering he shits on democratic and socialist movements in BGE which is in your pic...

>> No.16479181
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>> No.16479275

Not the anon you're replying to but didn't Marx referred to Ferdinand Lassalle as a jew-nigger in one (afaik) of his letters to Engels?

>> No.16480275

what do i do if i hate novels. i read all of tolstoys non fiction work then got 1/3rd of the way through war and peace and quit

>> No.16480326

>the right resisted association with him
Hitler, Spengler, Evola, Mussolini, and Stalin weren't right?

>> No.16480383

It's because rightism is inherently animalistic, barbarous, noble and savage, all good things, and thus don't require reading or literature or all those nerd shit and just need instincts.

Leftism is based on nerd gay shit like reading 1000 pages of kapital and talking about hegelian dialectics. it's cringe and against human nature

>> No.16480414

Both are retarded in their own way. Centrists win by utilizing the nerdiness of the left to invent new technology which they can dominate the left with and kill the far right luddites with.

>> No.16480467

Nietzsche wasn't right wing but he shit all over socialists.

>> No.16480531

Yes well OP see what you're doing here is projecting your own biases onto historical figures. Don't you know that the Nazis were literally socialists, therefore leftists.

>> No.16481051

The Nazis invented their own definition of socialism and absolutely were not socialist in any meaningful sense. How do people still fall for this obvious lie?

>> No.16481065

They were Third Position

>> No.16481066

>left wing

>right wing

>> No.16481073

you can say that about every single socialist country. I agree that the nazis were obviously not socialist, but it's not like anyone ever was apart from memes such as the Paris commune.

>> No.16481075

Enlighten me Anon

>> No.16481080

Hitler was a Centrist
Spengler was center-right
Mussolini was a centrist
Stalin was far left (communist)

>> No.16481094

Stalin was left on economics but extremely socially conservative. He threw degenerate and gays into camps

>> No.16481137

Have a look up at religion in the Soviet Union. I'd contend, although I may be wrong in which case I'll be needing new terminologies, that social conservatism would require the protection of freedom of religion within context.

>> No.16481152

>protection of freedom of religion
This was an early dissenter issue, obviously this was before 'right wing' was a thing, but it was the position of the anti-monarchical group surrounding Cromwell.

>> No.16481185

It's always contextual, pretty much because each, broadly speaking, group when in ascendancy has its own criteria for what is a religion and what can be allowed as a religion. It's still an issue everywhere to varying degrees of import.

>> No.16481190

I'd say that allowing opposition to the state religion is generally a leftwing sort of position, it undermines the central authority.

>> No.16481270

The Nazis stand apart because they didn’t even share a theoretical understanding of socialism with other socialists, preceding or since. You can say Marxist countries failed to be socialist in practice, but at least they had a broad consensus of what socialism means, ie. “worker ownership of the means of production”. You can’t say the same about Nazism, it didn’t even aspire to achieve socialism

>> No.16481709

>Darwin: was pro science, leftist
holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.16481983

Centrist just means being a bit of both depending on when it suits you, saying the right resisted Nietzsche is disingenuous at best.

>> No.16482005

wtf im a marxist now

>> No.16482284

>DFW: hated capitalism, leftist
>Criticizes the hyperconsoomerism = automatically makes you a commie.


>> No.16483373

Marx and Engels joked about "niggers" all the time, that doesn't make them not-left-wing.

>> No.16483587

I joke about niggers all the time and I'm left wing

>> No.16483626

being left-winged back then is basically centrist or right-winged today, unless they're extremists like marx.
>pro science = leftist
this only counts for the moderate left. not the extreme, where they believe in more genders, women are just as strong as men and that sort of shit.

i'm not biased. my own political opinions have taken great inspiration in marxism. but dividing politics into left and right is retarded. especially referring to the left 300 years ago to the one today as ONE movement.

>> No.16484062

>Marx: called people niggers, called jews greedy, hated liberalism
Marx didn't hate liberalism. He hated Capitalism and exchange value.
Also, this whole post don't get it, because most of these authors, whether they are "left" or "right", still validate political economy, thus Capitalism. Truly radical people are not pro or against a particular political economy, but against political economy itself. Meaning, for those who still don't get it: abolishing exchange value, money, private property of the means of production, and the State. You cannot pretend to be a rebel to the control system, if you want to keep those.

>> No.16484331

Rousseau was not left-wing at all

>> No.16484376

Yeah, left-wing as currently understood maybe but again it depends. There's opposition as in mortal conflict and then there's critique, and there's also antithetical positioning. There's a lot more to this than can be done simply here, factors like secularism play into it. Most importantly there's become a language problem because the terms being used such as left-wing and liberal, and conservative and right-wing are all being mis-attributed and altered. It's becoming increasingly difficult to discuss these things with anyone who has the new meanings only.

>> No.16484432

Shit I like? Yeah those are /myguys/, Cringe shit I don't like, yeah buddy that's /yourguys/