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File: 8 KB, 265x190, Kantbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16475675 No.16475675 [Reply] [Original]

Any book recommendations on landlordism? Being a landlord is pretty based. Other people make me money and help me pay of my mortgages.

>> No.16475689


>> No.16475718

I was going to give you recommendations but then i saw you were a repugnant twitter immigrant e-celeb worshiping wretch so instead you can go get fucked.

>> No.16475734 [DELETED] 
File: 802 KB, 1201x626, pisstake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you are incorrect.
Pic related

>> No.16475762


>> No.16475777

hmm mao wrote something I think

>> No.16475780


>> No.16475786

That is not necessarily true

>> No.16475873

Hey man just buy your own place then lol

>> No.16475874


>> No.16475911

Ironic. Kant was very poor after his father died and struggled immensely. This fat fuck claims to be an adherent of his beliefs yet is subject to gluttony and avarice. Kant would never tolerate rentcucking, both the renter and the rentee are worse off because of it. Renting violates the categorical imperative.

>> No.16476114

Who is that fattie on the pic

>> No.16476122


>> No.16476131

It's Kantnotbefatbot

>> No.16476409

I have no idea who the guy in the picture is, but the fact that YOU know he is a twitter e-celeb means you are just as repugnant and low-down as OP.

>> No.16476486


>> No.16476527

David Ricardo

>> No.16476730


>> No.16476772

a dumb memer

>> No.16476922
File: 43 KB, 798x799, 13226764_479038538959305_382116488597879827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes leftists seethe I'm fine with it

>> No.16476932

have money, buy land, develop it, rent it out

>> No.16477000

Quite the opposite

>> No.16477027

Come on, man. Don’t post malarkey

>> No.16477032

Oh no

>> No.16477076

I know. Not like OP has any interest in books or will read them anyway though.

>> No.16477083

fuck you man

>> No.16477093

>Any book recommendations on landlordism?
It was considered a form of usury until very recently

>> No.16477107


>> No.16477120

Even /biz/ aren't jewish enough to like landlords

>> No.16477129

>Other people make me money and help me pay of my mortgages
Parasites like you raped the world economy once

>> No.16477140

Fuck landlords

>> No.16477142

he dates dasha from red scare

>> No.16477147

many buttblasted rentlets itt

>> No.16477161

>Be me
>Husband dies after getting run over by drunk driver
>Struggle to pay the bills
>Rent out a spare bedroom to a college student

Am..am I evil?

>> No.16477177

i like kantbot

>> No.16477242


>> No.16477249


>> No.16477352

God i don't know which country are you from, Op, but I pray with all my heart that in mine someday there will be laws that reduce the rights of tenants. I'm fucking tired of their behiaviour and law is always by their side, fuck them

>> No.16477433

Why hasn’t anyone actually given a book rec.
Try “Progress and Poverty” I suppose

>> No.16477443


>> No.16477467


>> No.16477487
File: 177 KB, 498x465, IMG_20200913_231215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16477581


>> No.16477600


>> No.16478045

didn't she suck 37 dicks?

>> No.16478051

lol this is so funny

>> No.16478095

imagine the fucking smell

>> No.16478119

>when you successfully exterminate all swallows

>> No.16478134

In what language is Tile pronounced as Thule? Was he just mispronouncing it?

>> No.16478168

she's a woman in nyc

>> No.16478220

"tile?" you're retarded?

>> No.16478240

Why are you so mean? I don't even understand what you're accusing me of.

>> No.16478249


>> No.16478382


>> No.16479366

not taking any chances

>> No.16479523

in a row?

>> No.16479527


>> No.16479593

I'm cursing you to stub your toe going to the bathroom tonight fag

>> No.16479681

Fuck you

>> No.16479838


>> No.16479842


>> No.16479988


>> No.16480085

Surely dying in your sleep is the best way to go though? Better than a heart attack or dementia or cancer. So long as you're old enough that's not really much of a curse. It would be worse if it was "Do X or X ends up in a Saw trap" or something.

>> No.16480102
File: 61 KB, 900x900, 1576559910952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

landlordism more like landwhaleism LOL NIGGA U FAT!!!

>> No.16480148
File: 48 KB, 466x610, 1596178628431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16480160

fuck you nigger

>> No.16480234


>> No.16480312


>> No.16480334

La bite, la grosse bite du port, putain, je ne pouvais pas m’empêcher à penser à cette grosse masse rigide et droite, ce gros calibre comme dirait les jeunes...une putain de bite quoi.

>> No.16480775

fuck off

>> No.16481388

kantbot and logo kinda went off the wagon

>> No.16481405

That sounds like an absolutely repugnant and disgusting viewpoint and anyone who upholds it should be beheaded and removed for the unambiguous betterment of humanity.

>> No.16481425

KEK imagine trying to refute this

>> No.16481429


>> No.16481430

I have never replied to such post and my mother has yet do die in her sleep. And if she would, that would be a good and peaceful way to go, far better than other ways than her sweet soul could depart this earth.

>> No.16481447

Every time one of these posts appears I'm baffled by how many people reply to it. Just inbuilt superstition I guess

>> No.16482053

>claims to be an adherent of his beliefs
not true

>> No.16482263
File: 508 KB, 2048x1536, 1601412795950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16482271


>> No.16482278

You have an insufferable smug voice. Stop posting vocaroos.

>> No.16482292

Because I just got here, digititis faggot. Nicholas Nickleby.

>> No.16483285
File: 416 KB, 726x812, 1586453667626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad rentoids, I collected 27,520 dollars today.

>> No.16483401


>> No.16483417

Why would he say that?