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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.90 MB, 1348x4846, The Imaginative Conservative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16473648 No.16473648 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best Conservative /lit/ websites/magazines?


>> No.16473657

the American conservative

>> No.16473684

Steve Sailer, that's pretty much it. Ross Douthat at the NYT just steals Sailer's ideas & makes them somewhat more PC.

>> No.16474163

Pat Buchanan's columns

>> No.16474198

The American Spectator

>> No.16474210

Sometimes you can find good stuff on:


>> No.16475539

Buchanan's been great recently on Chronicles

>> No.16475560

Animal Farm

>> No.16476302

This right here. The comment sections however are filled with reddit tier "I fucking Love Science" people, polyamorists who think that the only Christians with substantive faith are those who tolerate his sinful relationships and retards who think Conservatism is a monolith and have never heard of paleo conservatism despite reading a paleocon mag because they're only there to write snarky comments.

>> No.16476313

a black gent with the surname Longenecker wrote an article about lynching? interesting

>> No.16476329
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x1200, 1600644701734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right can't write

>> No.16476332

>being a conservative

>> No.16476351

>an ideology that has almost politburo levels of focus on producing agitprop
>writing anything worth reading

>> No.16476440

The Claremont Review of Books.

>> No.16476507

rowling is not right wing lmao that woman is super lefty
lived off govt welfare for a period of months to years, donates vast monetary amounts to LGBT charities, regularly talks about her characters being black or gay or whatnot
Rowling is what americans call a 'terf' because she's been physically and sexually abused in the past and because of that doesn't believe that we should remove sex-segregation in public spaces
Men, males, are the vast majority of rapists, murderers, physical abusers; so why would we allow them into womens spaces?

>> No.16476567

you really fell for the shittiest bait on this board

>> No.16476587

fuck me, I had a thought it was bait but I'm a new /lit/ pseud so I guess I just bit anyways

>> No.16476629


>> No.16476655


>> No.16476868


The National Review hosts the Great Books podcast. It's pretty good.

>> No.16476892
File: 33 KB, 350x346, 1394948157926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only leftist their Is Marx as Wilde

>> No.16476997

Smith was leftist: he hated corporations, landlords, and believed in self employment
Orwell: obviously leftist
DFW: hated capitalism, leftist
Dumas: hated racism as a black man, leftist
Tolstoy: anarchist, hates capitalism and hierarchies
Marx: duh
Darwin: was pro science, leftist
Wilde: duh
Camus: left anarchist
Nietzsche : thought fundamental to left wing social movements and critical theory, and the right resisted association with him
Rousseau : huge egalitarian, leftist
Goethe: called himself a liberal

>> No.16477019

First Things and The Josias.

I like Dreher, but the comment section of American Conservative really is terrible.

>> No.16477040

I like The Orthosphere

>> No.16477046

You'll run into a lot of good thinkers here.


>> No.16477049

It's simply "National Review." Adding an extra "the" is a widely mocked error

just telling you now before you make a fool of yourself at your next political function

>> No.16477055

I wonder why anyone in 2020 would not be a progressive.
Does anyone know why? Let's take a look here


This kind of thing looks pretty comfy. Dunno why conservatives can't see this.

>> No.16477056

>America must return to the noble traditions of her founders
So it's a website for liberals.

>> No.16477149
File: 24 KB, 480x480, Matthew_Mayhew_Phd_Supercuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was one of the most disturbing and pathetic articles I have ever read. I am physically revolted that supercuck is the same race as me.

Pic is what a male with non functional testicles looks like.

>> No.16477186

for grumpy liberals

>> No.16477349

National Review's actual articles are crap though.
They unironically host neoliberal jews whining about "dose darn evil redneck whiteys who should just go die if they can't outcompete government incentivized immigrants (who should be brought in even if they're economically unviable)". It's like a parody of Bush-era GOP faggotry half the time. Even blatant populist rightwing papers manage better.

>> No.16477378

Not that I give a shit about the bait image but:
>Darwin: was pro science, leftist
Pure bait.
>Nietzsche : thought fundamental to left wing social movements
They were calling him evil for ages right up until flanderized versions were popularized in english.
>Rousseau : huge egalitarian, leftist
An avid nationalist who thought people who obsessed about aiding foreigners were only doing it to avoid their actual responsibilities to their own people.
>Goethe: called himself a liberal
As did half the non-monarchist conservatives in Europe before the term got associated with open borders faggotry.

>> No.16477417

I like unconstrainedanalytics.org

>> No.16477428

>lived off govt welfare for a period of months to years

So is national socialism a left wing ideology?