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File: 40 KB, 474x296, if there are gods - Marcus Aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16470983 No.16470983 [Reply] [Original]

Did Marcus get this right?

>> No.16471046
File: 208 KB, 324x470, StopIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a real quote, and Marcus Aurelius frequently rejects the idea that posthumous recognition is a reason for moral action.

Just put a fedora on his head and make him say random atheist shit. Here's the real quote:

>"Now departure from the world of men is nothing to fear, if gods exist: because they would not involve you in any harm. If they do not exist, or if they have no care for humankind, then what is life to me in a world devoid of gods, or devoid of providence? But they do exist, and they do care for humankind: and they have put it absolutely in man's power to avoid falling into the true kinds of harm."
—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 2.11

>> No.16471054

what's a reinterpretation mean and why's it small print

>> No.16471184

What’s good, what’s bad? I concern myself with myself, which is neither good nor bad.”

>> No.16471300

I've seen this pic before and I have no idea if it was made in bad faith or by someone retarded. Sounds more like Epicurus than Marcus, feels like an atheist wanted to give his opinion more weight by putting Marcus' name on it. Meanwhile here is what he actually says about worshipping the gods:
>To those who ask, ‘Where have you seen the gods, or what evidence do you have of their existence, that you worship them so devoutly?’, I reply first of all that they are in fact visible to our eyes, and secondly, that I have not seen my own soul, and yet I pay it due honour. So likewise with the gods; from what I experience of their power at every moment of my life, I ascertain that they exist and I pay them due reverence.

And here is what he says about the memories of the living after your death:
>How many people whose praises were once widely sung are now consigned to oblivion; and how many who sang their praises are gone and departed long since.