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16467209 No.16467209 [Reply] [Original]

What are some unironically good self-improvement books? I don't care if it's normie shit or esoteric homo-erotic whatever, I want to hear it.

>> No.16467245

trite to say but 7 Habits and How to Win Friends and Influence People are some of the only few I've read that don't make me feel like living by their principles would turn me into a soulless husk.

The Conquest Of Happiness is more reflective than prescriptive but could still fall into this category and is pretty good.

>> No.16467252

The coiled serpent.

>> No.16467269

For you? How to be a Better a Bottom

>> No.16467276

And in this moment, I was MUSLAMIC

>> No.16467320

Zen Mind Beginner Mind

>> No.16467457


Feel Good Handbook is the bible of self-help.

>> No.16467826

Tony Robbins is actually a good writer. He clearly understands more advanced therapeutic concepts, he just also runs a cult

>> No.16468202

Whereever You Go, There you are.

>> No.16468287

>how to read a book
>atomic habits
>deep work
>make it stick

>> No.16468366

don't worry about self-improvement. you'll fall down a rabbit hole striving for productivity, min-maxing your life, speed-"reading", and next thing you know it you're getting your gf to take a DNA test to see if she's suitable for "breeding"

just do god's will

>> No.16468367
File: 614 KB, 1404x1125, psychotherapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All self-help is just distilled and re-marketed popular psychotherapy with very questionable basis.

You're better off reading the original theory because they're at least approached with a somewhat objective lens, rather than "top ten secrets the successful don't want you to know about".

If you know about CBT, mindfulness and behavioral theory, you could probably write a successful self-help book if you add some mysticism and a F*CK in the title.

>> No.16468379

>you know about CBT
Cock, Balls torture?

>> No.16468386

Yes, exactly.

>> No.16468389

Byzantium belongs to paganism.

>> No.16468703

>How to Win Friends and Influence People are some of the only few I've read that don't make me feel like living by their principles would turn me into a soulless husk.
dont know how you got to this conclusion, book should be titled 'how to trick people into thinking you're their friend and manipulate them' if it was being honest

>> No.16469020

Jordan B. Peterson's 12 Rules for Life.

>> No.16469207

>How to Win Friends and Influence People are some of the only few I've read that don't make me feel like living by their principles would turn me into a soulless husk.
Funny, I got the exact opposite feeling from that book. It seems like a manual for feigning genuine interest and concern, rather than trying to truly empathize with other human beings.

>> No.16469342


>> No.16469550


>> No.16470575

On the effectiveness of psychotherapy
Is this true?
>Mental illness is a complex problem and pharmacology is just one approach, based on trying to reduce everything to neurochemistry. I haven't seen any empirical evidence that supports this view beyond just some statistics, that a certain amount of people get "better" but I don't think you can rule out placebo or other factors. Actually, the entire field of psychotherapy, no matter which modality your therapist practices, statistically has about the same modest effect size (see Dodo bird verdict) which pretty much means that none of these approaches do anything beyond some common factors shit like the therapeutic relationship. It's all placebo at best.

>I'm not personally anti-psychiatry, but I'm pretty anti-pharma, since at least these other approaches are likely do little damage while messing with brain chemistry is bound to fuck you up eventually.

>There really isn't any solution out there for people dealing with anxiety and depression. You either get better randomly or it just gets worse and worse while you cope with "meditation" or buying more stuff or hoping to get to some arbitrary goal post that will make everything better.

>> No.16470644


>> No.16472063

built for bwc

>> No.16472083

48 laws of power.
>It doesn't give you the usual feel good bullshit
>It's clear and precise, while simultaneously having elements that are open for interpretation
>It's designed to be read both in and out of order. That way you can refer back to whatever is useful for the situation you're in
>author legitimately lived a successful life, and continues to be successful using these rules

>> No.16472496

There are none. Literally just build a life around what you enjoy, it's not complicated. If you live in a first world country, even one like the US that expects you to contribute to your own success (oh the horror!), you have access to everything you need to acheive your dreams.

>> No.16472725

Yeah, pretty much. And if you follow the logic that self-help is just distilled psychotherapy, then you know that distilled crap is still crap.

There still might be value in reading about these therapies, but none of them offer a real solution to psychological problems.

>> No.16472767
File: 302 KB, 1650x2550, akmfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only self help book you need

>> No.16473140

Not OP but i am currently reading, making sure to actually accomplish each challenge before i go to the next chapter

>> No.16473147


>> No.16473155

Cognitive-behavioral therapy? Literally the first result on google.

>> No.16473156

Skip that and just begin lifting first of all. Then pick up some skills, learn a language, etc.,whatever you want. What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to be? Strive toward your idea of your ideal self.