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File: 15 KB, 340x255, dostoevsky_200612122028290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16467138 No.16467138 [Reply] [Original]

Did Dostoevsky truly believe in God, or was he man scared of death that desperately 'wanted' to believe in a God? His final work, the Brothers Karamasov, seems to challenge the existence of God throughout.

>> No.16467173
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>Did Dostoevsky truly believe in God
No. Dostoevsky's whole idea is to parody the christian ethos and doctrines in a full spectrum critique of it as an ideology and praxis.

Dostoevsky clearly wasn't an actual christian. He was far too intelligent and learnèd for that. it's truly a testament to the retardation of christcucks that they can't realize Dostoevsky was only ever mocking them

He literally makes all of his intelligent characters Nihilist academics who despise christianity and all of the christians are portrayed as the village fools or social and intellectual cowards. Dostoevsky saw christianity as something fit for the peasants and his entire corpus is a dedicated effort to lampooning the religion via sarcastic fulfillment of its asinine tropes.

Dostoevsky qas laughing at all the christcucks throughout his entire life. He lived in outright defiance of all christian doctrines. Dostoevsky wasted fortunes on prostitutes who he played sadist on. he had multiple affairs. he drank and gambled himself to ruin. But it was all okay because he could just shit out another parody of christucks and he'd be heralded as a heavyweight of apologetics.

Seriously I don't understand where this whole "Dostoevsky was a christian" meme came from. a critical review of his life and works immediately reveals that he was one of the most profound atheists who ever lived.

Multiple atheist professors who I've known have read him and concur

>> No.16467189

How does TBK challenge God? At most, I just felt it was a very long dialogue between horrible people.

>> No.16467196

Do you happen to think that in order to be Christian one must follow the doctrine? This has never been the case.

>> No.16467205

Then what was Demons about?

>> No.16467223

Holy moley the seethe in this post is off the charts.

>> No.16467248

you guys are fucking retarded
the nihilists are literally there to show the stupidity of nihilism

man, imagine him watching teenage nietzche fags misunderstanding his obviously-not-nihilist books in 2020

>> No.16467251

Seethe atheist
"I am a child of unbelief and doubt up to this moment, and I am certain I shall remain so to the grave"

One does not need to be totally unquestioning to be pious. In fact piety is often accompanied by deep scrutinization, as evidenced by the very existence of Talmud.

>> No.16467271

Interesting theory

>> No.16467283

just the typical "I want to believe in God (which they mean the picture of perfection, beauty and justice who will correct the wrongs of this world now or in the afterlife) so badly but I am always full of doubt" that many writers suffered from at some point (Tolstoy, Wilde, Joyce etc.) It is genuine and they challenge the existence of God in a dark night of the soul kind of tsundere way (he's not actually real is he? Of course he is I love Him so much! But he isn't actually real...)

all in all, this derives from having too much empathy and being exposed to reality too much and so the only potential cure is a being who may or may not exist because things that do exist can't fix the world

>> No.16467287
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9/10 bait
Track the character of Alyosha - following him, could you really doubt Dostoevsky's sincere belief? His character's depth of belief, so well put and described, and the complete innocence of his actions witness so well against those of his brothers, his father, and both the girls who have crushes on him (can't remember their names). So what if Dostoevsky is able to name some the arguments and movements against Christianity convincingly - doesn't that just mean that he has examined his faith? Why does it need to mean that he was a crypto-atheist, or that he had soul-crushing, constant doubts?

>> No.16467291
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I still think this quote is right though.

>> No.16467305
File: 193 KB, 741x763, 1601156579664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting and original take, but obviously bullshit nonetheless.

Read his dialogue with the whore in notes from underground for example, he obviously mentions god there unironically

>> No.16467315

Weak quote af, unless seen as an archetype

>> No.16467319

>Multiple atheist professors who I've known have read him and concur
Lmfao @ your life

>> No.16467337

It's impossible to refute. Without God there is no objective morality.

>> No.16467350
File: 134 KB, 661x441, 1600612704153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is unfalsifiable, thus not within the scientific realm, thus morality derived from god is not objective.

Morality based on evolution could easily be objective, might is right. Just hard to interpret in daily life, does not mean it is less objective.

>> No.16467385

Nah I think God can be proven with a variety of different arguments. You're just exhibiting a prime example of Scientism.

>> No.16467397

didnt this meme die in the 60s

>> No.16467412


no thanks subhuman

>> No.16467417

she cute
cringe post

>> No.16467459

lol this poster resents christianity because it doesn’t want him to be a tranny

>> No.16467486
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OK, you gonna pull out the five shittuments from Thomas Akuinaz?
You're just wrong.

>> No.16467520
File: 22 KB, 220x310, 220px-Bertrand_Russell_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna use this guy to say he's wrong? Russel didn't even understand a basic understanding of the word motus in latin.

>> No.16467523

If there is a God, everything is still permitted.

>> No.16467532

You know what he means. Stop playing semantics.

>> No.16467545

Alright lad I'll give you that

but have you ever tried to fly? Maybe just stop breathing?

>> No.16467560

Is it a bad translation? What does he mean?

No, why? Are attempting these not permitted?

>> No.16467567

good, well-reasoned take, but completely wrong

>> No.16467575

>What does he mean?
That morals don't exist without God

>> No.16467606

I don't understand. Why would the existence of morality depend on God but not normativity? This argument just fails like logical positivism.

>> No.16467640

Because god is pure existence and pure actuality meaning he is unable to change, meaning he is the foundational first principle we can judge everything on. We cannot base morality off of evolution because it changes.

>> No.16467665

You didn't address anything, you just argued some r/atheisms strawman.
If morality is dependent on God, why isn't truth dependent on God?

>> No.16467674

Give it a shot

>> No.16467771

Why wouldn't truth be dependent on God? He would be the reason why everything exists.

>> No.16467784

You don't understand morality or evolution... or God

>> No.16467852

I don't know, I was asking you because if truth is dependent on God then Dostoevsky's proposition is meaningless - or at least redundant.

>> No.16467882

Everything you say is vague and incoherent. I don't even know what you're talking about. How does truth being dependent make Dosto's quote redundant? Stop baiting.

>> No.16467923

Truth is dependent on God, along with morality. If God doesn't exist neither does truth or morality. How can we evaluate that statement without an infinite regression or absurdity?

>God doesn't exist
>Truth doesn't exist
>The above proposition cannot be true
>The above proposition cannot be true
>The above proposition cannot be true

>> No.16468094

I think without a first principle, or necessary being, (God), we would be forced to submit by faith to various axioms.

>> No.16468157

This doesn't matter. Dostoevsky's proposition would still say those axioms can't be true. But if truth doesn't exist we can't have propositions about truth, like the previous one.
>Or the proposition above
>Or the proposition above
>Or the proposition above
It is like trivialism or absolute skepticism: there is no point where one can begin at. The position is an impenetrable loop that you can't exit out of but can't enter into.

>> No.16468201

lol what a retard you are, assigning random principles as being "moral" based on "evolution" is a purely subjective take on what morality is, there isnt anything objective about it.

>> No.16468218

>I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dostoyevsky's genius unfolds itself on their book pages

>> No.16468226

>Dostoevsky's proposition would still say those axioms can't be true
Except I believe God does exist. But if he didn't then I would say nothing can be said to be true, not even this statement (think pyrrhonism). And like I said before, axioms on faith would have to be made to fulfill that. I think we are going in circles here.

>> No.16468323

Then all he is saying is
>There must be a God, because this proposition exists
Meaningless or redundant.

>> No.16468478

Wowee anon I sure learned that nihilism was bad in crime and punishment where he doesn't repent and believe in redemption even at the end

>> No.16468578

Jews and Spiritual Semites cannot know God. Christians, Muslims, and Jews all worship the God of Death.

>> No.16468633

What a stupid poem.

>> No.16468781

He was, just not in the overinfantilized Protestant sense of the word. That's why Dostoevsky triggers Protestants so much, because he doesn't outright tells you what he actually believes, he's not afraid of criticizing Christianity, expressing doubt, and exploring experimental thoughts that are often consider taboo or obscure in most theological circles. He was in fact a self proclaimed Christian Orthodox in his mid to later years, but an existential writer nonetheless, therefore he was more focused on unraveling the inner darkest realities of humanity; and probably didn't live a very Christian live either, because of his addiction to gambling and so on.

>> No.16468868
File: 68 KB, 850x400, inb4 some midwit calls this quote satire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He literally makes all of his intelligent characters Nihilist academics who despise christianity
This is the most infantile interpretation of Dostoevsky's characterization I have ever witnessed on this entire fucking board, to even THINK these characters are meant to be positive representations of that very archetype. Are you actually 16 years old? Go do your fucking homework kid.

>> No.16468901 [DELETED] 

No he just lived in misery over the fact trying to convince himself he was in the right. Really strong case for nihilism right there.

>> No.16468910

No he just lived in misery as he tries to convince his ego he was in the right, that his killing actually had some greater utilitarian purpose. Really strong case for nihilism right there.

>> No.16468919

Pretty good bait, but that last line ruins it. Sorry.

>> No.16468923

>God is unfalsifiable, thus not within the scientific realm, thus morality derived from god is not objective.
Dostoevsky's quote is attributed to the notion that morality only has meaning if a good God exists, the idea that God may not exist doesn't refute this concept, it simply means that an absence of God is thusly an absence of morality. Try to form a coherent line of thought for once in your life.
>Morality based on evolution could easily be objective, might is right. Just hard to interpret in daily life, does not mean it is less objective.
I have no idea what you mean by this.

>> No.16468932

You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever seen. Read “The Peasant Marey” and Joseph Frank.
Holy fuck, what a waste Dosto is on you.

>> No.16468938

If Dostoevsky was still alive and read this he'd be utterly furious.

>> No.16468977

It's actually the reverse. With "God's" permission, any act becomes permissible. The assumption is that the God that exists mandates a morality YOU agree with and would accept as objective. Since there is no way of securing the objectivity of a moral code, it comes down to faith, which is a subjective belief. It's reasoning like this that is below even midwit.

>> No.16468983

>saying the quiet part out loud
So we can all agree Christianity is purely a cope and a comforting lie, yes?

>> No.16468997

>God is a spook!
>So My Special Morality based on another spook...

>> No.16469010

Might is right actually isn't the mightiest though, since cooperation leads to synergy which has allowed our species to conquer the globe. Reciprocation is actually king, and likely the closest we can get to an objective moral good

>> No.16469064

What was the deal with Lise?

>> No.16469086

Under the excuse of God everything is permitted too

>> No.16469152
File: 314 KB, 746x941, my8h3i80Fgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16469177

people with a conscience shy away from doing harm, those without a conscience freely do harm, but to make a person with a conscience do harm, it takes religion

>> No.16469198

It takes mob and group think. This is not special to religion.

>> No.16469200

go to bed Zizek

>> No.16469201

Everything is a cope retard. Nihilism is a cope.

>> No.16469210

>anime tranny is retarded
imagine my shock

>> No.16469594
File: 215 KB, 479x446, zk6FdHn_d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and enlightened. Religion is for slaves. Tradcucks seethe.

>> No.16469872

What a useless religion