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/lit/ - Literature

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16466563 No.16466563 [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the Catholic Problem on /lit/? They come and shit up every thread from their discord servers them cry like Jews when you point out they don't understand what's being discussed. And that's without bringing up the sheer number of off topic threads they make with some shitty excuse like "Catholicism and literature are inseparable." They should all be banned on sight.

>> No.16466571

gj you just made another thread for them

>> No.16466581


>> No.16466619


>> No.16466628


>> No.16466640

are catholics french philosophers?

>> No.16466643

thats the vatican flag

>> No.16466650

This is the second thread of mine you've narrated

>> No.16466654

Then stop making shitty threads

>> No.16466753

Seriously is this a raid throughout the website? Can't escape these mongs on even the most obscure and comfy hobby boards

>> No.16466757

I wouldn't be surprised if Nick Fuentes tells them to "take control of the narrative on 4chan" or something

>> No.16466909

Each board essentially has its own group of discord retards that try to change board culture to better suit their pet ideology. /v/ and /lgbt/ have actual trannies, /pol/ has the FBI and leftypol, /fit/ has lookism. We somehow got tradcaths who fap to traps. The naming of the app is also a little too on the nose for my tastes.

>> No.16466930

I notice definite stretches of time where I see what looks like shills, coming from both right and left. The reason that I think they're shills is because unlike our resident leftist/rightists who have more or less ingrained the /lit/ convention of autistically debating everything, they operate based on the kind of shaming or mockery typical to Reddit/Twitter/wherever, they act as though it's simply unthinkable that people could disagree with them and the other side must be deranged retards.

>> No.16466938

based unsolicited narrator

>> No.16466965
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>> No.16466987

Could I interest in you a subscription to The Wanderer, OP?


>> No.16467004

Yeah, for instance there's definitely different species of Unabomber posters. Sometimes a thread just reeks of 16 year old who found a new way to feel smarter than his classmates.

>> No.16467010
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Can I just be Catholic in peace?

>> No.16467081

We're on an anonymous image board; if you don't insert Catholicism into every post, no one will know that you are one. So if you want to be left in peace, post like a normal person and not an evangelist.

>> No.16467092

You should call out all the Stirnerfags as well then.

>> No.16467202

ban philosophy threads please

>> No.16467206
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Catholicism barely cracks the TOP TEN of the problems with this board. It might not even be in the top ten, at all?

What about the philosophy posters?
What about the "books for this feel" posters?
What about the "Explain God to me" posters?
What about the frogposters?
What about the thotposters?
What about the people who post their half-witted shower thoughts and expect us to entertain them?

The Catholics are a low priority compared to those faggots.

>> No.16467356

Stirner is a meme and a dead one at that. The LARPers who call themselves Christian are unfortunately deathly serious and far more obnoxious.

>> No.16467369

they unironically arent as bad as r/atheism midwits like you

>> No.16467377

I'm not an atheist lmao

>> No.16467387

Someone lost a philosophical debate, seethed and made this thread. At least the larpers read people like augustine and plato instead of exclusively watching youtube videos about whatever trend of thought is currently fashionable. And obviously in a philosophical and literary canon dominated by religious themes they are inevitably going to come up in discussion. 4chan goes where it wants, you dont control discussion here if it violates the little aesthetic picture you have of yourself as some intellectual browsing here. Go to reddit if weird views annoy you

>> No.16467394

someone on here said something like “of course they are attacking the only church that matters” or something
he said it better, however: I’ve been on here for 10 years-which sure, thats not as long as some autists- and I can say that “4chan was never good and it has always gotten worse” is a long-known attribute of the website. It was of course a more well known aspect in the past. It amazes me that newfags bitch about there being more right wing people in the past 5 years. Who cares? Why are you assuming a pseudo-conservative viewpoint about your hugbox? What are you trying to bring back, Boxxy? These people are not the oldfags they for some reason want to pretend to be. They are literally just faggots and faggots will always hate many things that are not as gay as them

>> No.16467400

A double digit IQ mind formulated this post

>> No.16467401

I don't see anything wrong with me inserting a Catholic opinion on posts that deal with Christianity or religion in general.

>> No.16467404

4chan was more comfy pre2013/2014 internet political radicalization. Not saying it was better quality, just less genuinely angry, more light-hearted

>> No.16467409

>anime poster

>> No.16467411

same poster

Jezebelposting is so much worse. There’s a slutpost right now that is pretending to start a thread about twilight. Who are these people desperately trying to distract us from talking about books? I hate marxists but a thread about marx is at least on topic. Just as threads about the bible are literally threads about the book that most of the fiction we discuss owes its existence to

>> No.16467418

anything under 130 is geninely pseud tier, the fact you think over 100 is impressive is hilarious

>> No.16467420

Yeah it definitely was and I miss that more than I enjoy the varied discussions.
But this is a literature board. If there is no major disagreement, then its kinda worthless.

>> No.16467433

>the fact you think over 100 is impressive is hilarious
The fact that you think this is implied in the post just goes to show that you aren't just unintelligent, but below average in intelligence as I said

>> No.16467436
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>> No.16467460

im addicted to discussing politics like many other people, and just my own abstaining accomplishes nothing, but I don't even enjoy it. I unironically feel like some sort of puppet, propaganda flowing through me, pulling psychological strings to make me dance like a marionette.

>> No.16467491

Christianity or religion in general is not literature. No one is complaining when comments are on topic, but rather when they are inserted into everything regardless of the topic.

>> No.16467537

how about threads that relate to morality?

>> No.16467554
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/lit/ is a Sharia controlled board. No matter how hard the discord catboyholics shill

>> No.16467561

Alhamdulilah brother

>> No.16467601

why do you know Catboykami?

>> No.16467628

I bet you're one of the shower thought faggots.

>> No.16467657

Morality in general is not literature.

>> No.16467757
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Ah yes because literature never has questions of morality in it.

>> No.16467765

You should work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.16467835

this image doesn't even feel real, it's like it's mocking a group of people someone made up one day.

>> No.16467851

>this image doesn't even feel real, it's like it's mocking a group of people someone made up one day.
Either you're new or you are this person and don't realize it

>> No.16467853

Go back you fucking freaks, this isn't your board.

>> No.16467878

t. new tripnigger

>> No.16467886

I am new to the trip, not new to the board. Now cry.

>> No.16467940

i will sacrifice a nigger to satan today

>> No.16467985

Waah! I submit, Faggotcles.

>> No.16467996

I think it's weird for a Catholic and Latino to top it off to be against race mixing, Nick Fuentes and his sons are the embodiment of cognitive dissonance and larping

>> No.16468006

the worst part is these faggots just believe in jesus in order to trigger le libs epic style

>> No.16468017
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isn't she beautiful?

>> No.16468068


>> No.16468081

Looking good for 48.

>> No.16468088

I've never met anyone who acts like this online or in real life. Maybe this is one of those weird twitter trends where people come up with new personality archetypes to hate for no reason.

>> No.16468151

There was a guy like this in my freshman dorm. He told a special education major retarded people couldn't get into heaven because they lack the capacity to accept Jesus. It follows that he was obsessed with I.Q. and a comp sci major. I think he's working for Microsoft making $220k a year or something. Weird guy, really caught between his racism and his family religion.

>> No.16468306

>people come up with new personality archetypes to hate for no reason
This shit is really lame, it seems like memes have just become passive aggressive jabs at perceived categories of people. Most of the time it's not even funny, just mean spirited and obscure

>> No.16468413

Most of the retards you mentioned are migrants from twitter, which tradcath fags are as well. The main problem is twitter people shitting up this board with lazy screenshots and bait threads. Ban all shitter posters, including tradcaths

>> No.16468438

Why is this tripfag so cringy? Why does lit have tripfags who contribute little to nothing? At least on fit they contribute to the lulz

>> No.16468446

this guy has been here for like 1 day and will probably burn out in a week or something

>> No.16468450

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16468494

I’m Catholic and not leaving /lit/. After the birth of Jesus, Christians are the only good writers. Being Christian is the most /lit/ thing. Buddhist writers? Okay kek

>> No.16468515

I've seen him posting today and everything he's said is all fucking bad. It's like being a tripfag is synonymous being an actual fag

>> No.16468522


>> No.16468529

I mean that’s the truth. Christians and those they influence are the best writers.

>> No.16468534

>It's like being a tripfag is synonymous being an actual fag
You have to wonder what type of person would frequent a website whose main appeal is anonymous posting and expressly choose to be non-anonymous

>> No.16468542

Somebody who really wants to be on twitter but is afraid they won't get any followers or likes. Basically the worst of both 4chan and twitter

>> No.16468605

I feel sorry for you if you actually think this way. You're suffering from severe cognitive dissonance and denying yourself the pleasure of non western literature

>> No.16468631

Ovid and Seneca aren't worth reading because they were alive after Jesus was born?

>> No.16468634

It’s okay if you don’t want to acknowledge the truth. Mishima for example was largely influenced by Christian writers. Most writers that are not Christian are raised in a Judeo-Christian environment or they deeply influenced by Christian authors. Further, the best writers since the birth of Christ were Christians. I’m not sure there is a debate here. You are simply ignoring the reality around you.

>> No.16468637

Seems like nobody wants to come up with OC anymore, just make new edits of stale memes.
I guess the internet is too SRS BSNS for fun these days.

>> No.16468652

Ya got me

>> No.16468666

Should we throw out Marcus Aurelius, too?
Mishima read classic Japanese authors and Germans like Nietzsche, Mann, and Rilke. I'm not sure how much they influenced his style since I don't know Japanese, but I'm willing to bet you don't either.

>> No.16468675

You're literally retarded. Naguib Mahfouz, Gao Xingjian, Mo Yan, Yasunari Kawabata, the author of Heike Monogatri, the 4 great classical novels of China, and so many more are non christians who weren't influenced by christianity and still wrote great Literature. By denying yourself the literature of other parts of the world you're practically walking around with your hands over your ears saying "lalala I cant hear you". There's no need to be so obtuse about the fact that you're wrong and that good and true wisdom and Literature can come from non Christian sources

>> No.16468693

I hear you that there are good writers that are not Christian. I believe you. Like I said, the best writers are Christians.


Aurelius is a great thinker and not particularly a great writer. Both Mann and Rilke were Christians. Like I said numerous times, the best writers are Christians.

>> No.16468697

The fact that you don't know who any of them are is symptomatic of your own delusions. I know what I'm suggesting is the most reviled thing on this board, but maybe try to actually read a book.

>> No.16468712

Humor me, who are the greatest authors?

>> No.16468723

You are the one who is throwing fit. I told you that I believe you that there are good writers who aren’t Christian. However, the impact that Christian writers have had on literature is unmatched. It would be silly to divorce /lit/ from Christianity.

>> No.16468728

You're biased in that you're only looking at western and probably European literature specifically. The whole world doesn't revolve around christianity and the western world. It would be silly to include only christian works of Christian origin to be the best

>> No.16468746
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>all women want bbc

>> No.16468786

Paul the Apostle

>> No.16468789

based asuka tranny

>> No.16468796

William Blake, of course.

>> No.16468800
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>Yes I'm a Gnostic Christian, how can you tell?

>> No.16468805


>> No.16468812

Nick Fuentes is a white nationalist that isn't even white lmao. And nobody calls him out about it either.

>> No.16468885

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3508133