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16464293 No.16464293 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get irritated at this statement, often made by normoids without any knowledge of philosophy or history?

Every single branch of science is philosophy, that became a distinct discipline which is referred to as for example, biology or physics, only after it was given an internally consistent framework.. by philosophy.

We see scientists now using the conclusions of their discipline in order to prove that philosophy isn't necessary, despite every conclusion they make resting of things like the law of contradiction or sufficient reason.

>> No.16464330

The normoid has always been threatened by the abstractoid and the esetoroid. The philosopher throughout time has always been mocked and ridiculed then respected after death. The I Fucking Love Scientist has always and will always be a reductive autist who in his final years like Dawkins pitifully succumbs to death anxiety and lashes out at the metaphysical notions. Such is the human way OP

>> No.16464336

>Every single branch of science is philosophy

Lol this statement reminds me of stemfags saying "hurr math is everywhere, everything is mathematical". Yea all science is philosophy if you're using the loosest concept of "philosophy". Like if you mean philosophy = thinking.

>We see scientists now using the conclusions of their discipline in order to prove that philosophy isn't necessary

We see meme-tier "I fuckin love science" bill nye types saying this. No one else

>> No.16464338

>caring about normies opinions on anything

>> No.16464339

every time idealism prevails it always gives way to religion because the average human is unable to understand nuances without organized belief systems

>> No.16464346

Mathematics is and metaphysics are indistinguishable.

>> No.16464356

Kinda agree with this, it's desirable that materialist scientism prevails among the masses because it keeps them in check, their tiny brains cannot fathom Truth. The intellectual vanguard should however be made of of transcendent idealist chads, and leaders should come from this class of superior humans.

>> No.16464365

You should pitty the individual that thinks this. They only live in the now, that they stand on an iceberg and think that the visible tip is life's totality, unaware of the vast bulk beneath the waves that has made up everything they have ever thought or will think up until this point in time that they are alive in.

>> No.16464602
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Anyone who thinks philosophy has reached it's end is wrong. The best part is yet to come.

Right wing moral subjectivism. Up until now, moral subjectivism has been the property of the left. The right hasn't had a go at it just yet. But it will. It will start with the less religious European nationalist thinkers.

>everything is subjective
>all opinions, preferences and ideologies are equally subjective
>but they are equally subjective from an objective point of view
>they don't have to be equal from a subjective point of view
>my subjective point of view
>I don't have to respect or treat equally the equally subjective views of others, because nothing forces me to
>if I'm ever able, I will force my own morals upon others
>what gives me the right to do this?
>but nothing has to because nothing can
>if I'm willing to do something and I'm able to do it, I can do it
>no other concept of a "right" to do something actually exists in the real world

This, however is just a set of tools. They have to be applied to something. The application: Securing the existence of our race and a future for white children. In our fight for survival, we can have an infinite number of defensive victories, but we can only lose once. So losing is not an option. We must win by any means necessary. I don't think genocide is necessary, but if it were to ever become necessary, by definition, it would have to be done.

>> No.16464631

Philosophy is where all current disciplines of science cake from and started from

The later would not exist if not for the former

The atom for example is from 1000 BCE philosophers, Both in name and idea, long before microscopes

Measurements(Weight, distance, height, etc)? Philosophy invention

And it goes on and on

>> No.16464654
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>leaders should come from this class of superior humans
how is this possible when all scientists (aka people who have the highest level of control over physical realty through nuclear weapons and other technology) are reductive materialists/naturalists? Idealists sit in their studies, smoking pipe tobacco and writing about metaphysics; materialists build death machines that could wipe out all of human existence in less time than it took to type this post. whether or not idealists are correct is irrelevant. those who control reality are currently all materialists.

>> No.16464663

The first to theorize light/shadow relationship? Artists

Invent Orders of magnitude? Philosophers

That the brain is where our conscious exists? Philosophers

The first to discuss Climate change? Philosophers

The creators of geography as a subject? Philosophers

Algebra? Philosophers

Logic? Philosophers

Geometry? Philosophers

And on and on it goes

>> No.16464666

Congrats, go read Carl Schmitt.

>> No.16464678

it's always funny posting something on 4chan (>>16444047) and then seeing someone make a salty thread about it later. grow up OP, philosophy IS dead. it hasn't contributed a single useful thought to the world since aristotle

>> No.16464682

>first to X when everybody believed in mermaids
literally who cares

>> No.16464707
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Wow, I fucking love philosophy!

>> No.16464720

I could kill her in a single strike. It's amazing how much better men are than women

>> No.16464783
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It will never, NEVER come true.
Moral subjectivism and general relativism is ALWAYS going to be the property of the fags, the trannies, the homosexuals, the black people and the jews. It is fundamentally left-wing in nature because the only political structure that attracts the degenerates and undesirables is leninist in nature.
I'm 100% you are already on your way to becoming a leftists. Sure, you won't agree with every other leftist, no leftist one, but you will be united on the front to validate and encourage degeneracy and total moral and cultural relativism.
I bet you're already struggling with self-hate, the surest sign of becoming a leftist.

>> No.16465414

It's true that science is philosophy, but I think this is a really poor method of convincing people that philosophy isn't "dead". I think it'd be far more persuasive to point out modern uses of philosophy and maybe introduce them to modern research.

>> No.16465547

It’s ‘literally’ an argument to OP, if you care or not doesn’t matter, no one asked

>> No.16465563

>race isn’t real
>gender isn’t real
>statistics are racist
>genetics/dna is a social construct

Wow I love fake science!

>> No.16465653
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Just ask them any of the big questions science can't answer and leave them stumped, dribbling onto themselves and spasming slightly. If anything science has opened a massive can of worms, even though it did resolve other problems satisfactorily.

>> No.16465684

And “everyone believed in mermaids” is an intellectually retarded statement

You can’t get everyone to agree on the same brand of coffee yet alone all believe in the same myth, now or then

It’s also a logical fallacy of bandwagoning when you try to speak for everyone definitively instead of Just yourself