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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 320x278, hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1646383 No.1646383 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with depression /lit/?

>> No.1646384

Avoid dealing with it, crash once in a while, lift head, proceed with life.

>> No.1646395

No decent trip suffers from depression (or as I like to call it- "huge pussy syndrome") brajh.
You gotta get your aim right and your game tight.

>> No.1646424

Useless human condition. Honestly, look at things in a big picture perspective.

>> No.1646426
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>> No.1646427


>> No.1646428

vidya gaems

>> No.1646431

Reading Books

This is /lit/, what do you expect

>> No.1646437

With some sense of humor. Life's essentially suffering, but the good part is that you're not the only one who's fucked, so you can laugh at others suffering and cheer up.

>> No.1646441

By working on something that interests me more than selfpity.

>> No.1646443

>Life's essentially suffering
Life isn't suffering, it's only you. Stop blaming the world on your problems, it's what you make of it. The world is neutral, you just think it's suffering because you're a little bitch who can't cope.

>> No.1646455

> Stop blaming the world on your problems, it's what you make of it.

Gee, Anon, thanks for the insights. It sure shows that you've put a lot of thought into this.

>> No.1646457

Did I say that life is suffering?
Or is it you who doesn't understand the meaning of "essentially"?
I'm not blaming the world on my problems. Also suffering is not a problem, it's only a problem for faggots like you. Suffering is what makes you fight to survive and perpetuate the spice. Life is impulsed by desire (instincts). And what makes you do what you desire is suffering when you don't.
Learn to read.

>> No.1646459

Yeah, look who's talking, a middle class white fella who uses his free time to play video-games and to look at tranny porn. Surely you can say that life is not suffering.

>> No.1646462

No life is essentially suffering. You can trick yourself into thinking that it is not, and this is probably a decent strategy for going through life. But if you are at all interested in the truth life is suffering.

>> No.1646465
File: 549 KB, 600x800, Schopenhauer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww yeah.

>> No.1646477

>people who read the fallacious view of Schopenhauer on buddhism
MORE Allan Wats, brah.

>> No.1646479

do you mean its more like Watts or that people should read more watts?

>> No.1646480

think what you want

>> No.1646489

im just gonna think Schopenhauer is the best and you are a stinky asshole.

>> No.1646491

I read Kierkegaard and kill myself.

>> No.1646494

okay, I don't blame you.

>> No.1646495

i cant even find that post on greenoval :/

>> No.1646498

"Life is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel"

Learn to balance the two. Literature probably helps.

>> No.1646499

I was also confused, but apparently that guy tried to replace the 0 with a 9 and somehow failed

>> No.1646500

I fucking hate this guy. Such a pretentiousness, self-important and just generally annoying style about his writing.

Schopenhauer is the ultimate snob philosopher, and people like him is what is wrong with philosophy.

>> No.1646502


>> No.1646504

Crash my bike, get into figths, go scuba diving, fuck wimmin.

This is my prescription for depression, although I confess it has never actually worked for me, and I am increasingly depressed all the time anyway. So your mileage may vary.

>> No.1646507 [DELETED] 

Didn't you like about his critique of philosophy on On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason?
Or don't you agree about his critique to Kant, Hegel and all idealists in general?

>> No.1646509
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>> No.1646510

really? you think an adequate criticism of Schopenhauer has to do with his writing style. Hahaha, you must be new to philosophy. Professional tip: every other philosopher has an annoying or shitty or pretentious style of writing. Deal with it.

>> No.1646512

Didn't you agree on his critique of philosophy on On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason?
Or don't you agree on his critique to Kant, Hegel and all idealists in general?

>> No.1646517

philosophers are total douchenozzles, what's new

>> No.1646519

>annoying style about his writing
>snob philosopher

It's fair to say you pretty much missed the point in any case.

>> No.1646521

yeah, reading and thinking is for faggots.

>> No.1646522

i agree with this.

wittgenstein was writing against schopenhauer.

>> No.1646526

>How do you deal with depression /lit/?


>> No.1646531
File: 88 KB, 661x716, D&E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg you are like the kind of fags that are oblivious to all of the humour in Catcher. Schopenhauer is funny as hell. also d&e likes him because he 'introduced eastern philosophy to the west' or something like that so hes got substance too.

>> No.1646533

>Now you realize that Schopenhauer was one of Wittgenstein's favourite philosophers

>> No.1646538


meditation is one side of the coin, the other is conquest and action.
conquest of all that rise against the limit of human aspiration, but in a completely natural and unassuming way.

to be right in one path of thought is the least interesting result in philosophy.

>> No.1646541

of course i do.

>> No.1646545

Well, then. Could you explain me why do you think that Schopenhauer is ruining philosophy?

>> No.1646546

Stop having such a large ego

>> No.1646547

I think Shoppinghour is a pretty cool guy. eh push bitches down stairs and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.1646548

I just wanted to say that Hemingway killed himself within hours of my birth. I like to think that his soul transmigrated into my body.
That is all.

>> No.1646550

because he is deeply right about the codetermination of will and the world, but deeply wrong in failing to account for the fact that he got his result, which he takes to be of significance, while sitting alone in a room.

philosophy is done in life not on paper.

>> No.1646552
File: 19 KB, 300x420, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She learned to make me a sandwich. You know that a man is badass when he has beaten some bitches

>> No.1646551

I just printed out your post and laughed at my screen.

>> No.1646555


Shut the fuck up, you stupid cunt bitch. You know fuck all. I don't hate on tripfags, but you are a fucking retarded cunt.

Jesus, just stop fucking posting already. You're a retarded spunkbubble.

>> No.1646558
File: 36 KB, 348x332, Kanye-Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why no one likes to be around depressed people, not just because they're unpleasant but because they're extremely self-important and insist on trying to project their feelings onto everyone else. Bitches need to learn that there's no "correct" emotional response to anything, your "deep" feelings are just chemical reactions in your brain and resenting non-depressed people for having more pleasant chemical reactions than yours just makes you look like a douche.

Also I love it when people say depression enhances creativity
>implying most creative people are actually depressed, instead of simply having the sensitivity to experience a wide range of emotions including both "negative" and "positive" ones
>implying most depressed people aren't as lazy, unintelligent and uncreative as non-depressed people, and don't just sit around felling sorry for themselves and pretending to be deep

I'm not depressed, I'm also more sensitive and creative than all of you and yall mad as hell.

>> No.1646556

if philosophers were celestial objects, schopenhauer would be something like a neutron star.

>> No.1646561

>he is deeply right
This is the only thing I care about when reading any philosopher. He's life is irrelevant (if it's not relevant to understand his point).

>> No.1646562

this guy is right.

>> No.1646564

keep going with this, who do you think would be a black hole?

>> No.1646567
File: 56 KB, 300x300, kanye_west.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the person/people? you quoted was right in that argument. they were the ones saying there is suffering rather than pretending there isnt.

>> No.1646568

>he thinks being right only leads to 1 asymptote

being right is often catastrophic. what is necessary is to rise above the different convergences in order to find a goal, then devise a meditative plan of accomplishing it.

black holes end in suicide.

>> No.1646569

a second screencap for truman?

>> No.1646570

no, they said that life is essentially suffering, when there's certainly a lot more to life than jsut that

>> No.1646571


and alcohol

>> No.1646572

unhappy people are insufferable, never mind depressives

>> No.1646574

lol I'm not depressed yet you quoted 2 of my posts as if I was implying I am. Also, I was talking about suffering: this is not a projection of my emotions EVERYBODY knows what suffering is (and I wasn't saying depression had nothing to do with suffering). Life wouldn't be fucking possible without suffering, because we would die starving if we didn't feel suffering when we starve. So I think that's reasonable to think that suffering is life's essence.
I think you just didn't fucking understand my words. Learn to argue properly or fuck off.

>> No.1646576
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>> No.1646578
File: 23 KB, 400x366, kanye_west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1646580

I think that life is suffering and I'm far away from being depressive. Also I'm not self-important or whatever you name it. You don't need to call me "hurr big pussy depressed lazy snob" just because I think that life is suffering. Just deal with it. Different people have different ways.

>> No.1646582

Continue on, oh enlightened one. Clearly you hold all the answers here.

>> No.1646584

then life is essentially happiness too, it's essentially a lot of different feelings and sensations, deal with it

>> No.1646587

>Depressed person posts on lit

Not saying anyone should seek condolence or, heaven forbid, advice about how to deal with, y'know, REAL problems on /lit/, but the wealth of immaturity and smugness you guys exude is baffling.

>> No.1646588

>can't quote properly
>still wrong
oh dear.

>> No.1646589

I meant that life isn't only suffering, just essentially.
Read the other posts I don't want to repeat shit.
Life couldn't be essentially happiness, because when you are happy you don't need to do anything, but when you're suffering you do.

>> No.1646596

i wonder if onionring will lie low for a couple of weeks like isabelle did.

>> No.1646598
File: 41 KB, 600x398, 2002-7-12-nvbu_tian_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a person holding a certain attitudinal valence will reinforce attitudes that are agreeable, and reject attitudes that are not agreeable. problem is, for a depressed person no internal positive attitude is generated, while external positive attitude is rejected. this is the so-called gravity of depression.

the only thing schopenhauer realised that prevents his collapse into oblivion was the futility of finding life's meaning from only one's own feelings. the whole process leads to no absolutes.

however, what i will show is that this reflection is actually meaningful and poewrful when initiated by positive attitudes. there are many asymptotes to subjective reflection and if we can control our trajectory thorugh this space then there is absolute freedom, at least in the initial, neutral state.

>> No.1646604

bitches don't knouw 'bout mah Samsara

>> No.1646615

>I meant that life isn't only suffering, just essentially.
jesus christ you're retarded, what bullshit in your brain didn't make you think I realized that
>but when you're suffering you do.
not all desire to do a thing comes from suffering. being a bit hungry isn't suffering. feeling a little itchy isn't suffering. having to poop isn't suffering. there being people who are unable eat/scratch their asses/shit doesn't make life 'essentially suffering'.

>> No.1646619


>> No.1646629

bitches dunno bout mah "life is dukkha"

>> No.1646646

>what bullshit in your brain didn't make you think I realized that
>then life is essentially happiness too, it's essentially a lot of different feelings and sensations
>being a bit hungry isn't suffering
being a bit hungry was not what I was talking about, dumbfuck. I was talking about STARVING. Being a bit hungry just causes a bit of suffering.
Desire is based on suffering. Extreme suffering is not like a little bit of suffering? I know it, retard. Life is essentially suffering because you NEED to do things. You need because the consequences make you suffer. You don't seem to understand the meaning of the word suffering. Desire doesn't simply appear in your head as something nice that will come easily, you NEED to satisfy your desires even if it's difficult because you fear the consequences that will make you suffer.

>> No.1646671

ok great, then all desire for you counts as suffering to some degree, whatever.
>you NEED to satisfy your desires even if it's difficult because you fear the consequences that will make you suffer.
no, you do things because of the instinctual urge to do things. an animal is not making some kind of intellectual decision about the future when it eats something. those who have never starved or known anyone who's starved or know that starving is bad will still know that they need to eat.

>> No.1646684

>instinctual urge
what happens when something stops you from satisfying this instinctual urge? That's right: suffer.
>an animal is not making some kind of intellectual decision about the future when it eats something
they just feel hunger and think "it sucks to be hungry" so they eat, because hunger is just a form of suffering.
>those who have never starved or known anyone who's starved or know that starving is bad will still know that they need to eat.
You just need to feel the profoundly unpleasant feeling of hunger to know that you need to eat. That's enough.

>> No.1646693

>what happens when something stops you from satisfying this instinctual urge? That's right: suffer.
what happens when you do satisfy this urge? pleasure! there we go, life is essentially pleasure (for those who can satisfy it whenever they need to).
>profoundly unpleasant feeling of hunger
it's not really that bad when you know you can satisfy it

>> No.1646722

>what happens when you do satisfy this urge? pleasure!
lol, I wonder what do you think "essentially" means. Only when you've satisfied your urges you get pleasure, just for a moment. Then you need to satisfy it again, and then again. Also: first: you need (suffering) THEN: you get ephemeral pleasure. You OBVIOUSLY get pleasure. But life's still essentially suffering. Pleasure is hard to gain but suffering (from in-satisfaction to extreme pain) is the most common and easy thing to find.
>it's not really that bad when you know you can satisfy it
This sentence is just stupid. Knowing that you will eat doesn't make hunger disappear. Try to stop eating during 3 days (yeah, after the 3rd day you know that you will eat again). The second day tell me if knowing that you'll eat the next day makes you feel less hunger.

>> No.1646733

goddamn i got tybrax banned and yet here he is still why
who fucked up, someone is gonna get fired over this one

>> No.1646747

it was a 2-day ban. i hope you're not the idiot thats clinging on to dear life in his shitty argument here.

i mean onionring didnt get involved despite agreeing with the wrong person. i think he should give up by now.

>> No.1646746


>> No.1646753


i dont give a shit about this argument but you are a fag and i am pretty sure you are wrong because you are a fag, dig

also ban evasion shit is usually perma

>> No.1646760

i did get banned for ban evasion but it was still two days. oh yeah so thats means it was definitely a mod right?

are you like friends with one so you asked him to ban me for posting off-topic in *someone else's thread*?

>> No.1646763


my methods are my own but you ought to know that p much all of team4chan hates you

>> No.1646771

>p much all of team4chan hates you
what have i ever done to be known by the admins?

is it like FBI style where if you say moot killed /r9k/ and /new/ for 'the jews' you get flagged to be monitored? lol

>> No.1646800

How do I deal with depression? Well for starters I take a look at this thread and realize how fucking stupid everyone posting in it is (including me since I opted to participate) and realize the vast majority of shit that people worry about isn't worth worrying about.

>> No.1646812

>you ought to know that p much all of team4chan hates you

What the fuck is this faggotry?

At this stage of the game being hated by 4chan moderation team seems to be a badge of honor.

>> No.1646815

>I take a look at this thread and realize how fucking stupid everyone posting in it is (including me since I opted to participate)
see ladies and gentlemen, this is the type of errors you end up making when you filter tripfags.

i think he's bullshitting anyway. i'd be on a trip and ip range ban like coolioioioiotooop* if it was true.

>> No.1646820

I bet you're a genius, and not just a pedantic asshole that didn't even read/understood the thread and just talks shit.

>> No.1646825

no they don't they don't even know who he is, apart from Pinky the only mod who visits /lit/
you fucking retard don't try and bullshit

>> No.1646894

I decide to stop being depressed mostly.

>> No.1646902

Why are we arguing whether life is suffering or not. To know happiness you have to know the opposite. Happiness and depression sort of balance the scale, they go together like a horse and carriage, you can't have one without the ooooother. Life is about opposites and feelings are complementary. You can't drift far into one side without having known the far side of the opposing.

So you're all wrong, fags.