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16463544 No.16463544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you're smart, why are you poor?

>> No.16463549

No, I've never had a job, because I've never wanted one

>> No.16463566
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Me? Poor? No. I love off my parents' money. Mama and Papa work hard for me.

>> No.16463573

how are you giving them back?

>> No.16463575
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Because I spent all my money on smarts

>> No.16463576

Too poor to be smart

>> No.16463581

Okay Morrissey

>> No.16463585

too dumb to be rich

>> No.16463586

Don't worry me and the comrades gonna make sure all of us eat once I move out of mom's

>> No.16463589

Positively based
If you weren't born into a family that spoils you all your childhood, lets you NEET it up as you please, then eventually pays for education and secures you a comfortable white collar job via nepotism, you may as well KYS because you were genetically trash to begin with

>> No.16463590

By reading and constructing my own philosophical system so that I can give them a coherent and unified worldview.

>> No.16463591

The things I need dont need that much money so I dont need a lot of money, same for most of my hobbies

>> No.16463601

but why?

>> No.16463614

You mean you see good stuff and you dont desire them?

>> No.16463618

I shun material things that cannot be read, and I don't need money to check out books at the library.

>> No.16463701
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Making money is a talent fundamentally, and wealth is the result of 4 things: talent, experience, education and luck. Anybody can become wealthy if they have 2 of the 4, but if you want to be a billionnaire you have to have all 4 put together. After all, it's easier to lose money than keep it.
People think that people who inherit billions from their parents are automatically dumb elitists living off their parents; that couldn't be farther from the truth. Most inherited billionaires keep their money because they also got their parent's genes and education, which is usually more than enough to at least keep the family fortune. The people that don't have a habit of combusting pretty quickly at casinos and car warhouses - just look at people who win the lottery and go homeless when they waste all their money
Finally, having cold hard cash is a lot different to having assets, even liquid assets. Sure, Jeff Bezos has """200billion""", but what would happen if he tried to spend 10 billion of that in one go?

>> No.16463718

I don't have any connections and can't be bothered to put any effort into a wagecuck position. I'm not smart though

>> No.16463738

why should i get a job? so i make lots of money, then what?

>> No.16463748

because i refuse to live a life that is not worth living.

>> No.16463754

Because I was born to a poor family and social mobility is very low here. I managed to secure a comfy middle class lifestyle but becoming rich is next to impossible in capitalism

>> No.16463762

Who said that I'm smart? I'm an ignorant, as Socrates said "I know only that I don't know)
Checked and based.

>> No.16463767

>I'm not poor
>I don't consider being rich a lifegoal, in fact, I absolutely despise anyone with the priority of getting rich.

Getting rich is something that will happen to you if you work hard and with passion, if you actually provide value. Athletes get medals because they love sports, they love pushing themselves to the edge, medals are only a result of that, not a goal.

People who have the goal of becoming rich are ALWAYS extremely shallow and vapid, uninteresting and profoundly hylic, and 99.9999 of them will never succeed because they are retarded

>> No.16463769

Why would I want to spend time learning how to trade stock or how to sell consumer goods?

That shit is so fucking boring compared to learning how to do literally anything else. And having to be a business professional about it all? Stealing from poors to make a profit? It's all just so ugly.

>> No.16463773

>having to learn anything
Put your money in /biz/ memes and enjoy your 10x at least

>> No.16463784

Not really no, I desire some things like a gun but i just get over it until I save enough. Other things I desire are things like books which are dirt cheap ir can be found dirt cheap

>> No.16463791

The welathiest people I know, myself included, care very little about money as such. It's a means to a higher end--it's the singular, radical pursuit of that higher goals that ends up generating a lot of money. It's more an existential principle than anything else.

It's like the morons on here that want recommendations for literature on how to build a cult following or a mass movement or something. They do not see that at the bottom of anything real is something genuine, something other than the power in question. It's like trying to drill to the center of the earth with your bit pointed toward the moon.

>> No.16463803

GME is at 9.66, /biz/ lied.

>> No.16463807

Because I am only slightly above average smart, I also have like 100k worth of assets and no debt. If I was super smart + very competitive I'd be a millionaire.

>> No.16463819

I've risen above base materiality, the rat race, and consumerist hypnotism.

>> No.16463830

This, every true artist needs a patron. Laboring for grubby coins is for lesser creatures.

>> No.16463836

>just look at people who win the lottery and go homeless when they waste all their money
Lottery is played several times a week, and has been for many years now, yet how many winners actually screwed their lives because of it? Less than 0.01%>>16463701
of all major winners?

>> No.16463838

I don't want to sell my soul and work my ass off doing something I hate to become rich for the sake of being rich, especially when I'm not a materialistic person to begin with. My hobbies aren't lucrative in the slightest either, unless you can think of a way a person can get rich from their knowledge of ancient languages.

>> No.16463840

this is the only thing you need

>> No.16463842

>It's a means to a higher end--it's the singular, radical pursuit of that higher goals that ends up generating a lot of money.
What is this singular radical pursuit of yours, be specific?

>> No.16463844

everything in life could be reduced down to ''then what?''

>> No.16463845

i aint poor

>> No.16463846

>The welathiest people I know, myself included, care very little about money as such
Kek imagine believing this.

>> No.16463853

>People who have the goal of becoming rich are ALWAYS extremely shallow and vapid, uninteresting and profoundly hylic, and 99.9999 of them will never succeed because they are retarded
You know how much cope this sounds like, right? If you're smart, you should be able to see it

>> No.16463854

>you can become rich if you work hard
Cringe how you faggots believe in this fake ass platitude

>> No.16463860

>The welathiest people I know, myself included, care very little about money as such
Are you related to Freud?

>> No.16463871

There are so many ways to market yourself now, if you can't find a way to market your interests, you arent doing it right.

>> No.16463873

Wealthiest need to constantly find ways to churn out profits or else they'll be booted out of the competition and they'll go bankrupt.

>> No.16463875

I have training in a field that could net me a six figure income if I chose to completely through myself at it. But you spend a third of your life sleeping, another third working, and another third tired from work. I make the calculation that it is better to just barely get by if that means I can have time to do the things I love.

>> No.16463882

Not to mention this way I get to go to sleep when I feel like it, and wake up when I feel like it, and not be subjected to all the humiliations and vanities of the corporate world like some jumped up peasant.

>> No.16463891

I hold a J.D. and am finishing up a master's degree in Medieval history. I am over $700k in debt. I will never work in my life, when I get my master's I will pursue a degree in something else.

>> No.16463906

I don't want to work. I don't care about being rich. There's nothing I want to buy anyway

>> No.16463915

I don't see how. It's true.
I don't have anything against rich people, but people whose number one goal is just "being rich" are utterly retarded and shallow.

>> No.16463916

not everyone is a vacuous hylic like you

>> No.16463917

How'd you manage debt past the first 300k? I thought the gov stopped lending school money at a certain point.

>> No.16463922

>over 700k in debt
Americans, am I right?

>> No.16463923

Holy fucking based
Don't pay (((them))) back a single penny of that debt

>> No.16463930

>After all, it's easier to lose money than keep it.
Not when you get to a certain level of capital. You have to actively try to lose money at that point.

>> No.16463931

Private lenders.

>> No.16463933

>not being a disability write-off and leaching off your parents while building an investment portfolio with your autismbux

>> No.16463935

There's something physically wrong with my brain which makes me lazy. I can't help it.

>> No.16463938

>parents die
>plan over

>> No.16463939

What university?

>> No.16463942

>investment portfolio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>with your autismbux

>> No.16463947

This unironically works. A year or two after I got my J.D. and started my masters the collectors started coming around saying "hey champ, you're probably working by now. that means you can start paying your loan off, right?". $3 a month, not a penny more.

>> No.16463949
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Don't they break kneecaps anymore? You're a fucking parasite mate, its for the greater good

>> No.16463954

Colorado Boulder

>> No.16463955


>> No.16463957

You only need to 10x a couple of times with 1k to earn more than most wagies will make in their life.

>> No.16463966

, he asked Diogenes

>> No.16463972

It depends on what you borrow money for. If you borrow money from a street lender for crack then yeah, you'll get your knees kicked in. If you borrow from a white-collar lender for something like education then it's much tamer. People don't realize but there are people out there, wealthy, of dubious legal standing who will happily lend someone money to go to university if they can use that expertise to their own advantage. Lots of industrial tycoons pay for kids to go and get degrees in biology and other sciences so they can use them when they graduate. My patron has a vested interest in what universities teach in regards to history and thinks I'm going to become a professor of history.

>> No.16463973

>You only need to 10x a couple of times
LOL you must be 1 8to post here

>> No.16463978

Yeah, I don't like that we live in an age of unsustainable selfishness and degeneracy. You got me

>> No.16463984

What are you actually doing about it

>> No.16463997

what happens when you fail to pay that amount?

>> No.16463999

Writing a philosophy book on my own dime educating myself with the best books in the world, which being classics are quite cheap. Wish me luck parasite

>> No.16464004

Okay smart people, how the fuck do I make enough money quickly so I don't have to be a fucking wageslave anymore?

>> No.16464018
File: 176 KB, 800x1281, 1563217451255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy chainlink

>> No.16464022

It's working out well for me so far. I know it's not liquid, and still counts as capital at risk, but it means in total I have about 30k in savings and assets, when I'd only have about half that if I kept everything in my savings account.
Besides, if I have too much in my savings account, it progressively lowers the amount of autismbux I can claim. So by periodically lowering my savings by throwing one or two grand at shares, I ensure I can maximally milk the system that royally fucked me over.

>> No.16464049

gay escort

>> No.16464059

I feel seen

>> No.16464061

I’m now worth almost 400 million. Perhaps I am not smart—but I am certainly not poor.

>> No.16464073
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He who has enough will never be poor
He who fiends for more will never be rich

>> No.16464074

Im worth now almost 1.2 billion...im most certainly not stupid

Also: bonus, will paypal 20k to any digits that responds to this message

>> No.16464078

How did you do it?

>> No.16464084
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omnia mea mecum porto

>> No.16464104
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>> No.16464117
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are you zimbian?

>> No.16464121

No earthly possessions is the path to enlightenment

>> No.16464590


>> No.16464924

I'm not

>> No.16464948

>if you're smart, why do you not use this intellect for collecting funny pieces of paper until you die?

>> No.16464971

I'm not smart

>> No.16465008

So why not just kys and be done with it? Serious.

>> No.16465047

im not smart

>> No.16465053

So why should I wageslave? Lmao

>> No.16465057

I-I don´t like hierarchies...

>> No.16465059

Maybe I'm retarded. I also value my free time over having excessive amounts of money.

>> No.16465133

Too much work. Why would I want to? Needs are easy to meet and anything more than those is, by definition, unnecessary