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File: 432 KB, 500x775, Kiran Nagarkar (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16462183 No.16462183 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16462195
File: 519 KB, 622x914, crime and punishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my magnum opus

>> No.16462233

That dude is nothing like Raskolnikov doe

>> No.16462268
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>> No.16462285
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>> No.16462315
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>> No.16462319

>smashing self checkout

>> No.16462337
File: 531 KB, 500x775, The Conditions of the Working Class in England.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16462342
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>> No.16462346
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>> No.16462348
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>> No.16462350

>that pig
god I'm horny for some fuckin' spanferkel.

>> No.16462356
File: 377 KB, 500x775, The Divine Comedy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16462359

He is not mounting some Kaczynski-esque critique of automated checkouts and technology here anon.

>> No.16462363

how do you know?

>> No.16462369

He's trying to get the money out of it, obviously. But nice anti-racist coping mechanism.

>> No.16462373
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>> No.16462423

Kant - Never had sex

>> No.16462429

Ask me how I know that a homeless person taking a dump behind a lamppost isn't mounting some protest of societies fixation with hygiene.

Pleb cope to make something more meaningful than it is.

>> No.16462432


>> No.16462435

Who cares, as long as he destroys t*chnology and upsets technophiles

>> No.16462441

He's mounting more honest Kaczynski-esque critique of automated checkouts and technology than any of local Kaczynskiboys.

>> No.16462449
File: 414 KB, 1080x1680, Screenshot_20200914-012815_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The masterpiece

>> No.16462457

It's more like if a homeless person had someplace to shit, then he wouldn't be doing it behind a lamppost. Imagine.

>> No.16462460

Considering there is no critique in his actions, I would say not. If I ate an apple for breakfast without thinking, I am hardly mounting a campaign for veganism. Some guy that eats meat but admits to others that veganism is good for the planet does more of a good job at spreading veganism than I am with my fucking apple.

>inb4 veganism is actually bollocks
I know, it is just an example.

>> No.16462474

you're thinking about what you're looking at wrong. it's not about what he's doing, it's why he's doing it.
people who are financially secure don't break open cash machines. if a store hadn't fired half of it's employees so it could save money with a robot, there'd be nothing for them to break open.
all actions are a communication. every act is a statement.

>> No.16462490

I love you so much, anons.

>> No.16462491

Shit example. Veganism is not mere consumption of fruits, Veganism is exclusion of animal products from one's life. So the correct example would be you actually excluding animal products from your life, which would indeed be more powerful critique than meat-eater spreading vegan propaganda.

Ultimately those vegans want people to stop consuming animal products, they dont want people just to talk about veganism. Just as K-fags want people to become such niggers with hammers, instead of reading some essayw why tech is bad.

>> No.16462501 [DELETED] 

What are you even saying?

>it's why he's doing it
I know.... and he has no idea why "he be doin' it". He isn't acting out his frustration against his loss of employment, he has been told he is a victim of muh systemic racism and he smashed the nearest thing he could. The only ounce of thought in this is maybe that he realised some objects in the store contained value in the form of money and he preferred grabbing that. But there is not grand political outburst here anon.

>> No.16462518 [DELETED] 

>he has been told he is a victim of muh systemic racism and he smashed the nearest thing he could.
that's a reason. arguably, it's a better reason than money. And, he doesn't need to know- consciously to react to something. Everyone does it. Ever reacted weird to something? Got mad about something stupid? That's you reacting to something that got lodged into your brain when you were younger.

>The only ounce of thought in this is maybe that he realised some objects in the store contained value in the form of money and he preferred grabbing that.
yeah, personal gain is still a very prominent impulse

>But there is not grand political outburst here anon.
I'm not saying there is. I'm not saying they think they are, or that they even care.
I'm saying that there's a reason for why they're doing it and that those reasons are results of a flawed system, not because "they're niggers and that's what niggers do"

>> No.16462535 [DELETED] 


>> No.16462555 [DELETED] 

>it's a better reason than money
It's not, because it is not real.

>Ever reacted weird to something? Got mad about something stupid?
>In a bad mood over something
>Chimp out and smash an ATM up
>Can't even articulate why I am spray painting some guy's car
>Some cuckold anon on 4chins: "Oh this gentleman is in protest against the world"

>yeah, personal gain is still a very prominent impulse
It isn't a political protest though. I never said he wasn't thinking about what he could get out of the situation.

>I'm saying that there's a reason for why they're doing it and that those reasons are results of a flawed system, not because "they're niggers and that's what niggers do"
The reason is he heard a myth and probably got stopped by police once (rightly so as he is clearly a criminal, and it was likely for a crime he committed) so he sees himself as a victim and he exploded in rage. It isn't a flawed system that made him do that.

Unless your definition of flawed system is "the media that controls the narratives of our society told poor blacks that they were victims, then gave them some sketchy examples, causing them to burn down their cities so the media can appear to be the paragons of justice and get more clicks".

>> No.16462599 [DELETED] 

>The reason is he heard a myth
clearly not a myth, since you're right here. Have you been on this board lately?

>and probably got stopped by police once (rightly so as he is clearly a criminal,
>and it was likely for a crime he committed)
maybe. that doesn't change police bullshit- do a little research

>so he sees himself as a victim and he exploded in rage.
are you implying you wouldn't get pissed if you felt that you were being mistreated?

>It isn't a flawed system that made him do that.
of course it is. personal agency is a huge part, but a human does not exist in a vacuum.

your entire family history only goes back 100 years because your great, great, grandpa was kidnapped and shipped to America to be a slave. The first black person to go to a white school was in the 60s. You have trump in the whitehouse- a billionaire crowdfunding a giant wall, you've got MAGA assholes and ghettos and a thousand other issues and then you're calling them uncivilized because they feel a little fucking agitated.

Do you even remember what the fucking protests are about?

Do you know what's going on? There are war crimes going on because black people wanted cops who committed an actual murder to be punished by the law. You think a system that reacts so violently to a pretty reasonable demand isn't fucking broken?

>> No.16462609 [DELETED] 

forget it. I don't want to continue this discussion.

>> No.16462636 [DELETED] 

>clearly not a myth, since you're right here. Have you been on this board lately?
I am on 4chins, so systemic racism is real? Wanna outline that one for me anon?

>maybe. that doesn't change police bullshit- do a little research
no u. the research shows that him being stopped by police is not due racism, it is due to genuine criminality.

>are you implying you wouldn't get pissed if you felt that you were being mistreated?
Are you implying that all acts (that is what you said previously) are legitimate outbursts against mistreatment? And yes I have outbursts, I don't trash other people's shit though.

>of course it is. personal agency is a huge part, but a human does not exist in a vacuum.
That doesn't mean the flawed system caused his behaviour.

>your entire family history only goes back 100 years because your great, great, grandpa was kidnapped and shipped to America to be a slave. The first black person to go to a white school was in the 60s. You have trump in the whitehouse- a billionaire crowdfunding a giant wall, you've got MAGA assholes and ghettos and a thousand other issues and then you're calling them uncivilized because they feel a little fucking agitated.
Wow, the cuckoldry in this fucking post. Tell me, why are Finns burning down their country after centuries of foul treatment under their neighbours? Why not the Slavs after being turned into slaves for so long, the word slave is even derived from the word Slav? Why are the Chinese in America how have lived in peasant squalor for most of history not acting like this? Why are the Native Americans (although they commit more crimes than most) are not burning down whole cities?

>Do you even remember what the fucking protests are about?
Ask a protestor yourself and you will find most of them can't articulate it either.

>Do you know what's going on? There are war crimes going on because black people wanted cops who committed an actual murder to be punished by the law. You think a system that reacts so violently to a pretty reasonable demand isn't fucking broken?
Are you fucking brainwashed? He is in custody and will be put on trial. The idea that they are elevating this thug cop to some sainthood is absurd. What are they not getting that they have asked for? Chauvin is charged with 2nd degree murder. That happened within a few days. The whole world is kneeling. Every brand or corporation is erecting BLM banners. No public figure has dared to cross them.

What, UNIRONICALLY, is BLM not getting that it wants?

>> No.16462638 [DELETED] 

>sees a black person doing something based that he would never have the balls to do in real life because he's an impotent little bitch
>i-it's a retarded chimp and it's only doing something based and redpilled by accident!!! i'm the based one!! i have an ideology!!! i've read BOOKS!
>g-guys there's no way that that chimp is self aware...
>[more retarded bullshit he tells himself to get to sleep at night]
you are fucking embarrassing and a cuckold, congratulations on living the life of a pathetic coward

>> No.16462642 [DELETED] 

That is too bad, I just posted a response, if you actually bother to read it you might realise BLM is entirely illegitimate.

>> No.16462647 [DELETED] 

>>sees a black person doing something based that he would never have the balls to do in real life because he's an impotent little bitch
Yes, I would never destroy things that don't belong to me, what a fucking coward eh?

>>i-it's a retarded chimp and it's only doing something based and redpilled by accident!!! i'm the based one!! i have an ideology!!! i've read BOOKS!
Being a criminal is hardly redpilled and based anon

>>g-guys there's no way that that chimp is self aware...

>you are fucking embarrassing and a cuckold, congratulations on living the life of a pathetic coward
Projecting his cuckoldry as he praises the people destroying his civilisation.

>> No.16462650 [DELETED] 

I did read it, and you only further proved how there's no point talking about this anymore.

>> No.16462666 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 500x775, 293742E2-CC4B-4606-92DF-ECFFFD3E82A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what AREN'T the blm protests getting?

Off the top of my head? All three of the cops who broke into Breonna Taylor's apartment in the middle of the night and murdered her got away with it. Only one of them was charged something - with property damage, for the bullets that didn't hit her body. That's it.

If you think cops should be legally allowed to do that to anyone, I think you're retarded. I wish you would shut the fuck up and stop dragging things off topic but you won't because you're probably a cop

>> No.16462668 [DELETED] 

Why? Because you realise your idiocy? That BLM demanding a man be brought to justice is literally happening already? That this was independent of their demands? That they are perpetuating a silly myth that if they don't burn down a city, Derek Chauvin would be walking free right now?

Have you realised the horse you backed is lame?

>> No.16462672 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's it exactly

>> No.16462676 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16462681 [DELETED] 
File: 357 KB, 444x960, 48EDDBBD-A495-4BB3-A19D-261B6BB1C98A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent free

>> No.16462686 [DELETED] 

>Breonna Taylor
Oh my fucking god, he believes this shit. Firstly, why didn't they riot for her first, and the riots began with Floyd in July? Let me break that down for you.

>Cops knock on the door and enter (it was not a no-knock raid)
>They are announced
>Boyfriend starts blasting in a pitch black apartment
>Cop hit by bullet
>Other cop returns fire and hits Taylor in a dark hallway where he could not have known she was standing.

I cannot IMAGINE the fucking mental gymnastics required to thing the Taylor case is a murder.

>> No.16462692 [DELETED] 

>he posts impotently

glad to see you have some personal incite into your own flaws. BLM is trash, stop supporting them.

>> No.16462701 [DELETED] 

>it's LITERALLY FINE to break into someone's house and shoot them 47 times in their sleep
confirmed cop poster
oink oink bitch
tomorrow you'll be bacon

>> No.16462704 [DELETED] 

>Someone did something once that was perhaps justified, so now if I do similar things for bullshit reasons, you cannot criticise me because what they did was justified.
Dining out on other people's protests eh? Gonna tell me that because Gandhi stood up against colonialism, burning down a city is always justified next?

>> No.16462710 [DELETED] 

The police officer is definitely Petrovich, though.

>> No.16462713 [DELETED] 

>he thinks Gandhi was anything except a puppet and mouthpiece for the British colonial rule
HAHAHAHAHAHAH christ this faggot

>> No.16462715 [DELETED] 

they had a warrant for a raid, so yeah, it is justified to break in.

>shot her 47 times in her sleep
No you spastic, he returned fire at an assailant, she was hit, in the dark where he could not have possibly known she was. Bit of a stretch away from suggesting they entered a house, turned on the lights, saw a woman lying there and decided she would do for tonight and blasted her.

>> No.16462720 [DELETED] 

It's an example you pleb. Nice dodge of the question.

>> No.16462731 [DELETED] 

They were deliberately given the wrong address, moron. The whole operation was a kike real estate scam because the city wanted the building. The felon "boyfriend" wasn't in contact with her for over a year, they dug him up to try and make her less sympathetic because murdering a nurse during a pandemic is bad PR.

>> No.16462738 [DELETED] 

Gotten any proof for that schizo post anon?

>> No.16462739


>> No.16462770 [DELETED] 

NOT A SINGLE well informed person in this thread, I see. Completely deficient cuckolds that cannot understand why muh Breonna is a complete pile of bullshit excuse for rioting who will all get their just desserts when the BLM savages turn on their own abodes and burn them alive.

>> No.16462797 [DELETED] 

>he thinks that I, a cheerful and well adjusted member of the "burn shit down" faith, own a house
sounds like something a man with a very burnable house would say. you don't own possessions, brother - they own you

>> No.16462845 [DELETED] 

Nice dodge son, I said your abode and I never said you owned it. You will be engulfed in the flames of the riots you have knelt for.

>> No.16462851

OP here

Please post amusing images, no one cares about niggers

>> No.16462861

Kek. I know that fag. You still using that sig discord?

>> No.16462868


>> No.16462891

Thank you for breathing some sense back into this thread

>> No.16462964
File: 346 KB, 500x775, 3DA6A2D3-4118-4C5D-864B-A13392207A33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, that whole fiasco is a reminder this board has gone to hell

>> No.16463044
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>> No.16463045
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>> No.16463053
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Based OP

>> No.16463116
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t. Cork

>> No.16463383
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>> No.16463429


>> No.16463524

this is so me bros....

>> No.16463550

oh wow, I guess I'll cop it soon™

>> No.16463641
File: 152 KB, 324x500, litard1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16463653

Chaste and breadpilled

>> No.16463664
File: 542 KB, 500x775, A Confederacy of Dunces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Oh, Fortuna, blind, heedless goddess, I am strapped to your wheel,' Ignatius belched, 'Do not crush me beneath your spokes. Raise me on high, divinity.”

>> No.16463693

I don't like rioting or looting but this is kino.

>> No.16463920


>> No.16463969

kek, but no woman would go to guy's house who looks like this.

>> No.16463986

Kek. Always imagined that’s what he looked like.

>> No.16464003

Hilarious stuff.

>> No.16464098

Are the bananas supposed to be a metaphor for penis or am I just a fag that looks for cocks everywhere???

>> No.16464142
File: 487 KB, 500x775, The Kreutzer Sonata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16464255
