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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 291x350, Blood_logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16461316 No.16461316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There have been some threads lately about posting images and getting book recommendations based on them. Let's do something different.

Post films, music, video games, artwork, or anything else you'd like, and others will give you book recommendations based on them.

Are there any books similar in feel to the game Blood?

>> No.16461557
File: 473 KB, 541x640, divine_cybermancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books with a similar feeling to E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy?

>> No.16461576

No, you fucking faggot this is a literature board
Go back to /tv/ or whatever else has turned into a general pop-culture board because this website desperately needs a sfw random

>> No.16461591

Describe the feeling

>> No.16461592

Calm the fuck down. I'm asking for literature, not video games. This board exists on a website that was made for weeaboos and faggots that play video games. There's going to be crossover.

What's wrong with having a taste you enjoy and wanting to explore more content that appeals to this taste? I'm not asking for a book that takes place in the same fucking universe with the same lore as the game, I'm asking for fucking books that people might think I'd enjoy if I liked a particular piece of media.

If I said I wanted more books like slaughterhouse five you'd go "just read catch-22", it's not fucking hard.

>> No.16461603

What did you like most about EYE that you want to feel from a book? The cyberpunk, the future religion stuff, the psychological shit with the cycles, the war, a combination of them all?

>> No.16461612

Off-topic low IQ posters pls go and don’t lower the board to the standards of your fucking video games

>> No.16461619

>I'm asking for literature, not video games
Stfu you disingenuous fag you created a whole thread that’s basically a general for unrelated media to literature and you know it