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/lit/ - Literature

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16459339 No.16459339 [Reply] [Original]

>reading a novel (27th city, by franzen)
>it's ok but getting boring and pointless as it endlessly goes on

>reading a history book about medieval europe
>interesting, but it's just one damn thing after another and I remember almost fuck all, except broad outlines
>the broad outlines are usually just "kings died and lived, yo"

It's embarrassing that I've done so much reading but I couldn't have a long conversation about anything I've read. What's the point? It's pure consumercuckoldry.

>> No.16459354
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>unironicaly reading Jonathan Fagzen
KEK just kys, you're retarded.

>> No.16459406

>walking home from a night out on the town with bazza and deano
>drank too many pints
>take a quick tactical spew in nearby park
>boris and crew teleport behind you
>starts chanting homeric poetry in ancient greek
what do

>> No.16459418

Because you just read. You gotta think( think about the stuff in the book and ask questions) and you gotta take notes( or something like active recall, mostly used for studying but revise what you read by asking yourself questions like a week after reading the book or just take notes.

>> No.16461132


>> No.16461146

At its worst, it’s an expressive form of consumerism that takes effort to extract. At best, it is thought provoking and informative material that can fundamentally change how one sees the world and wishes to influence it. If one gains nothing from the book he is reading or if he is not using it as a basis to read others, he may as well not read it.

>> No.16461147

>Read books
>Realize that you are retarded and can't retain anything you read because of internet addiction
>Post on 4chan about it

>> No.16461156

I'm reading "How to Read A Book" by Adler and it has methods to improve your comprehension. You just have to put in extra effort.