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16457909 No.16457909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight /lit/, is /pol/ right about the Jews?

>> No.16457920

Yes and no. Yes, there are Jews who control many areas in the world, but no, that doesn't mean every Jew is evil.

>> No.16457931

They killed Jesus.
Yes they're evil. Or they were.
Some jews are bad some are cool. Like Derrida or Wittgenstein are cool.

>> No.16457937

Yes and yes. Yes, there are jews who control nearly all areas of the world, and yes, every single jew is inherently evil and deserves to be gassed.

>> No.16457939


>> No.16457944

/pol/ is always wrong when it comes to predictions and always right when it comes to minorities.

>> No.16457945

Leopold Bloom is cool to, albeit fictional.

>> No.16457947

t. jew

>> No.16457949


>> No.16457953

/pol/ is always right

>> No.16457994

they have disproportionate influence obviously, but it's not like they're connected to literally everything and have a plan to snuff out white gentiles.

>> No.16458019

Jews have undue influence but thats because we were dumb enough to fall for materialism and meritocracy

>> No.16458048

Yes. I have a 28% Jew friend and he dislikes blacks and is confused why Jews in US are so subversive.

>> No.16458075

Theyre defintely tribal. Them wanting to kill white people probably not. To be fair libshit jews are ESPECIALLY obnoxious for some reason

>> No.16458103

What’s up guys jeff cavaliere athlean x dot com and today we’re going to talk about how the jews are killing your gains

>> No.16458143

They're not evil *because* they're jewish, but they definitely use their religion to justify their evil and protect themselves from criticism.

>> No.16458171

The control the have is irrefutable but its not to the vicious extent portrayed, the real cause is their religion and greed itself that many of them are prone to but not every jew is a shithead who cares about zion/controlling the world. I wouldnt trust them blindly but just like Hitler himself /pol/ takes it to an autistic level

>> No.16458176

Kinda, they're wrong about a lot of specifics like the slave trade meme, and Jews never gave out smallpox blankets and shit like that so whites are still worse.

>> No.16458181

anti semitism is a retards anti capitalism. jewish and goyim overlords alike love it bc they know that focusing on an easy target is a distraction from the evil of the entire system

>> No.16458197

>. jewish and goyim overlords alike love it
really because they seem to be a lot more concerned with censoring it than censoring anti-capitalist stuff

>> No.16458208

Thats because a disproportionate amount of anons on /pol/ are minorities

>> No.16458212
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>you can't just be anticapitalist and point out the ethnic composition of the bourgeoisie at the same time

>> No.16458705

As was already said, they are definitely tribal, some of them think goyim are inferior, some ethnic jews who aren't into religion are alright.

>> No.16458743

The reverse of this actually.
Jews are mostly evil, but /pol/ overestimates their degree of control.

>> No.16458776

Yes but when you have scots in power they snob the regular scotsman, and plunder Scotland dry, meanwhile when you have jews in power you get Israel and the welfare of their race. You cannot just rely on this cope that 'not all jews are like that', the entire system is based on the welfare of the jewish race as a whole

>> No.16458788

I'd like to say no, and no probably is correct, but I'm bombarded with reasons to think yes on a daily basis

>> No.16458795

then they're just like every other person.

>> No.16458875

They still have much influence compared to their numbers, just not close to the everything-wrong-is-connected-to-them view. Same for evil.

>> No.16458876


>> No.16458948

They are intelectual Gypsies. They have no allegiance to whatever country they live in and they are more than ok with subverting the order, cultures, and costumes for money and power. A Gypsy will try to scam you, a Jew will pimp your daughter for money. It is what it is.

>> No.16458964

Communists projected Lucifer and sin on Capitalism, Nazis did the same but with Jews. If you think about it, all the caricatures are essentially the same between capitalist and jew. They project the negative aspects of themselves onto an Other.

Ideology is always derivative of what came before it, which in the West was Christianity, even if the Ideology itself is atheistic.

>> No.16459008

If you studied history and you didn't notice something very weird from the 19th century on, you've been filtered by life and you're a certified NPC

>> No.16459046

Yes they are. Also Athlean-x is a charlatan who will give you bad and dangerous advice. Watch Alan Thrall and Greg Doucette instead.

>> No.16459056

No, they ignore the fact Jews can only gain power in symbiosis with angloids. Just as the negative aspects of Jewishness are highly simmiliar to the negative aspects of angloid influence. Removing the Jews would solve nothing, the real goal is to defeat Angloid influence.

Obviously /pol/ will deny that, since majority of them are muttmericans.

>> No.16459087

You should research for yourself.

You should read people on the Left describing the entirety of European history as illogically antisemitic, and then their justifications for why such a small minority group wields such out of proportion power despite there apparently being absolutely no IQ differences between Ashkenazis and their host populations.

You can read all about the fact that so many of the great men of Europe hated them because they were seen as the people who betrayed Christ and refused his message, or because they were forced into the banking profession etc.

Then afterward just read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique. You won't find it on Amazon because it isn't allowed to be sold on there.

Then I feel you may have a more honest idea about things.

>> No.16459111

>Guys, I'm being eaten by a shark. It's about halfway through chomping up my leg. So, I'd like to ask - are sharks really that bad or /antishark/ is just being paranoid again?

>> No.16459119
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>Culture of Critique
The fucking wiki description lmfao

>> No.16459120

Doesn't anyone ever wonder why so many Israeli citizens are actually in the American government? These aren't minor officials either, I'm talking about congressmen and senators. It makes me think that's the reason nobody makes a fuss when Israel takes American technology and turns around and sells them to our rival, the Chinese. The list is a little out of date but here's a few examples of the things Israel sold to China.

-Techology for battlefield laser weapons to shoot down missiles
-Technology for the US Patriot antimissile missile
-AWACS technology, specifically the Phalcon phased-array radar.
-Lavi fighter technology now used in China's J019 attack planes.
-STAR-1 cruise missile technology that incorporates US stealth technology
-The Python, an Israeli stepchild of the Sidewinder we gave to Tel Aviv. The Chinese fighters that intercepted our EP-3 over the South CHina Sea, one of which requested permission to shoot it down, were armed with Pythons.
-The Harpy drone that flies over enemy radar sites for hours until they lock on to the unmanned vehicle. Then Harpy releases a bomb that follows the electronic radar waves back to the site and explodes.

>> No.16459128

There has yet to be one single academic refutation of the book. Many of the refuse to even admit reading it, but somehow they know it's just wrong.

>> No.16459137

I stopped taking "Da Jewz" seriously when I realzied that its just the ultimate way for the white race to cope for their own shortcomings in the shadow of their own intense narcissism. Any time anything whites do that isn't superior, pure, and good it's the jews fault. (slavery? jews. sexual degeneracy? jews. soulless capitalist consumerism overcoding all culture? jews. race mixing? jews. holocaust? jewish lie. enslaving the world to central banking systems? jews.) It's entirely downstream from the idea that whites are a perfect, superior, and divine race. Only some outside and evil force could possibly corrupt them or make them do anything wrong or stupid.

>> No.16459147

Well why do Jews insist on living in White countries? What is that about

>> No.16459155


>> No.16459163

What insistence? Jews have lived in white countries for longer than the idea of the white race has existed, genius. And America? They let everyone in, and it was their own liberal ideology, rooted in the entirely white enlightenment, that insisted upon this.

>> No.16459165

Antisemitic conspiracy theorist
White Supremacist
Antisemitic Bias

Now take into consideration that TCOC is essentially the first academically published work of its kind, and contrast it with the thousands of academic works published every year by Jewish authors that are anti-white.

The difference in treatment is remarkable.

>> No.16459173
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Silence kike

>> No.16459176

Just read that and tell me it doesn't make you sick to your stomach


>> No.16459184
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Just because some people go to far with it doesn't mean there isn't truth in it. The attitudes and opinions favored by the media are those generally held by the wider Jewish community, and the media tends to provide positive images of Jews and negative images of traditional American and Christian culture. They are at the root of so much that is wrong with the country.

This has nothing to do with white people think they're superior. That is very much a Jewish attitude being projected onto the white race, after all, they are the ones who regard themselves as "the light of the nations". The Cabbala says that salvation is only for Jews, while non-Jews have "Satanic souls." The Law of Cleanness regards gentiles and their land as unclean. In the Code of Maimonides book V (142), heathen women are suspected of whoredom and men of bestiality. Jews view gentiles as descendants of Esau and themselves as Jacob. Esau lives as a coarse and brutal hunter while Jacob lives by intelligence and guile, and is the proper master of Esau.

>> No.16459200

What other group is so embarrassed by its great accomplishments it refers to any outsider mention of them as a conspiracy theory?

>> No.16459205

Whites continually kicked them out of European countries because of their behavior and they just...kept coming back

>> No.16459230

America didn't just let anyone in, the country was 90% white in 1965. It's the Jewish radicals that changed the law and opened the floodgates to 3rd world immigration. They destroyed it.

>> No.16459241
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Not quite

>> No.16459396
File: 123 KB, 1005x308, irish nigger and mexican immigration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the Jewish radicals that changed the law and opened the floodgates to 3rd world immigration. They destroyed it.
Except America let in millions of Irish, Germans, Swedes, Italians before that, who were considered by 18th and 19th century Englishmen to be niggers."The White Race" is a 20th century invention that only appears in response to globalization, which is entirely the result of capitalist expansion. The reason why so many non-whites immigrate to the united states in the mid-twentieth century is not the result of "jewish radicals" - it was fucking Reagan era neo-liberal economics that demanded "free markets" (cheap foreign labor). And of course, the blacks were in america all along, which accounts for the two largest minority groups by far.

>> No.16459409

Those are white people you fucking heeb.

>> No.16459422

>ethnogenesis is invalid if it's recent

>> No.16459446

>but it's not like they're connected to literally everything and have a plan to snuff out white gentiles.
Oh really? Is it not?

>> No.16459447

No, there is no evidence that its the jews doing all the evil in the world, rather a hidden sect of circus clowns is whos really in charge.

>> No.16459456


>> No.16459484
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>regurgitating mainstream talking points is based

>> No.16459493

being correct is based. who gives a shit or checks if it's mainstream.

>> No.16459505

Self hating dipshits really are the worst.

>> No.16459511

>To be fair libshit jews are ESPECIALLY obnoxious for some reason
There's just something extremely offputting about combining self-victimization sob-stories, extreme pride in their social justice -against white majorities- in Africa and America all while also having led the blood diamond exporters and opium drug death-merchants that underpinned that part of the colonialist imperialism to begin with.

>> No.16459514

>Englishmen considered Germans niggers
Only the members of the tribe could express such nonsense lmao

>> No.16459523


>> No.16459547

He's right about the Irish and Italians, though. Change Poles for Germans/Swedes and he's absolutely right.

>> No.16459553

So you're an intrepid freethinker who just so happens to align yourself exactly with what the official thought leaders tell you to believe?

>> No.16459561

Official government policy considered them white though.

>> No.16459578

>make well reasoned argument
>/pol/ post with an image of a cartoon jewish man: "Yes goy just [reductive summary of my argument]"

>> No.16459580

Contemporary hatred for the Irish and Italians was mostly over crime and political corruption. They infamously were the backbone of vote fraud with Tammany Hall.

>> No.16459602

There's no contemporary hatred for the Irish and Italians. They have blended. The hatred and xenophobia was when they first arrived.

>> No.16459617

>change blatant lies with correct statements and he's absolutely right
No shit. That doesn't mean anything

>> No.16459629

>context is 18/19th century migration
>Bruh there's no hatred now
Learn to read before you post.

>> No.16459631
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Your histrionic strawmen aren't cogent points and deserve to be dismissed.

>> No.16459712

Cope, pseud.

>> No.16459718

They are just knowingly making use of the Streisand effect, that's all.