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16457652 No.16457652 [Reply] [Original]

Have started to only see Ideas and not actual people. For example when I see a single mom with her kids, I don't think of them as a people with a name, I think of them as a physical representation of an ideological phenomenon.

Is this what escaping Plato's cave is like?

>> No.16457661
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Congrats, you are 20 years behind the curve

>> No.16457666

you're world view is no more enlightened than the women who just cares about her kids

>> No.16457670

>OP is 15 year old

>> No.16457692

I don't even disagree with this statement but it's quite ironic that you probably typed this with a smug sense of superiority

>> No.16458927

That mindset is why genocide was rampant in the last 200 years with the rise of Ideology and death of God

You're not killing a person with a name, you're killing an Fascist, or Capitalist, or Communist - a source of evil in the world.

>> No.16458982

Why is killing even considered bad in Christianity? If you're good you go to heaven and if you're bad you get what you deserve and go to hell. How can a Christian say that someone blowing up a kindergarten is bad since all of those little kids go to heaven. No risk of going to hell later in life and heaven is a much better place than earth for them to be.

>> No.16458998

A true Christian wouldn't, that's why Nietzsche called it a death cult. Turning the other cheek is essentially not only allowing your enemy to destroy you, but relishing in it, because you have the moral high ground.

This ideology still exists in the modern masochistic Left that self-flagellates over racism.

>> No.16459060

Its nothing new, before they were just killing 'heretics' or 'heathens' or whatever else.

>> No.16459075

I was commenting more on the transition from Theological Ideology to Political Ideology. I should have made this clear, you're correct.

>> No.16461092

You accidentally the whole autism.

>> No.16461099

>OP is a psychopath that doesn't get it thread number ten billion

>> No.16461110

Can confirm, took some deep and searing experiences to finally leave behind my victim mindset

>> No.16461230
File: 27 KB, 320x200, Death by Hanging Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know some random woman with her kids is even single? I wonder if you have a limited capacity for categorisation and are just projecting.

Even so, you can't possibly assume you've sussed out all the possible 'types', that you're apprised of every ideological inculcation---you have to assume then that you lack nuance in projecting the categories with which you're familiar. Perhaps the varieties of one's ideological persona are endlessly nuanced in their combinations, and so it doesn't even make a difference whether they're ideological identities or unique personalities.

I'd also like to know what you consider your own ideological bias, and how you take that into account in your assignment of types---if you could ever know that; as Althusser says: ideology is unconscious, that's what makes it ideology.

>> No.16461505

What ideological phenomenon does a single mom with her kids represent?

>> No.16461514


>> No.16461519
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>> No.16461522

I don't even disagree with this statement but it's quite ironic that you probably typed this with a smug sense of superiority

>> No.16461627

What ideology would that be in this case OP?
Please answer.

>> No.16462425
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>No anon, it is the inverse. All things are without an ideology. All of this you call ideology is just a creation of human minds to cope with the complexity of the world around them, a kind of personal survival mechanism that others may also adopt. The kid and her mother are just animals that have donned clothes and appeared in your field of view, behaving as they should. They are not more ideological than a bird landing for some crumb on the pavement and then alighting to the air. There is no ideology, not unless you manufacture it.

>> No.16463038

This but unironically

>> No.16463568

t. An Ideologue

>> No.16463579

What a sublime object, that ideology

>> No.16464149
File: 380 KB, 1380x511, cheek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shows a fundamental lack of understanding of Christianity. The only reason anything is considered bad in Christianity is because it does not come from God. In other words something is a sin if and only if it is not done in service of God. Murder basically by definition is not done in the service of God. If God wanted all the children to be in heaven before they could live out their lives he would have brought them there himself.

And Nietzsche called Christianity a death cult because it is overwhelming concerned with preparing for death, not because it condoned murder. See Irenaeus: “The business of the Christian is nothing else but to be ever preparing for death.”

Turning the other cheek is one of the most misread verses in the Bible. In the Church, withstanding persecution while keeping your faith was a virtue. In BLM, being a part of the elect (a minority of some sort) is all that's required, but it's bonus points if you're really oppressed. The "modern masochistic Left that self-flagellates over racism" is much closer to Judaism than Christianity.

>> No.16464189

>Turning the other cheek is one of the most misread verses in the Bible. In the Church, withstanding persecution while keeping your faith was a virtue.

Wrong, it wasn't just "withstanding persecution". If that were the case it would have been another verse about enduring suffering in this world in preparation for the next, like many other verses. This one is unique because it t specifically says that you should, when struck, not only accept it, but turn the other cheek to be struck again. When combined with "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword" completes this belief system. There's no purpose in defending yourself because true power is in the Kingdom of God, and therefore, when these ideas are combined, not only should you not defend yourself but you should relish another strike, that you should be quicker released from this flesh prison.

Any alterations with this is a result of organized religion, which is necessarily of this world.

>> No.16464305

Moving away from a materialist worldview to being more open to idealism is an early sign of schizophrenia.
> t. Ex materialist idealist schizo

>> No.16464313

did LSD the other day and sat on my bathroom floor flicking the lights on and off whilst simultaneously opening and closing my eyes

>> No.16464332
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Organized religion is not necessary of this world. We consider Pentecost to be the founding of the Church of believers, and that was a miracle by the Holy Spirit. Clearly not just earthly. If anything is a product of organized religion it's despising the 'flesh prison.' The body is God's temple.

Read the image in my first post. The Greek is not as meek as most English translations. Also the context is relevant; I can cite the "sell your cloak and buy a sword" verse but it's rendered ideologically impotent by context. Ultimately Christians are called to imitate Christ. Jesus did not relish being whipped and tortured. He didn't ask for more during his crucifixion. He lives out what you call 'the belief system' by speaking simply to his accusers--"you have said it," etc. And on the cross he Says "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Obviously this is fulfilling Psalm 21 (22), but in my opinion it is a human moment for Jesus showing that unjust persecution has caused him to despair (although not fully). Given that Jesus is God and never sinned, we can surmise that to despair during persecution is not a sin (that is to say it is the will of god), so long as one maintains faith. Christians should not relish their persecution, but should not retaliate on their oppressors' terms either. They should fight back with social means and trust in God. That is the point of the verse.

>> No.16464372

Forgot to add; on the harming of children, see Matthiew 18:6 :
>But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
>If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea.
>Ός δάν ακανδαλίση ένα των μικρών τούτων των πιστευόντων είσ εμέ, συμφέρει αυτώ ίνα κρεμασθή μύλος ονικός περι'ι τον τράχηλον αυτού και καταποντισθή εν τω πελάγει της θαλάσσης

>> No.16464378

Killing is not and has never been considered a sin in Christianity. "Turn the other cheek" applies to the slap of disrespect that a sinner might inflict against you. Yes, when some idiot or sinner slaps you on the cheek, it is better to show him how little that means to you, and turn the other cheek. There are still cultures that slap as a sign of personal disrespect, mostly in and around the Near East.

This does not apply to random acts of aggravated assault (which is a completely new phenomenon alien to the West, and largely due to diversity, by the way), and it does not apply to someone trying to murder you. Christians throughout history would routinely hang these kinds of people, who have no place in Christian civilization.

Christ tells us to buy a sword if we don't have one, to even sell our cloak to buy one. He blessed soldiers and never told them that being a soldier was sinful.

>> No.16464792


>> No.16464809

You're all retards. Holy shit, just stop browsing /pol/ and start looking at people and things as they truly are. Ideology is for fools and for children.