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16455024 No.16455024 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think...

>> No.16455025

WOW nearly as if men and women would have different existencial goals, one to reprouce with chad, the other to die for Stacy... really, made me think!

>> No.16455029

how is LotR representative of 'dying for stacy?'

>> No.16455045

Stop talking about books you've read, you stupid woman.

>> No.16455046
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Just a fantasy. Irl women are slippery wet for balding lit nerds who fight misogyny and make quirky lit references.

>> No.16455051

never read*

>> No.16455055

Dying to keep civilization alive, means keeping women, eggs, alive and well, nothing else. Civilizations and future generations are staceys biological capabilities. Men always are there to serve nd suffer. That's the male biological purpoe.

>> No.16455057

For fredo

>> No.16455072

>Civilization = pussy
This is the female brain in action.

>> No.16455083

Women don't think that far. This is simply reality. Why do you think we have civilization? Men build shit to have better change of reproduction. Just like birds which show their nest building in feathers off. Women are the pressure to overcome oneself for the privilige of sex and offspring. In all cultures.

Why are you so angry about that fakt, when you clearly like your role in life (heroic epic like Tolkiens or the Iliad)?

>> No.16455088

If I actually thought that I would kill myself because there would be no higher value worth living for.

>> No.16455099


>> No.16455105

Heroic stories are about men dying for women.
There were no women in the fellowship of the ring, no women being drafted and sent to the front lines against Sauron.

>> No.16455112

The Iliad is not about protecting civilization (unless you are a Tr*jan), the aim is more metaphysical

>> No.16455119

I'm sorry you feel that way. It must be a sad existence to be a materialist cumbrain.

>> No.16455130

Never said it was, I was speaking about self sacrifice for a higher goal, of which saving civilizationis obviously the biggest you could have. There is a reason why so many people and men in particular love LOTR, Tolkien designed it to be a biblical fight against everything which is evil and for the ultimate price. This mindset can onl be understood by men, for the reasons I listed above. This isn't something bad. Its simply male destiny. Just liek female destiny is to look cummies and babies by chad.

>> No.16455140

>of which saving civilizationis obviously the biggest you could have.

>> No.16455146

Calling someone names is not a refutation. Keep coping

>> No.16455151

but the heroism of the Iliad consists of sacrificing one's material progeny (which includes family, nation, civilization) for a metaphysical one (fame and eternal memory)

>> No.16455157
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>OP makes thread to trash femcels
>get absolutely obliterated by your very own admissions
No survivors.

>> No.16455159

I'm being accurate. Reducing everything to biological urges shows he is a materialist. There's no common ground to discuss anything. And LotR is not a materialist work.

>> No.16455164

Why does eternal memory matter, anon? To be a light in the darkness of eternity for generations to come. Sacrificing ones own progeny, the true eternal life, for the bigger goal of benefiting your ingroup as the protagonist of this epic tale, is after all a net benefit for you (your extended racial family).

>> No.16455166

Why do women love Fifty Shades of Gray but no Houellebecq?

>> No.16455190

disagree or agree with the idea as you will, but the point here is that heroic epics are not necessarily about protecting society
Personally I think the idea of fame is far more advanced than that of social contribution, in the latter your glory is still connected to nothing but natural circumstances, but the former allows one to transcend nature and move past material relations - it is higher thought
>racial family
Racism is cringe modern shit, remember the Ethiopians in Homer

>> No.16455222

>racism is cringe
Are you clinically retarded? You belong to a racial group, just liek any otehr animal. Go be a retarded Boaz fan boy somewhere else. Any opinion held on such a clear sign of tardness has to be disregarded.

>> No.16455241

Roasties are gross though

>> No.16455275

>Sacrificing ones own progeny, the true eternal life
Sorry to break it to you, but having kids is not a form of immortality. You will perish just like the rest of us

>> No.16455295

>and well, nothing else
Wew, when did the Darwinists start calling the most basic conditions of life civilization?

>> No.16455298

Never met a woman who liked 50 shades but met a bunch that were obsessed with LOTR

>> No.16455300
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If that's what you need to tell yourself, anon, get well soon.

>> No.16455306

Women will never admit in person that they like 50 Shades, but it's still a mega-bestseller among them. Really makes you think don't it?

>> No.16455307

Civilization evolves from the most basic condition u to female pressure of wnting more and the mal desiree to lure such a woman into his bedchamber.

>> No.16455316

What this anon said >>16455088 is the actual refutation of this stupid argument. If there was no point to perpetuating civilisation, it would not be perpetuated. Which is precisely why civilisation is in collapse right now. Naturalistic and Darwinian bullshit can not solve the great filter of nihilism.

>> No.16455317

So this is what natalists are about? You're just unable to cope with the reality of death?

>> No.16455324

It is though. I have not read LotR, but I know enough of Catholicism, to know that anyone who glorifies their own race is a HERETIC. All men are created in the image of God, in the form of freewill. Only a foolish man would think race will save him on judgement day

>> No.16455331

It is NOT about that. It is symbolic for CHRIST and his Church, for the true faith. Keep deluding yourself that, but it won't win any laurels when God makes His presence known

>> No.16455347

>Heroic men
>Frodo Faggins

>> No.16455353

>I have not read LotR, but I know enough of Catholicism, to know that anyone who glorifies their own race is a HERETI
that's not exactly true. Catholic Teaching on race claims that it's a gift from God and should be praised. No where does contempoary catholic teachings ever state that race is somehow bad.

>> No.16455358
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The absolute state of the sterile unwashed masses.

>> No.16455360

>just liek any otehr animal.
Holy fuck calm down man. Nobody is going to touch your white fragility.

>> No.16455363

It's because Tolkien was an Anglo and they have this weird Anglo temperament... He felt the need to emphasise that personal strength does not necessarily come together with physical strength or intellect or attractiveness - it is simply the ability to go to any length in defense of what is valuable, true and good.

>> No.16455374

>It's because Tolkien was an Anglo and they have this weird Anglo temperament
this is more or less standard in European traditions, epic poetry aside most heroes of fairy tails and folk tails are just normal people. The idea of the superhero is a hollywood construct.

>> No.16455377

THIS SO MUCH. Only one who is foolish would disregard the end goal of humanity. Too many like to live in the hear and now. As Fulton sheen said at the wedding in cana about the servent in regards to the good wine. and How it was saved for last. THAT summons much of the world. People will often have the good wine (worldly goods, powers and pleasures etc) only to have the sour and bitter later (Hell). But the just have the terrible wine first ( life of penance persecution, prayer, etc) and THEN get the REALLY good wine. (Heaven) If anyone is interested in the book I am reading it is called the

Life of Christ, by Fulton Sheen. The guy had a way with words like honey.

>> No.16455385

You are an actual retard if you think I am wrong though (first anon). If the life of men revolved around inseminating, hunting, fighting and dying, men would either be automatons or they would commit suicide. Men fight and live for the sake of transcendence and its expression in the form of higher values - no, I am not necessarily referring to religion (and especially not to Catholicism) here.

>> No.16455388

/lit/cels seething

>> No.16455396

t. got destroyed by multiple posters and ragequit while posting a frog in an attempt to look smug

>> No.16455403



>> 8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community — however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things — whoever raises these notions above thheir standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.

What you are doing is Idolatry, and HERESY.

>> No.16455410

>this is more or less standard in European traditions, epic poetry aside most heroes of fairy tails and folk tails are just normal people. The idea of the superhero is a hollywood construct.
They are "normal" people, but they're not weak, pitiable midgets with hairy feet. The characteristic European hero does not have any supernatural powers, but he is a dignified warrior with superhuman inner strength. Typically, he also looks the part, which Frodo definitely does not.
I am not a theist, anon, nor do I believe in hell. I only take issue with naturalistic explanations of human life that reduce men to accidental automatons enslaved to biology. My ideals are more Hellenic than Christian, at any case.

>> No.16455414

>owever necessary and honorable be their function in worldly thing
key phrase. And you cherry picked the quote since right before this part the catechism clearly states race is a gift. The only thing a catholic shouldn't do is exalt race OVER God, which is obvious. You'd make it seem like anyone who wants closed borders and a homogenius country is an idolter, which is not catholic teachings.

>> No.16455423

>et. The characteristic European hero does not have any supernatural powers, but he is a dignified warrior with superhuman inner strength.
if this is what you think, you must not read many folk tales lol.

>> No.16455429

>Waaah, the main hero in the story doesn't look like the handsome muscled hunks in my homoerotic fantasies
No wonder you're a self-described "hellenic". Greeks were the most famous faggots in history.

>> No.16455446

If you are willing to make an actual argument, I would be happy to hear it.
>Greeks were the most famous faggots in history.
You swallow liberal propaganda better than anyone could ever swallow dicks.
The disgusting strawman that you've made of my position hardly does you any favours either. There is no requirement that any story have strong, healthy and handsome protagonists, but to deny that the Classical ideal is the ideal of the Good, the Beautiful and the True is to expose yourself as an enormous retard.

>> No.16455464

>the Classical ideal is the ideal of the Good, the Beautiful and the True
According to whom? I know the Socratean virtues, and none of them include height or having non-hairy feet. The Stoics taught to live in accordance with Virtue and Reason, not to have a pretty-looking body.
For a self-describes "hellenic" you have a rather pitiful knowledge of hellenic ethics.

>> No.16455481

>If you are willing to make an actual argument, I would be happy to hear it.
What's the argument? I"m just giving empircal observation. Here
>Embedded within Italian fairy tales are proverbs, jokes and anecdotes that reveal the unique regional and cultural characteristics found across Italy. A favorite style of narrative found in Italian folklore is called the Fabliau. This was a humorous style that often poked fun at clergymen or others in authority. The stories were centered around ridiculous situations and plot lines with the main character as a buffoon.
>With the rise of Catholicism in Italy, many pagan traditions were replaced or masked over with religious icons and customs. This form of sympathetic magic can be found in Italian legends and fairy stories as old pagan medicinal practices merged, for example, with prayers to saints, and other interesting concoctions that allowed the two practices to co-exist and find new life in fairy stories and legends.
>Not all Italian fairy tales were originally intended to be children’s stories, but with translations and adaptations that toned down the more gruesome or horrific elements, they found their way into the hearts of children the world over.
>Hungarian fairy tales and folktales are rife with fairies, princesses, and whimsical creatures. Such tales from Hungary were published by Baroness Orczy, who translated several of the region’s stories for children for her book Old Hungarian Fairy Tales, which featured illustrations by her husband, the artist Montagu Barston. Andrew Lang, noted folklorist, also included some Hungarian fairy tales in his Color Fairy Books.
>A wandering hero is often present in German folklore, as the protagonist either leaves home to seek their fortune, or is cast out by a family or other forces. The hero’s journey often involves a helper, such as Cinderella’s fairy godmother, and sometimes the character’s morality is tested in German fairy tales. To get their happy ending or wish, the hero often has to overcome a difficulty. Objects often have magical properties that can aid the hero in their quest, and the hero is very clever in German fairy tales and folklore.
idk what your heritage is but this a good database of authentic folk European folk tales from every country. Just go through random stories and read them, you'll find that most of the time the protaganist is just a normal 5/10 sort of person, and often with some sort of flaw as well. Very rarely are they some herculean figure like beowulf. As I said, epic poetry aside, most traditional European stories involve normal types of people which is what Tolkein was trying to convey with the figure of the hobbits, who represent rural englishman.

>> No.16455542

>According to whom? I know the Socratean virtues, and none of them include height or having non-hairy feet.
You're such a fucking retard. Yeah, being over six feet is a virtue. That's obviously exactly what I meant, instead of making the simple observation that heroic characters are typically portrayed as strong not only in spirit, but also in mind and body. Take your meds.
>Just go through random stories and read them, you'll find that most of the time the protaganist is just a normal 5/10 sort of person
I am not referring to any protagonist to any folk tale, I'm referring to the archetypal European hero. You already mentioned Beowufl, who is a great example.
>which is what Tolkein was trying to convey with the figure of the hobbits, who represent rural englishman.
I am aware, though I still think that Tolkien's work is a lot more similar to an epic rather than to a popular folk tale. The humble, honest Englishman still retains the role of an epic hero, he just doesn't look the part and plays it with certain limitations.

>> No.16455578

>making the simple observation that heroic characters are typically portrayed as strong not only in spirit, but also in mind and body.
Which is obvious. But you didn't "just" observe it. Instead you said that the Heroic Figure SHOULD look a certain way, which would create some weird genetic determinism, where men born with small stature or hairy feet are forbidden from being heroes, which goes contrary to both Christian AND hellenic ethics.

>> No.16455619

>Civilization and biological purpose are the same thing.
>Somehow this is related to LotR
Women don’t understand literature and never will.

>> No.16455631

Descriptive statements are not prescriptive statements. Read my posts again.
>weird genetic determinism, where men born with small stature or hairy feet are forbidden from being heroes
I am the furthest thing from a genetic determinist. My point is that you will not find an actual midget hero with freakish features in European heroic tales, except perhaps if they serve a specific symbolic function. I do not discriminate against manlets - manlets can be heroes too, but hobbits would have dwarfism by human standards.

>> No.16455688

>Die for Stacy
Almost none of the characters die though.

>> No.16455721

What is a Boaz?

>> No.16455736

Watch the following parts and you will understand why "race is a social construct" is subversion by a hostile group.

>> No.16455795

It's almost as if all women want to be raped.

>> No.16455817

So women are more into realism and men more into silly nonsensical fantasies, interesting.

>> No.16455846

>50 Shades
It’s a fucking fanfic. LotR is nonsensical fantasy but it knows it’s nonsensical fantasy.

>> No.16455860

But anon... the characters have sex... sex! It’s real!

>> No.16455891

In the hobbit, people walk. that’s “real” too lol.

>> No.16455903

50 Shades is roughly a million times more realistic that the LotR LSD-induced dream. Besides the premise of a plain jane getting the attention of a chad billionaire, which itself isn't super unrealistic (even an ugly old goblina housemaid can get repeatedly creampied by Arnold after all), it's just people having sex. Compared with fucking walking trees and the shitload of characters that are over 400 years old.

>> No.16455910

You are blind the true nature of the world. typical foid unable to see mystical truths of LOTR which are real as you and me.

>> No.16455917

>book trilogy
Lord of the Rings isn't a "book trilogy;" it's a novel in six books.

>> No.16455927

chadromir died, pitty tho he was a great character

>> No.16455930
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>> No.16455956

>mystical Truths of LOTR
By god, imagine putting such terms onto a fucking children fantasy book. You are worse than the delusional roasties.

>> No.16455974
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>> No.16456064

>if you don't see how LotR is mystically true you're a woman
thanks for the sex reassignment anon

>> No.16456099

at that time, children were expected to learn the trancendental ideals of their ancestors. you often find deep themes in historic children's literature for just that reason.

>> No.16456124

And still no sane adult would be caught dead duckfacing for a Grimm tale. This is just another sign of the people in this thread not bein alle to grow up, remaining mental children into late adulthood, if not forever.
>girls stink
>babies are useless

>> No.16456135

>And still no sane adult would be caught dead duckfacing for a Grimm tale.
this allegory is too rich my babe. What does it even mean?

>> No.16456360

OP anallly ruinnned

>> No.16456383

if i were a stacy i'd stan for sauron-chad

>> No.16456409

>Catholic Teaching on race claims that it's a gift from God and should be praised
if not for the laws of this land you would have been slaughtered, pagan

>> No.16456423

>catholic shouldn't do is exalt race OVER God
OR exalt them over their standard value, which means you need to identify the value of being a race cuck that thinks trailer trash are the same as country club members.

>> No.16456445

I would say it's the opposite. Ideal Cathoics shouldn't place greater value on bourgeoisie country club capitalist over their poorer ethnic kin.

>> No.16456822

Houellebecq is about unattractive men strugglign to get sex. Fifty Shades is about women being ravished by Chad.
Women don't want to read about how Robert the incel accountant they ignore in the office hasn't physically touched a female, even non sexually, in ten years and finally get the strength to see an escort.
They already don'y want to deal or recognize the existence of Robert the incel in real life, why would he be part of their escapist fantasy?

>> No.16456882

>Women don't want to read about how Robert the incel accountant they ignore in the office hasn't physically touched a female
why not? Aren't they interested in sociology, the human condition, the struggles of humans, etc? Are you telling me women are npcs who just want to coom?

>> No.16456944

It's not just about cooming. For all their their inferiority, women are less prone to coomerism.
>Aren't they interested in [...] the struggles of humans
Short answer, no. Women notably prefer upbeat stories, at most campy superficial takes on any 'negative' emotion (hence their propensity for horror movies).
They will have nurturing instincts kicking in for their children or, if deficient on that front, surrogates (pets, third world migrants) but Robert the incel is part of a class that, in their eyes, must suffer for the sake of women rather than the opposite.

>> No.16456977

Women are into degeneracy and men are into chivalrous, virtuous living

>> No.16457003

Men die for other men while actively rejecting women and walking to their deaths. It is a recurring motif in masculine art starting with the Iliad all the way to the cinema of Chang Cheh

>> No.16457011

refutation? go suck some geriatric cock, hows that for refutation you insufferable loser

>> No.16457012
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>For all their their inferiority, women are less prone to coomerism.

>> No.16457106
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men be like
>let's explore the deepest depths of reaility
women be like
>my slitty slit feel goody woody when dingy ding go inside it

>> No.16457232
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>luv status
>luv wealth
>luv looks

>ate' character
>ate' depth
>ate soul
simple as.

>> No.16457444

Literature > video games > Tradthot > Daddy's girl > Doomerin > E-thot

>> No.16457691

how is this board just as stupid as every other one? even reddit probably wouldn't be that stupid. i hope this is bait.

>> No.16458980

War is literally just a group of men trying not to be cucked and/or trying to cuck others.

>> No.16458983

both are bestsellers for women and MAYBE homosexual/söy men. Well actually men dont read so... the most popular must be something marck twain or robinson crusoe