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16452850 No.16452850 [Reply] [Original]

Is humanity going extinct a good thing? Isn't it good to end all suffering?

>> No.16452853

any books on this idea?

>> No.16452946

No. Suffering is the best teacher you will ever have. Decadence comes in the absence of suffering.

>> No.16452959

nah we need to reach the stage were we can simulate billions years of orgasm to our collective consciousness every second.
suffering is not not needed to being human, it´s just slave morality

>> No.16452978

Is humanity going extinct a bad thing? Isn't it bad to end all pleasuring?

>> No.16452985

Suffering can be good, for example, your suffering is good to me

>> No.16452986

pain is worse then pleasure.

>> No.16453009
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pleasure is better than pain

>> No.16453017


I'm told you can just do cocaine, anon.

>> No.16453062

The box. You opened it. We came.

>> No.16453065

I enjoy pleasure more after experiencing pain in contrast first. it’s slave morality but pain definitely has its virtues in this imperfect world

>> No.16453123
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Cringe moralfag

>> No.16453137
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Humanity going extinct is indifferent unless it kills me.

What is morally good? Only the love of God and your neighbor as yourself. What is to gain from morality? A wife, children and friends to enjoy the company thereof. Do I have a moral duty to the future? Either to end future suffering or perpetuate lives in the future? No, I am as ignorant of this moral concern of yours as I am ignorant of the moral concerns of vegans.

I would say that this is an example of a spook, but it's almost too cliché. It's just fucking tiresome.

>> No.16453142

Who is this absolutely wonderful bust of?

>> No.16453144

Lord of Science and STEM Musk (pbuh) will lead us to the new glorious of of technohuman synthesis.

>> No.16453149

>cringe moralfag
good does not necessarily imply moralfaggotry. Good just means positive, ie positive for me ie something I want. ie best possible occurrence for my ego. Which could be death if the release from pain is what you want.

false, pleasure is simply a waining destraction from pain. You do not need to experience pleasure to hate pain, while pleasure requires a pain to feel pleasurable before one gets use to that pleasure.

>> No.16453153

Some kouros

>> No.16453161
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>> No.16453177

Is it a good thing? Maybe.

Suffering exists so long as living things exist.

>> No.16453205

I hope Musk (pbuh) told him to dial8

>> No.16453236
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The universe repeats itself infinitely. You will live your life over and over again until the end of time with no recollection of having lived before.