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16451114 No.16451114 [Reply] [Original]

Besides LOTR

>> No.16451145

My diary desu

>> No.16451376
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Tin Drum

>> No.16451548

I read the synopsis. How exactly does his childlike apperance factor into the plot besides being a gimmick?

>> No.16451703
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The Bible

>> No.16451712

While this might be true, it's still stupid speculation. Like saying Donald Trump must have been 5'10 because 5'10 is the average American height. Jesus could have been bigger, smaller or the average height of a Judean. Who knows?

>> No.16451740

Jesus was a 5’11 blue haired blonde eyed stud you faggot sonofabiycb

>> No.16451786
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There is nothing wrong with being a manlet.

>> No.16451804
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Pere Ubu

>> No.16451983
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but is that a book?

>> No.16452104
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Cao Cao is 5' 6".