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16450317 No.16450317 [Reply] [Original]

what are some non-magic/science fiction BS works that transcend the biological constraint of mankind?

>> No.16450344

>That bulge

>> No.16450349
File: 11 KB, 300x188, BF049427-D206-494A-BB6A-ECE16BA56351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16450358

>of course do you really think a woman can create something that makes themselves obsolete?

>> No.16450362

I dunno about that, I just wanna kiss a cute peen :3

>> No.16450373

is she male?

>> No.16450401

Women exist to produce babies, dumbass. Trannies will NEVER be able to produce life. It's insane that people have forgotten that sex is a means to and end, and not the end itself.

>> No.16450412

The mask might be convincing, but there's clearly a beauty filter too.

>> No.16450465

that's where test-tube babies come in.

>> No.16450468

The entire thing is CGI. Nothing like this exists (not that it might in the future though).

>> No.16450488

It's impossible to gestate and birth a baby anywhere other than a female womb. "test tube" baby refers to fertilization of an egg (again which can only be provided by a biological female) with a male's sperm.

>> No.16450496

I am curious as to what society will begin to look like if "vat-babies" or artificial wombs become widely used.

>> No.16450509

Women will abandon their feminism and become obedient housewives again in an effort to not be genocided by men who have had quite enough of their shit.

>> No.16450514

there are projects titles under printed XY embryos but it hasn't been declassified so it might or might not be male dna only

>> No.16451171

Deep in the uncanny valley

>> No.16451327

uncanny is when you can still tell the difference. There is nothing uncanny here just hot.

>> No.16451357

The cost of surrogacy in the US is currently around $100,000. If artificial wombs bring the cost down to, say, $1000, who knows what the consequences will be.

>> No.16451582

Dude it's creepy af

>> No.16451694

Plus by Joseph McElroy

It's technically science-fiction but McElroy is much more of modernist/post-modernist experimental writer like Gass or Gaddis, so it's actually serious (and seriously difficult) literature. It's about a brain linked up to a satellite as the satellite's computer system as he gradually develops consciousness without a body or normal, biological sensory input.

Highly recommend, but it's capital-D Dense to get through. It's available as an eBook for relatively cheap, but the hard copy is very, very, very hard to locate. Hope this is what you're looking for!

>> No.16451755

R. Scott Bakker , the second apocalypse series

Or at least that’s what I think you’re asking for, Judging by Op vid

>> No.16452022

this is a filter applied to a mask. women, particularly non-white, are the main users of filters and other deception to aimlessly make themselves more appealing to men. to the point of making a hobby or profession out of it. they push this tech. there is pre and post processing changing the entire body used on most of the images you salivate over, to overwrite a person with an ideal.