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/lit/ - Literature

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1644838 No.1644838 [Reply] [Original]

>"the arts"
>not just a social construct to uphold the prevailing ideologies of the dominant power structure

>> No.1644857
File: 61 KB, 540x720, 168596_1413394393458_1790504019_818770_4796886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just the pinnacle of self-deception

>> No.1644859
File: 11 KB, 180x246, 360kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sociology is an art too.

And you know what else is? trolling.

>> No.1644867

Such a stupid way to begin a thread.

>> No.1644868
File: 42 KB, 500x415, 479fb16d-88db-4944-95e0-c4d13c2014ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying sociology isn't a social science

>> No.1644866

So, no art when the dogs take over, huh?

>> No.1644894

>uphold the prevailing ideologies of the dominant power structure
>implying art has any useful function


>> No.1644900


Right, because counterculture doesn't exist?

If anything, art does the exact OPPOSITE of what you say.


>> No.1644908

"the arts"
you get paid to make "da arts"
who pays you?
"the patron"
so the patron gets their arts, right?

comission, coop.
millionaires kissing billionaires

andddddddd- scene

>> No.1644923

>Right, because counterculture doesn't exist?
it doesn't

>art does the exact OPPOSITE of what you say
In fact, it does the exact opposite of what YOU say

>> No.1644940
File: 37 KB, 441x408, 1290961722755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying sociology isn't a major for people who aren't good at anything useful

>> No.1644952


cool argument bro

>> No.1644954
File: 65 KB, 283x414, ewok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just a construct that allows marxists and women to sit around and complain while pretending to do something useful

>> No.1644958

See Adorno&Horkheimer, Baudrillard, et al. I have better things to do, sorry.

>> No.1644968

I think the arts do have a role in communicating messages, including culture, as well as providing entertainment.

My opinions on sociology and a few other soft sciences are somewhat skewed: I'm into International Relations, Economics, and Political Science, so I tend to look down on it. Then again, I think Economics are a bit silly, but that's also a bias of mine.

>> No.1644973
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>implying, even if true, this somehow invalidates the OP

>> No.1644981

>implying there's a chance that isn't true
>implying we weren't responding to a specific poster in the thread instead of the OP
>implying you're not a Sociology major

>> No.1644982
File: 51 KB, 500x375, jeff-koons..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between art and "ART". There are always going to be talented people of all political persuasions. The ones that maintain the status quo, talented or not, are more visible because they get time in galleries, magazines and coffee-table books. People who appreciate talent will still find it, regardless of how hard the merchant classes push their pathetic definitions of art (pic related).

>> No.1644993
File: 29 KB, 400x347, baby_ewok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying any of this makes sociology not a social science
>implying you're NOT an art major shamefully mooching off a friend or relative just to exist

>> No.1644999

b-b-but damien hirst

>> No.1645038
File: 51 KB, 500x461, 1287431787669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post in thread
>"I have better things to do"

>> No.1645235

>"things to do"

That's the first laugh I've had all day...

Thanks for that, mate.

>> No.1645242

>implying 'social construct' isn't a social construct
>implying art being a social construct makes it less important than other things

>> No.1645248


sorry guys I am pretty busy these days

>> No.1645263

>implying ">implying art being a social construct makes it less important than other things" isn't just a social construct
>implying art being "more important than other things" doesn't just distract you from the injustice of our current power structure

>> No.1645289 [DELETED] 

>implying " ">implying art being a social construct makes it less important than other things" isn't just a social construct"

everything is a social construct

>implying I said art was more important than other things

nothing is important

>> No.1645295

>implying everything isn't a social construct
>implying anything is important in an objective manner

>> No.1645305

So I guess whether or not your body needs to food to function is subjective?

>> No.1645311

>implying ">implying" isn't >implying "implied" implications

>> No.1645315


It's my preference for eating that makes eating food important.

>> No.1645324

That doesn't answer the question.

So if I don't *prefer* to eat, my body doesn't require food to function?

That's seriously what you believe?

>> No.1645327


Your body requires food to function. Fact.
Eating is important. Not fact.

>> No.1645341

You're making the assumption that people value their lives, he's not. Assumptions are bad, I suppose, although that one is certainly excusable.

>> No.1645503


implying you're not OP

>> No.1645511

/lit/ needs more threads about relativism and this sort of shit

>> No.1645516
File: 102 KB, 958x609, philundergrad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1645614

>implying this thread is about relativism

nigga can u read?

>> No.1645706


I find this shallow and pedantic.

>> No.1645708


>> No.1645715

...but...but....Marxists are antipositivists!

>> No.1645721

Obvious troll is obvious, but some of these are stupid. What's wrong with being a physicalist of the mind when there're good arguments for that position?

Second, people only still discuss the cosmological argument because it's still being pushed by prominent debaters despite how ridiculous it is. It's like how people still have to rebut the claim that you can't be a decent human being with God--we wouldn't be still discussing it if there weren't still stupid people pushing that claim.

Finally, I find it hard to believe that a philosophy undergraduate could still be a cultural relativist. But that's just me.