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16446771 No.16446771 [Reply] [Original]

>English is the lingua franca of the world
>As time goes on, English will replace other languages
>As this continues to its logical conclusion, English will become the only language
>Thus, I shouldn't both to learn Spanish
Am I right? I guess one could substitute Mandarin for English, but the logic stays the same.

>> No.16446787

English will never replace other languages, it might be used in international communication, but wherever you travel people are still very much conversing in their native tongue.

>> No.16446815

Languages are gay

>> No.16446817

Nope, your just ignorant to the fact that most people in the world don't have a need to speak English in their lives.

>> No.16446878

Makes sense. Ironically, I don't speak English at home (well I do, but only ~50% of the time). This just came to mind while trying to read some Spanish articles on their Wikipedia.

>> No.16446901

Latin used to be the lingua franca of the western world but Latin never replaced other languages so your theory is probably wrong.
Having said that anyone worth speaking to probably speaks English.

>> No.16446926
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>>Latin is the lingua franca of the world
>>As time goes on, Latin will replace other languages
>>As this continues to its logical conclusion, Latin will become the only language
>>Thus, I shouldn't both to learn Coptic

>> No.16446939


>> No.16446963

untermenshliche monolinguist
learn more languages, loser

>> No.16446969


>> No.16446972

>Latin used to be the lingua franca of the western world but Latin never replaced other languages so your theory is probably wrong.
jesus christ how low iq are you you fucking retard?

>> No.16447001

That's what happened though so why is he wrong?

>> No.16447009

eventually the translation software will be so good you will be able to converse with anyone in the world using headphones with built in microphones

>they speak mandarin
>translated and output through the headphones with a few seconds delay
>the same for the other people when you speak english

>> No.16447014

Learn some history piece of shit

>> No.16447016

He meant the middle ages. Spanish, French, Italian etc. originated from ancient Latin, but Latin was lingua franca of Europe for a millenium after the Roman Empire.

>> No.16447020

Lingua Franca’s change over time

>> No.16447023

no. wake up nationalist boomer

>> No.16447025

Why don't you enlighten us seeing as you seem to believe yourself to be an expert on the subject.

>> No.16447034

Wake up. The anglosphere is in rapid decline.

>> No.16447084

And that's a good thing. I can't wait to have a cute han Chinese gf and give her lots of children.

>> No.16447129

English won't take over the other big languages in the world. But it will heavily influence them.

>> No.16447220

>ITT: europoors coping with Americanization of their languages
t. Kevins

>> No.16447230

Only Gypsies name their kids Kevin.

>> No.16447235

>t. burger that never went outside his country

>> No.16447250
File: 3.28 MB, 3466x2841, Mishima last words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mishima was being too deterministic and apocalyptic here, but still interesting.

>> No.16447285

Esperanto master race.
Just wait. We're coming.

>> No.16447756

It is the deepest inner wish of overly civilized people to live under a monocultural superstate. This is Toynbee's "universal state"

>> No.16447964

Learn another language OP. It's very good for mental hygiene.

>> No.16448059
File: 96 KB, 216x253, 98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Greek used to be the lingua franca ? It was the language of the elites, the educated and of business.

Greek lasted for for 1700 years in the ancient civilized world thanks to Alexander the Great, Greek allowed us to understand Ancient Egyptian, Greek was the first language to be used to translate the Bible, all important intellectual works were written in Greek.

Yet it just disappeared, Nobody spoke it in europe anymore when the Western Roman Empire fell, and nobody spoke it in Asia anymore when the Byzantine fell.

Just imagine yourself being an educated and wealthy Greek in 200ad, what if someone would tell you that the next lingua franca would be a germanic tongue mixed with celtic, would you believe him ?