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16446736 No.16446736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How will literature ever compete?

>> No.16446742

It won't.

>> No.16446752

Even if a game has a good story. You're only engaging with the story like ~50% of the time while mostly doing mindless tasks.

>> No.16446756

I've read multiple books as good or better than this game.

>> No.16446759
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Which books will make me feel the way it feels the first time you play Dark Souls? Is The Book of the New Sun in any way similar? I don't typically enjoy video games but Dark Souls is a masterpiece.

>> No.16446761

What’s a book with a similar aesthetic?

>> No.16446767

i have played a good amount of games, played alot of fun ones but the only one that really touched my was nier, looking forward to the remake

>> No.16446788

Dark Souls is a rip-off of Berserk which is a rip-off of Greek tragedy and Nietzsche.

>> No.16446790

when you kill siff, go back in time in the dlc, kill artorias, and then find siff protected by artorias barrier, summon it to help you fight manus and win

that right there is when my dick got hard

>> No.16446795

BoTNS is indeed similar to Dark Souls both in scope and in style

>> No.16446816

Nier's great, but their getting rid of Papa Nier in the remake. Which is a huge shame because his motivations as a character make a lot more sense as a father rather than as a brother

>> No.16446837

papa nier fags should off themselves hes literal alternate costume basically

>> No.16446929

Papa Nier is conceptually more interesting as a character. Bishounen Nier is like every other JRPG protagonist.

Papa Nier also has a more realistic motivation. A father really will go through hell and back (and condemn humanity) if it means he can save his daughter's life. Expecting a brother to do that for his sister is comparatively stupid.

>> No.16447201

Dark souls is actually way better than juvenile edgy trash like Berserk. It only took a few designs from it.

>> No.16447208

With the choose your own adventure book adaptation

>> No.16447214

ill admit that for me bloodborne could unironicly legitimize videogames as an art form solely because of the adrenaline rush combined with visual and auditory stimuli evokes some pretty strong feelings within me, but like 99.9% of videogames are trash

>> No.16447262

Was a bit disappointed by Nier, was a more typical JRPG than I was led to expect

I don't buy the thing about 50% of a game being "meaningless tasks", life's full of fucking meaningless tasks. The gameplay is more like the Japanese idea of "pillow words" in literature, it sets a mood

>> No.16447278

Compete in what? The game has no story/writing, or more accurately, there are fragments of information and you piece it all together yourself.

>> No.16447280

video games = onions

>> No.16447298

>ill admit that for me bloodborne could unironicly legitimize videogames as an art form solely because of the adrenaline rush

>> No.16447302

Peak video games are easily better than a solid chunk of peak literature, but sadly, there's not many of video games in that category. DaS1 is certainly one of them.

>> No.16447309

>Peak video games are easily better than a solid chunk of peak literature
you don't read literature stfu /v/ kid.

>> No.16447310

Damn, the more that I think about it, the more right this is.

Book of the New Sun is the PERFECT Dark Souls book, not because it's about running around with a sword around a ruined dying world - although it also has that a bit - but because it has DS's storytelling method of hinting at the world instead of telling you about it.

The reader of BotNS (or the reader of DS's item descriptions) must pay careful attention to detail, because the author isn't about to just tell you a lot of things. In Severian's case, it's sometimes because he's intentionally avoiding telling you something and sometimes because he assumes he's writing to someone in his own world, who doesn't need basic things explained to them.

One classic example in BotNS is "mines". The book makes references to mines and miners occasionally, but it never actually stops to give you the "lore" on mining, because Severian wrote his memoir for people who already know that the world is exhausted of mineral deposits, so what miners actually do is closer to archeology / graverobbing.

>> No.16447314

I'm genuinely curious - what are some of your favorite works of literature? Name ten.

>> No.16447327

Dark Souls is not deep or meaningful, it’s 99% cool aesthetics and Miyazaki has admitted this

>> No.16447352

Ds1 and Ds3 are one of the few games i seriously feel hold enough merit to stand on the same footing with masterpieces of literature or cinema. Its criminal how understudied it is academically as a work of art.
All current "scholarship" of the game (if you can call it that) is mostly just from within the fandom and is focused on the internal story (lorevids n such) or exploring the mechanics/dev history.
There are next to no analyses of its themes, critical readings of its structure, its unique uses of the medium, and so on.

>> No.16447365

>DS1 and DS3
DS1 absolutely. DS3? Hell no. It has a handful of god tier stuff, but it's nowhere near as artistic or good as DS1. It does have the best bosses in the series overall.
>There are next to no analyses of its themes, critical readings of its structure, its unique uses of the medium, and so on
Matthematosis did an outstanding analysis on DS1 which is 6 hours long. He set the bar pretty high.

>> No.16447389

As I understand it, a lot of it is cool aesthetics because Miyazaki was trying to recreate his childhood experience of playing western RPGs while not knowing english very well, which led to him not understanding a lot of the dialogue and the text.

So he had to piece together a narrative of what was happening in the world through context clues and only barely understood fragments of knowledge, combined with just guesswork.

And in designing Dark Souls, he wanted the player to have that same experience. So you're only given some pieces of the puzzle of what's going on and what happened, and are just thrown to the wolves with next to nothing explained to you.

It's like instead of an Unreliable Narrator, you're dealing with an Unreliable Book-binder who didn't include all the pages and now you're stuck trying to piece together the story from a bunch of loose sheets.

>> No.16447393

don quixote
the divine comedy
songs of innocence and of experience
paradise lost
the faerie queen
the holy bible
my diary desu :)

a bit too classicist, I know.

>> No.16447398

>As I understand it, a lot of it is cool aesthetics because Miyazaki was trying to recreate his childhood experience of playing western RPGs while not knowing english very well
For starters I'm pretty sure Miyazaki read a lot of western novels, not RPGs. Secondly western RPGs almost always have SHIT tier aesthetics.

>> No.16447404

This might be a hot take but i think in some aspects Ds3 even surpasses Ds1:
Its depiction of an exhausted world breaking at the seams, of cycles repeated so much they heap up or break down or corrupt, the tired lives left within it, its use of an almost meta-commentary on the making of art explored through its subversion of symbolism established in Ds1 and the side narrative of the new painted world explored in the two DLC's

I think a fair comparison would be Ds1 as Hamlet, Ds3 as The Tempest. The one is a perfect piece of tragedy, the other is an meta-experiment by an experienced (perhaps even tired) artist

>> No.16447407

based shitposter

>> No.16447409

>Its criminal how understudied it is academically as a work of art.
C'mon anon, you know and I know this is the kind of person the game appeals to:

It has some nice aesthetics sure, but it's fundamentally a fast-paced arcade-esque highly lethal action game first.

>> No.16447418

Ds3 is a lame cashgrab and only pontiff sulyvahn, lothric and the dlcs salvage it.

>> No.16447420

this is exactly what i mean with it being criminally underappreciated.
memes are all fun and games but seeing most of the Dark souls content about shitty pvp memery is tiring.
Its as if the only material studying Homer were 'greek gods as vines XDDD' compilations or whatever

>> No.16447428
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>drink potion

>> No.16447429

definitely agree about DS3, it's practically just commentary on the earlier games
Demon's Souls has also a part to play in this, I think there's a kind of monistic philosophy in there, where the soul being the substance of everything, and all categories (human-demon, magic-miracle) are thus obliterated - and Dark Souls somewhat of an attempt to re-establish them, with its themes of humanity and the attempts to understand what makes mankind especial
>This black sprite is called humanity, but little is known about its true nature. If the soul is the source of all life, then what distinguishes the humanity we hold within ourselves?

>> No.16447430

post your favorite game or I'll fuck your ass over your desk right now.

>> No.16447435

stop playing movie games or 100h grind fest - side quests galore rpgs

>> No.16447438

You're correct about the meta-aspect, but I can't help but criticize the game for its lack of originality and playing it too safe. I also dislike how the game is rushed near the end, and how most of the optional areas have shit level design. I know they're optional, but they are a part of the game so they bring down the overall quality of the experience. It would have been better if they didn't include any of the optional areas with the exception of the Untended graves.
As for the DLCs, the second one has two problems:
>awful level design
The Dreg Heap has some nice exploration and wonderful visuals, but the second area, The Ringed City, is almost completely shit. The beginning parts are too linear, then the level opens up into a shitty and empty swamp, after which there's an annoying part with the dragon breathing fire on you and finally we get the segment with the broken tower which is the only decent one in the area.
>awful enemy placement
The Dreg Heap has the shitty angels who shoot arrows at you, they almost completely ruin the exploration of the area since you're mostly rushing through the area and hiding from the arrows, and the Ringed City has such enemy spam that it's as bad as the worst parts of DaS2, if not even worse.
Also, DaS3 has too linear of an approach which is a big part of what makes DaS1 so artistic. All in all, the game is a 4/5 at best and far from being as artistic as DaS1, even if the metacommentary has value (the DaS1 dickriding (e.g. literally copy-pasting a part of Anor Londo from the first game) not withstanding). I'll give you that Irithyll and Cathedral of the Deep are near god tier, as well as the village area in the Painted World of Ariadnel, and there's some very kino bosses like Abyss Watchers.

>> No.16447440

Thats a good reading anon i really like the idea of humanity as that dark unknown little thing that severs us from monism.

>> No.16447449

>>drink potion
ds2 fixed this problem by making it extremely easy to punish desu. estus flasks were always op.

>> No.16447462

>doesn't reply
*sigh* oh well *pulls briefs down*

>> No.16447485

not him but my opinion about these From Software games is the same. I would have loved to see a Zelda-like game with the visuals, story and aesthetic of Bloodbourne.
My favorite games but I often haven't the other games of the series
Anno 1602
Exit Path
Oot, MM, WW, TP
Metroid Prime 1&2
Tales of Symphonia
Halo 3
Fallout 3
Settlers II
Super Mario Sunshine
Simon the Sorcerer
MGSV: Ground Zeroes
Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.16447487

>A father really will go through hell and back

>> No.16447491

i dont understand the hype honestly. then again I am shit at this game

>> No.16447499

>Ground zero
Thats not even an Alpha forget game.

>> No.16447509

>dark souls
>good story
it's genuinely nothing but a bunch of loose information tired together by fanboys like they're paranoid schizphrenics, it's nonsense and nothing in it is relevant to anything you should care about because it's so busy being hopeless and grimdark there isn't anything to fight for or care about once you do piece together a coherent narrative

>> No.16447520

I never played dark souls. Should I play the remaster or the original?

>> No.16447526

This. I like the idea that everyone creates their own story from small fragments of information, but most people just viewed youtube lore videos and took their explanation as ''canon''.

>> No.16447528

Thats what makes it so unique, its telling its story in a subtle purposefully fragmented way, through environmental hints, snippets of text and item placements. Its a subdued sort of storytelling that could literally not be done in text. Some experimental cinema comes somewhat close, but even there its always forced into a linear progression by the limits of the medium.
Theyre practically identical except a few texture and lighting nitpicks, i wouldnt worry about it

>> No.16447540

I know that it is just a demo but I really enjoyed it. In fact it was the first video game that I've played for five years that I truly enjoyed. It was 2016 and I borrowed a PS4 from a friend to play all the 90+ metascore games, thinking they would be fantastic. Uncharted1 and 2, Heavy Rain, The last of us...they were the first games I played and they were rather disappointing desu. Not really bad but I wouldn't have played them if I hadn't gotten sick the same time I borrowed the PS4.
Ground Zeroes was surprising - the graphics, the cool gameplay, fucking around in the base, the soundtrack, the tragedy, the audiotapes - where the girl got raped - I mean which video game covers drastic (war) crimes? It was the first Metal Gear game I've played and the first game that made me interested in the medium video games.
I got MSGV after that but it didn't give me the experience I was hoping for.

>> No.16447542

Thanks fren. Any mods necessary for an ideal experience?

>> No.16447545

>Literature will never give you the peak visual acuity, athletic reflexes, and problem-solving ability of a gamer.
How do you cope?

>> No.16447566

Can someone explain? I played it for a couple of days, killed like 3 bosses. It was a cool experience and I loved the atmosphere but I don't see how it supposedly competes with literature at all.
Do /v/fags just like to interpret meaning into dull looking skeletons and cryptic npc monologue or am I missing something?

>> No.16447571

Remaster is basically the original but with slightly improved graphics, controls and performance.

>> No.16447750


>> No.16447950
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It probably can't. I save myself by never playing such games in the first place that have a potential to be addictive. I have never played Dark Souls, COD, CS, PUBG, Minecraft or any other game that people swear by. I am pretty sure I would enjoy it for a week or two and then get hopelessly addicted and hate myself for not being in control and playing out of compulsion day after day. I have been addicted to EU4 as a teen, and also played it for the starting months of the quarantine.
I only mainly read books now, with occassional anime or movie or tv series. I feel much in control and I can stop whenever I want and do whatever I want. Also reading old books feels like transcending time.

>> No.16448004

>grouping Dark Souls ith CoD, CS, PUBG, Minecraft
what the hell are you doing?

>> No.16448176

It fits right in, with one exception. Minecraft is creative.

>> No.16448205

>It fits right in
No. The game is way more artistic and serious than CoD, CS and especially PUBG. Fuck off.

>> No.16448307
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>No. The game is way more artistic and serious than CoD, CS and especially PUBG. Fuck off.

>> No.16448310

Sif has the least amount of relevance in the lore. Only anime fans think he is a good addition.

>> No.16448324
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>i know, i'll post one of my basedack images and greentext his post, that will show him!
You have to go back.

>> No.16448398

>The Dreg Heap has the shitty angels who shoot arrows at you
You're supposed to kill their controllers to kill them, but since I didn't find them on my own through multiple playthroughs, I'd say you're right.