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16446070 No.16446070 [Reply] [Original]

Good books for understanding Christianity (aside from the Bible)? Is pic related a good one?

>> No.16446112
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pic rel gives you a good introduction to the faith, its "interpretations" and how examining the literature and valid councils the Catholic Church remains the oldest institution and the only path to salvation, even when when the chair of Saint Peter is vacant.
Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond reveal the inconsistencies in the interpretation of holy texts and apologetics, as well as the manifest heresies displayed by recent antipopes, including the antichrist himself John Paul II.

>> No.16446132

Read the KJV. Why do you think it is a good idea to get a filtered interpretation? Does it not then become the telephone game(Matthew 13:19)? Go word by word. Skip it and return later or go back a few verses. Underline and create marginalia so that revision reinforces your newfound wisdom(helps me re-encounter paths of thinking). The words of Christ are first everything else is second.

>> No.16446141

Aquinas is worth a shot.

>> No.16446160

Been stumped on this query for a while Christ friends. Basically, if God good why bad thing happen?

>> No.16446206

Don't read KJV. Read Douay-Rheims.

>> No.16446221

Why? What inside does my book lack or what does the DR include that isn't in the KJV?

>> No.16446224

>Basically, if God good why bad thing happen?

>> No.16446258

And why doesn’t God stop Satan?

>> No.16446270
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G. K. Chesterton's "Orthodoxy". Dude was an atheist that became a catholic throughout the years. He was also a really good writer, so the book is actually engaging for essay standards.

>> No.16446278
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>> No.16446284

Free will.
Satan is just the governor of the angels of temptation- himself an angel doing God's will perfectly. In essence bad things are our fault.
The Bhagavad Gita is a good book for understanding the gospels. Christianity is not understandable because its paradoxical idiocy designed to break peoples intellects and control them.

>> No.16446289

Because we're not Gods.
Then why both making limited, imperfect creations to begin with?
Its a pass/fail test.

>> No.16446307

buddy looks like the down syndrome version of teddy roosevelt

>> No.16446344

73 books in the catholic canon opposed to 66 for protestants.

>> No.16446411
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I've been reading this book lately. Very good insight into the Early Church and Church Fathers.

>> No.16446441
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My mom always tells me to read this

>> No.16447197

Nietzsche The Antichrist

>> No.16447247

MaCulloch is a gay, liberal, blue blooded Anglican. Now, maybe that doesn't invalidate his research (such as it is), but it does make him very, very, very boring. Everything he says is "safe," at least within his own social sphere, and he engages in non-stop, crude, embarassing, cultural flagellation. Honestly, one suspects the only reason he's a member of the Church of England is because his peers are as well.

>> No.16447295

Path of Christianity the First Thousand Years.

>> No.16447300

It's bland philosophical arguments

>> No.16447671
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>> No.16447682
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>> No.16447687
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Core of Christianity

>> No.16447782

A sedavacatist. Submit to pope you Heretic.

>> No.16447785

Rest of the biblical books luther deleted

>> No.16448325

>doing God's will perfectly
So God is complicit in suffering and evil and is not all good and loving.

>> No.16448634

I'm reading "Mountain of Silence" which is preddy good. It's pretty much conversations with a monk in Cypresses who explains many aspects of the Faith than often go unknown. Only downside is the author is a semi-libtarded professor who adds a lot of unneccesary narrative.

>> No.16448707

Classic example if man putting his wisfoim above God's. The Christian system makes sense when you understand it. God deemed it good to give man agency and evil came about when man did the one thing forbidden and it was forbidden only as an arbitrary check on man's obedience. The inky thing he gained by eating the fruit was knowledge of good and evil which is simply experiencing the difference between doing God's will and going against it. The world now is an opportunity for each person to redeam himself by seeking to do God's will and avoid going against it. Those who fail are doomed to destruction or eternal containment (if souls are eternal they cannot be destroyed so Hell is where they are contained) and those who reach salvation will be ressurected to live in the Kingdom where God will rule directly and evil will not exist because God has vanquished the sinners and the demons who inspire the sins. Human nature is so corrupted that God took human form and lived as a man and through His own suffering established a new Covenent that via His Church people can more readily attain salvation.

>> No.16449421

>just suck it up and bow to the demiurge tyrant goy

>> No.16449563
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>> No.16449599

Read Job and some commentary on Job

>> No.16449608

Introduction to Christianity (German: Einführung in das Christentum) (1968) by Joseph Ratzinger

>> No.16449639 [DELETED] 

Sorry anon you now have to read this entire book

failure to read this entire work before posting on this website again will result in the immediate and subtle extinguishing of your intellect
thank you for understanding the severity of the matter

>> No.16449681

>Is pic related a good one?
I haven't read pic related, but it's about the history of Christianity. Is that what you want to learn about? Or do you want to learn about Christian theology, i.e., the doctrines and practices of Christianity?

>> No.16449735

CS Lewis and GK Chesterton. From there pick a denomination and you can narrow your focus a bit.

>> No.16449789

Sayings of the Desert Fathers and Ecclesiastical History of the English People

>> No.16449794

That all shall be saved by David Bentley Hart

>> No.16449813

>Basically, if God good why bad thing happen?
God is an eternal and perfectly good being.
Everything else is a finite being with a degree of finite potential goodness.
Bad thing happens when your finite potential for good doesn't actualize properly. This can happen to both mankind and the world itself, that's why catastrophes happen.

>> No.16449818
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What book should I read to recant Sola Scriptura heretics?

>> No.16450493


>> No.16450586

Westminster Confession of Faith

>> No.16450811


>> No.16451260

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis.

>> No.16451899

I just finished the Divine Comedy today, it provides some anwsers to questions i guess.
It definetly paints a picture

>> No.16451929

He also sucks plenty of muslim cock in OP's book, like every post-WW2 anglo historian.

>> No.16451969

I was an atheist from the age of 15 to around my mid 20s. I wanted to believe in God during most of those years and read a lot of religious texts but found none of them convincing enough to convert me. Eventually I got around to reading David Bentley Hart and he was the one who finally convinced me. He seems a somewhat controversial figure in the theological world but the rhetorical power of his writing makes a much stronger impression than the bloodless pedantry of most theologians I've read. Proselytizers would do well to learn from him.

>> No.16451995

MacCulloch is a smarmy jackass and that book is his worst
His texts on the reformation are okay though, worth checking out
Eusebius is biased but less biased than his interpreters and accusers
The patrologia is a really large collection of texts for eastern Christianity, using Eusebius as a basis for people of interest you can filter through it and find the ones worth reading for you. Alternatively, Nicodemus' Philokallia is a great compilation that narrows it down to the fundamentals and has some interesting texts that are not completely theological
The correspondence of people like Erasmus is also of interest
One of the most popular forms of literature in the middle ages were saint's lives
These were long villified by pompous academics but gradually, they're being rehabilitated and actually inspected with an open mind
Max Weber's analysis of the Protestant ethic is not exactly historically accurate but it is a good analysis of Protestant "natural law" to idea bad term for it, the eastern ones are better than the western ones though
Anselm, John of the Cross and Meister Eckhart are really good too

>> No.16452003

The qualitative judgement fell down a couple of paragraphs, not sure how

>> No.16452011

Yes because after the scriptures were completed nothing happened to the movements which came to be collectively known as Christianity that it's logical to rely entirely on a 17th century translation of the Bible by one of many such movements to learn about all of them.

>> No.16452081

Omnipotence is a lie