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16445465 No.16445465 [Reply] [Original]

I can't think of anything more pathetic than "philosophy". you are literally getting another man to tell you about your own life. you are pathetic.
did genghis khan need philosophy? did arminius? did any great warrior or chieftain or hero through history? wasn't the ideal hero throughout all cultures the unthinking instinctual warrior, who fuckied and killed who he pleased and cared little about anything else? philosophy was and always will be the domain of nerds and failures who have never actually lived life and so speculate about it in their gay books.nietzche was a failure. schopenhauer was a fag who couldn't get women. sartre had the physiognomy of a fish. none of these people ever actually lived life.

>> No.16445471

Alexander the Great

>> No.16445475

You have no idea what philosophy even is.

>> No.16445481

Genghis Kahn only acted in his own person and perhaps in the persons of his soldiers and servants. A philosopher, if he is remembered, acts in all those who encounter his ideas in those in whom those who encounter his ideas act.

>> No.16445483

You just wrote philosophy.
But it's just shit.

>> No.16445507

the guy in your pic related would disagree

>> No.16445524

The very fact that you could right this out is based off of language, which you would not have if not for the thoughts of other men. You're just being arbitrarily selective

>> No.16445539

Marcus Aurelius too (Fronto)

>> No.16445545

>I can't think of anything more pathetic than "philosophy". you are literally getting another man to tell you about your own life.
have you read any philosophy besides the stoics? you have no idea what philosophy is

>> No.16445551

>wasn't the ideal hero throughout all cultures the unthinking instinctual warrior, who fuckied and killed who he pleased and cared little about anything else?
nietzsche talked about and exalted this

>nietzche was a failure
yet you go on to diss him. absolute brainlet take OP

>> No.16445577

Friendly reminder that this is a bait thread

>> No.16445582
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Philosophy is perhaps the most disgusting thing imaginable and all the responses to my post prove this. The Ideal Man is and always will be the one who acts soley on instinct, and does not care about "Philosophy" or muh hegelian dialectics or whatever shit you faggots talk about

>> No.16445607
File: 81 KB, 600x602, 26LASTMAN1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who acts solely on instinct is a slave to instinct. No better than an animal wallowing in the dirt, concerning itself with nothing more than it's next meal or its next fuck.

Some men strive for greater.

>> No.16445749

A laughable misunderstanding of philosophy. But this 'life' your speaking of is certainly not from personal experience, now is it?

>> No.16446264
File: 32 KB, 600x655, soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone who acts solely on instinct is a slave to instinct. No better than an animal wallowing in the dirt, concerning itself with nothing more than it's next meal or its next fuck.

>Some men strive for greater.

>> No.16446346
File: 15 KB, 413x395, cjsqk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you can always tell you've won an argument when the other party has to result to wojak posting.

Cope and seethe and all that.

>> No.16446557

This is natty right? No roids back then?

>> No.16446568

If you think with an internal monologue utilizing language you live heavily off of the symbols created by others already

>> No.16446642

I know that you're just a retard who likes to bait people on an anonymous Japanese book reading forum but since your shitpost made me laugh hard I'll respond.
>you are literally getting another man to tell you about your own life.
That's only if you learn from a philosopher which isn't philosophy, philosophy is just figuring out what your life is. You can do philosophy by just sitting back and thinking, as a matter of fact thinking that you should just follow some retarded genetic programming because MUH BASED WARRIORINO XDDD is a for mof philosophy, although an extremely brainless philosophy, but philosophy non the less.
>did genghis khan need philosophy? did arminius? did any great warrior or chieftain or hero through history?
The way you structured that sentence made me sterile. To answer it, no, they probably didn't, but there are a bunch of rulers leaders, hell, probably a few MUH BASED CHAD CONQUERORS that were philosophers, Marcus Aurelius being the main example but I'm sure that a lot of people have already pointed that out within this thread.
>wasn't the ideal hero throughout all cultures the unthinking instinctual warrior, who fuckied and killed who he pleased and cared little about anything else?
That view unironically only became popular once retards like Nietzsche (a philosopher) and that retard that wrote Might is Right fetishised the concept to no end and 100+ years later we have edge lords like you shitting out these kinds of threads. Before, while strong hero's were definitely loved, they had a more moral component to them, although it was usually basic black and white morality.
>philosophy was and always will be the domain of nerds and failures who have never actually lived life and so speculate about it in their gay books.
I'd like to see what amazing things you did with your cool instinctual edge-given superpowers. I'll wait.
>nietzche was a failure. schopenhauer was a fag who couldn't get women. sartre had the physiognomy of a fish. none of these people ever actually lived life.
Define lived life, also that's a very small number of philosophers you "dissed" there.

>> No.16446738

You know everything is philosophy right? Khan was a philosopher himself with some famous quotes remembered to this day. Unless you believe that thinking is unmanly or some ape shit

>> No.16447415

This man literally wrote a book called "The Way to Live"

>> No.16447441

Philosophy lets me steal ideas now that I might think up organically in a few years. It is a time saver.

>> No.16447446

>The Ideal Man is and always will be the one who acts soley on instinct,
So your ideal man is like a chicken? Great.

>> No.16447457
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this is nietzsche's philosophy though.

>> No.16447548
File: 421 KB, 1276x1600, EEA363A3-BD38-40A8-AD9F-314C8E3E551D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did any great warrior or chieftain or hero through history
The most famous conqueror in history was advised by the second most famous philosopher in history

>> No.16448141
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>I love how you can always tell you've won an argument when the other party has to result to wojak posting.

>Cope and seethe and all that.

>> No.16448142


>> No.16448148

Nice try but what you are doing here is also philosophy.

>> No.16448214

>unthinking soldier knows best
What do you think happened to 99.9999999999 percent of histories ambitious myrmidons? They ate shit, of course.

Soldiering is a miserable and significantly life shortening career choice even if you survive it. Killing and watching men, women, and children be killed is so shockingly awful it essentially brain damages people.

War is not some sort of manly boys contest where the fittest survive like the darwinists in WW1 expected.

>> No.16448269

OP has nothing to do with Nietzsche and you're only contributing to his retardation with your poorly read view of him

>> No.16448769


unfortunately, you need philosophy to express the ideal of an ideal man. philosophy is like quicksand...the harder you fight it, the faster you drown

>> No.16448828
File: 140 KB, 351x346, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I love how you can always tell you've won an argument when the other party has to result to wojak posting.

>>Cope and seethe and all that.

>> No.16448849

my nan no need no book to fry eggs in the morin

>> No.16448862

>philisophy is like EVERYTHING so you can't say it's useless forms of cope

>> No.16448885

Kek fake af

>> No.16448926

>wasn't the ideal hero throughout all cultures the unthinking instinctual warrior, who fuckied and killed who he pleased and cared little about anything else?

Uh, no?
The ideal Roman hero is someone like Cincinnatus. An ascetic man who wishes to live a simple life and who fights for the safety of Rome.
The ideal Christian hero is someone like Louis IX. A religious virtuous man who wishes for peace and prosperity for his people and who fights for Christianity.
I'm not sure about the Chinese, but my impression is that they tend to admire intellectual warriors and their ideal hero is someone who is loyal to his cause, like Guan Yu.

And I don't understand your point. What do you gain by not reading those who are wiser than you are?

>> No.16450292
File: 58 KB, 456x740, 80a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I love how you can always tell you've won an argument when the other party has to result to wojak posting.

>>Cope and seethe and all that.

>> No.16452628


>> No.16454084


>> No.16454098

kys retard

>> No.16454107

I mean, yeah, even when phrased in a condescending way like that, it is still true. Even you whole premise of "relying on base instincts is the best way to live life" is still a form of philosophy. It's not even a unique one. This is bad bait.

>> No.16454203

No, that's not philosophy, that's just an ethos, philosophy is more like the demented chicken scratchings of Hegel and his effete gaggle of fruitloop admirers and imitators.

>> No.16454206

If you believe empires are built by acting on instinct, you are a retard.

>> No.16454259
File: 590 KB, 1080x783, 20191231_000013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did genghis khan need philosophy? did arminius? did any great warrior or chieftain or hero through history?
Hey man! Warrior here, OEF 09-10. I'm not saying that in any kind of chest-beating way, it was just my job -- objectively speaking, I was a professional warrior. Reading philosophy and thinking about life helps me dissect and come to terms with a lot of the shit I saw and did in combat. It's helped me a hell of a lot. Is it useful when you're actually in the shit, getting shot at? No, probably not, in my experience. The issue is that even in a war zone, the amount of time you spend actually fighting is infinitesimal comparatively. In the spaces between firefights, you've got a ton of time on your hands, and some big ass questions you've got to wrestle with. Will I die? What's its like to die? Would I rather die than live as an amputee? How will I ever go back to the civilian world after this? What can answer these questions, or at least frame them in a way more conducive to actual examination? Yeah, philosophy. It's all well and good to have opinions, but when they approach dogmatism it might be time to reevaluate, especially when you're talking about things you don't have any firsthand experience with.

>> No.16454434

Lol got em