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16441748 No.16441748 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best works on psychotherapy?

>> No.16441766

lol she's barely toned, she's either a cardio bunny or just doesn't even go at all

>> No.16441769

this is why I fucking hate women

>> No.16441783
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>> No.16441791

CBT and psychiatry, if they're good, revolve less around some sort of unified theory and more around practices that have been found to improve conditions in most patients.
Losers waste time trying to determine why, for example, dialectical behavioral therapy works better than cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with borderline personality disorder. Practitioners don't give a shit, the information is spread for its practical utility in treatment. Same but even more with psychiatric treatments like drugs and ECT. They care much more about safety and efficacy than whatever's behind the curtain.
But if you want to get into the foundational theories behind these practices I would look at the psychoanalysts, at least that stuff is interesting and doesn't pretend to be evidence-based like your average academic psychologist's stupid fucking retard book making it like they understand the mind or whatever.

>> No.16441797

>either a cardio bunny or just doesn't even go at all
Former describes what I did at the gym during the first month and a half of my membership, and the latter describes my relationship with the gym after. Just wish I was a cute woman so I could rack up social credit points while being lazy instead of feeling suicidal.

>> No.16441801

>waah im so depressed
>better go make a tiktok video about it

>> No.16441802

this is why i cherish W-men

>> No.16441804

she needs to read the bible

>> No.16441815

cardio did literally nothing for me mentally, I think if you do it long enough you can actually increase cortisol levels
you should've done deadlifts

>> No.16441829

What the fuck is toned?

>> No.16441834
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>> No.16441839

And she's still a 9.5/10

>> No.16441848

Depends if you are willing to go towards the unknown and narrative internal, such as Jung for the unconscious, Freud/Nietzsche for the historical/western, Campbell for the humanistic/historical expressions, I'd even include Camus when it comes to the existentialist and unconscious workings of your mind.

or, as this anon stated, >>16441791
Going towards the medication and western approach of symptom management to improve the actions and directional metrics, as in behavior alteration and the rest will shake itself out.

>> No.16441850

Long haired roasties are peak roasties

>> No.16441928

Why? The amount of women who do stuff like this (an activity you can hardly blame them for) is negligible.

>> No.16442118

Shit taste

>> No.16442138


Always looking to find fault with things?

>> No.16442156

I feel like I'm developing a panic disorder, /lit/. Just being alive and being existentially aware of each vulnerability I have as a human is hard to deal with sometimes. I'm 27 in a couple weeks. Is this normal, or am I slowly losing my mind? I feel like I'm imploding to a degree.

>> No.16442187

In my language we say 'my heart my heart's to ironically note how poor someone's life is. Like ironically saying 'my poor baby'. Is there a similar English phrase?

>> No.16442197

It makes me less winded when going up stairs. Feels good.
I stopped most of my lifting and started more movement oriented training as I'd like to dance. You do feel less of a physical god as you do when lifting. Sucks, lifting heavy feels good when you're resting.

>> No.16442204

Its normal to be vulnerable.
How are you? Do you sleep well?

>> No.16442208

I'll give her a workout if you know what I mean XD

>> No.16442212

Her build is close to ideal. Musclegirls are disgusting.

>> No.16442217

It's not normal, go to your doctor.

>> No.16442262

checked and probably just starves herself and goes on the elliptical for 20 minutes while texting the entire time and taking selfies

>> No.16442289

I've had panic disorder and generalized anxiety for 5-6 years, I'm turning 26 soon. Go see a therapist

>> No.16442330

I sleep relatively well. I am nocturnal as of late though, fixing it as I should.
Damn. How do your symptoms manifest? I can't tell if that's what's happening to me or not. Sorry to hear about that anon.

>> No.16442345

You don't want a toned woman. Women should only go to the gym to get skinnier and to get a tite tummy.

>> No.16442381
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>> No.16442420

Likely quite dead-on.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to free myself of that, though.

>> No.16442484

What if realistically the eventual situation is so terrible that coping is nearly impossible?

>> No.16442497

hater alert

>> No.16442506

Running followed by a cold shower is the best feeling out there. Gives me way more of a boost than strength exercises alone ever have

>> No.16442593

No, coffee isn't good for you.

>> No.16442604

Women unironically go to the gym and do 5 different butt exercises then go home

>> No.16442617

sounds hot

>> No.16442668

So she admits it's about vanity?

>> No.16442881

Alright. Remember to get enough sleep. I think the best for you is to see a therapist, I could dish as much advice online but the only cure is seeing someone face to face.

>> No.16443035
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>> No.16443067

I wouldn't expect them to do any different

>> No.16443076

The Myth of Mental Illness

>> No.16443983


>> No.16444334


>> No.16444373
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, Horton heaves a ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

>> No.16444414

>women never get home gyms because then nobody would give them the attention they want. the rare few who do build home gyms will proceed to upload squat videos to instagram. if you can imagine it, they will always squat in the tightest pants they own - never a slightly loose pair of sweatpants, never a burka
that's it bros, it's time to start destroying car dealerships

>> No.16444499

cardio bunny is the ideal state for both men and women. The Greeks agree with me on this one. Plato wrote about it.

>> No.16444510

the less clothing you wear in those videos the better, so you can see the proper posture and what the muscles are doing. You should really just wear underwear.

>> No.16444581

I'm so happy TikTok got banned.

>> No.16444593

Based Horton poster.

>> No.16444610

This pretty much.

You could read the book, “object relations in psychoanalytic theory” Greenberg and Mitchell from Harvard press. That would give you all of modernity’s dealing with Freud and his school.

And then you can just putz around CBT and psychiatric papers.

Pretty much what the other anon in the tread said about learning everything about mental health and then using what works for your patient at hand

Remember the point of this is providing an effective treatment for your ill patients, not ideology. And the boundary conditions for health have usually been this, what Freud stated them as:

The capacity to work and “hope” into the future.

>> No.16444647

You need to see that it is imaginative and break on through.

This cannot be done with reason, as your reason is tied to your insanity. You have to do it with understanding and allowing yourself to weep, feeling the phenomenology of the anxiety killing you, but after the weep realizing you are not dead and it was just in your head.

This takes hundreds of millions of practices or just one month. It is up to you and your ability to find a way to understand that it is imaginative. You will not reason your way out. As your reasons have been stolen from you.

>> No.16445226

lol is peter hitchens getting memed now or something?

>> No.16445303

post body

>> No.16445311

>lol is peter hitchens getting memed now or something?

>> No.16445616

>implying women with any more muscle than that actually look good

>> No.16445625

Based and phyisquepilled.

>> No.16445677

Thank you

>> No.16445917

existential psychotherapy has been helpful for me

>rollo may
>abraham maslow
>irwin yalom

>> No.16447048

Omega kek

>> No.16447069

I think you might be right about this. Soccer players (footballers) tend to be more attractive than other athletes.

>> No.16447073
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Staggeringly based

>> No.16447195
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Left is how she was 6 years ago, right in now.
Improvement or degeneration?

>> No.16447229

Are you a personal trainer?

>> No.16447240

No change

>> No.16447263


>> No.16447266

holy shit, i hate women

>> No.16447277
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This is lovely. The great beasts have no issue with the local bug people tending to them, but as soon as the scantily clad attention whore starts washing one of them (see: filming for her Instagram) it's absolutely disgusted.

>> No.16447281

Kys faggot

>> No.16447307

This is unironically true. I say this as an anon who came to 4chan through /fit/ and spent a bit over a decade in the gym ever since I was just a teenager. I'll spare you anons the trouble of going through the same path and shed some knowledge on fitness. For both health and aesthetics what you should be doing is
>some form of cardio
just pick whichever one you like the most and do it 2-3 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at least
>some calisthenics
nothing overly gymnastic, just some pushups, pullups, pistols, bridges and so on
>stretch every day first thing in the morning
10 minuts is enough to hit most muscles, flexibility is super important especially as you start getting older
>good diet
cut out or minimize processed garbage, you should only be eating whole foods, don't bother with organic though because it's a meme 99% of the time

People get too strung up on gyms and strength because thinking it's some big herculean task that will bring them friends, women and respect once they get big/strong enough. Well I've done it all and it's quite literaly a meme.
Really all that matters is maintaing good cardiovascular health, felxibilty and muscle endurance (doing sets of 50 pushups as opposed to having a 315lbs 1RM bench). Not only will your sex appeal improve, but your sexual performance skyrockets.

>> No.16447308

Same anon

>> No.16447335

i literally feel like women degrade human existence into something animalistic and base and are so horrible and evil that it makes life feel cheap, worthless, and sometimes like it's not worth living. even just thinking about women and the way they are, i mean.

>> No.16447345

stop thinking about women, faggot

>> No.16447347

You know if that signalling is true, this just proves that arbitrary goals are the only thing keeping most people from mental collapse. I worked myself out of a depression by setting myself daily self-improvement goals and following them with the power of autism. But it all feels without greater purpose and this is driving me mad beyond compare. I just want some meaning, man. I want to believe in God but when I attend church it's just the same cringey crowd fulfilling their emotional need for parental love, I feel no sense of higher belonging there.

Please help me, anons. There must be more to life than this.

>> No.16447364
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>> No.16447411

Nothing wrong with cardio fatty.

>> No.16447643

>ctrl+f carl rodgers
>zero results
also abraham maslow

It's pretty normal in modern society you don't have an anxiety cope (sex/weed/xanax/alcohol) like everyone else. Seeing a good therapist can help, but I've met very few who aren't completely fucked up themselves, the good ones are really few and far between. You could also just get some idiot who will want you go to on xanax which will just mask the problem and not actually deal with it.
If you want to try to fix it yourself first off, make sure your anxiety isn't caused by a biological problem this can easily be fixed if you
>Start exercising daily.
>Stop eating sugar/processed carbs.
>Eat foods with high levels of GABA (fermented yogurt or kimchi)
>Meditate 10-30 minutes daily as needed
If that doesn't work then try your luck with a therapist.

Also repeat this daily when you wake up.
>Death is inevitable.
>Our life span is decreasing continuously.
>Death will come, whether or not we are prepared for it.
>Human life expectancy is uncertain.
>There are many causes of death.
>The human body is fragile and vulnerable.
>At the time of death, our material resources are not of use to us.
>Our loved ones cannot keep us from death.
>Our own body cannot help us at the time of our death.

>> No.16448472

Thank you anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.16448737


>> No.16449014

Freud and Jung. Fuck sciencebros

t. sciencebro

>> No.16449032

lmao the gym I went to all the women were constantly occupying the legs/butt machines and cardio. All the men were on the other side with free weights and machines for upper body muscles.

>> No.16449047

If you pulled yourself out of it, you never had depression to begin with. Yes I'm gatekeeping what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.16449593

perfect age to kill yourself anon

>> No.16449619

Nothing but I wish you actually adressed my problem instead.

>> No.16449855
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Why do you need a meaning in the first place? Life is what you make of it, not some meta meme like God is looking at and judging you. If you struggle with finding a meaning, then that's the whole point of life. That struggle itself is the meaning of life itself. The intangible and insatiable something, whether it's meaning or happiness or love or whatever, that we all have is exactly that what we need to learn to live with. We need to learn to accept that there is no meaning to life, that there is no happiness, and that there is no love. That doesn't mean they don't exist, it's just that you have to make most of it and you are granted nothign but death. You need to learn how to show affection to the ones you hold dear, not think it comes out of nothing. You need to find yourself some meaning in life, not think some priest or God is giving you meaning to life.

My meaning is making kids happy because I was abused as a kid. I'm looking to get into professional gamedev or animation (yeah i know it's a terrible field but still) or do it as a hobby/amateur, because that's what helped me cope with life when I was younger. Anyway, I don't have a meaning to life per se, but I do have goals and that's what drives me. Maybe you are conflating meaningfulness and a life without objectives/goals. There's a subtle difference. When you set goals in life, they become your meaning, but they're not the same.

If struggling with finding a meaning to life is your worry, then I don't mean this to be mean, that's not the biggest issue in the world and you can deal with that. Although it relates to depression and malaise, and these feeling could lead an already troubled soul even further downwards. So I'm not belittling your feelings, it's just that they can be helped better than some other nastier pathologies imo.

I hope you find this helpful and wish you the best.

>> No.16450103

lower body just really requires big squats and deadlifts that take less than 30 minutes to do (if you drag your feet), hypertrophy in the legs isn't easy to show off for men/what women look for in men anyway

there wasn't that much of a distinction back then, the greeks did a lot of both and weren't sedentary in their daily habits

that's a cope and a lie, men should both be strong enough to lift bodyweight 2x and fit enough to run (minimum) a few miles.

>> No.16450127

>We need to accept there is no meaning to life
>My meaning is making kids happen

gay, cringe and retarded gtfo of this board

>> No.16450130
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How do we make vanity a sin again?

>> No.16450214

>not lifting+cardio

>> No.16450232

You're giving me basically Nietzsche's answer for personal meaning which I can appreciate but the problem with that is such a meaning is entirely divorced from mutual intelligibility. If my meaning and your meaning are both arbitrary, that means our morals and ethics are in the same sense grounded in arbitrary assumptions, leading to subjectivism and inevitably the impossibility of communicating (and that is living) our meanings effectively. After all, you can only have meaning insofar as you relate to other human beings.

I find it horrifying that our human relations should escape any objective categorization of what is true, just and good. God used to solve this question of fundamental grounding and the post-enlightenment ideologies of liberalism, socialism and fascism provided alternative vessels. But all options for meaning have collapsed and we are confronted with the complete arbitrarity of it all.

At this point just labouring on and not asking questions is the only thing that keeps us going as a civilization. Once we fall into idleness, we will be confronted with the brutal dictatorship of this relativism and there will be no hero to deliver us from that demon.

It scares me, man. It really does.

>> No.16450310

Also retarded. Nietzsche does argue for the creation of values. He obviously doesn't think they are subjective and arbitrary.

>> No.16450363

what should they be based on then

>> No.16450479

For me, the best values are the ones that work in an evolutionairy sense: most value for my genes.
For Nietzsche, I don't know yet, still reading.

>> No.16450833

Read Genealogy of Morals. Values don't really need to be "based" on anything (at least in an intellectual sense): values are man's reflections on what brings him strength, power, and joy. In that sense they're not arbitrary, but they are subject to change through different cultures. One should in fact guard against arbitrary values not rooted in increasing one's power, as arbitrary beliefs are the ones people adopt when people are too weak/cowardly to know how to raise themselves up.

>> No.16450975

Who is he again?

>> No.16451962


I swear Tinder. tiktok and instagram are the 3 great sins that made men hate women

>> No.16451972


Just learn to stop giving a fuck

>> No.16451986

Are women even human?

>> No.16451990


>> No.16452178


>> No.16453627


>> No.16453633

Learn to accept your mortality and eventual death. Once you do that, everything is much easier.

>> No.16453650

>he wants psychotherapy
>he posts unrelated women on his posts
you gotta read some continental philosophy to understand why your life revolves around your dick

>> No.16454514

This sort of thing tormented me for years until I had a breakdown during a particularly bad bout of flu. I now completely lack any sort of coherent thought process and regularly forget important things to the point where I feel like I have dementia. Learn to deal with the torment however you can, as the implosion will be particularly awful.

>> No.16454536

based knowledge poster

>> No.16454580

at least she put some clothes on

>> No.16454620

That's not Peter Hitchens, that's Oswald Spengler

>> No.16454692
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>> No.16454847
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Anon women can't be built like Noi from Dorohedoro in real life, I'm sorry.

>> No.16454881
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Is that Lulu?

>> No.16454886

Based Thot destroying elephant

>> No.16454894

This vain whore needs to be publicly stoned to death.

>> No.16454986

>Freud and Jung
The biggest pseuds of the 20 century, even its pseud century as well.

>> No.16455244

What's with the fucking steam on this pic

>> No.16455248

what do you think about a good diet and pilates?

>> No.16455281

And get bigger and firmer butts. Especially white women

>> No.16455318

Better let everyone know, so they'll pity me and give me attention!

>> No.16455713

>The early stage projections of a convicted rapists
Get help

>> No.16455790

Yes anon, a woman without testosterone is surely gonna build up a lot of muscle easily

>> No.16455805

The only difference is this retard induce lordosis in her to make her mediocre ass stick out for IG photos

>> No.16455822

Hard to tell. She's closer to the camera on the right and she's pushing her ass out in both.

>> No.16455845

it's a short read, but Mastery

>> No.16455880

>everyone thinks I'm vain
Oh I wonder why you fucking tik tok slut