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/lit/ - Literature

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16441395 No.16441395 [Reply] [Original]

Do you hold any prejudice against female writers?
Do you read female writers?

>> No.16441399

I hate women.

>> No.16441403

Only aristocratic ones from the past.

>> No.16441404

I hold prejudice against women in general.

>> No.16441405
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Why yes, how could you tell?

>> No.16441449

I don't touch serious topics written by women. For entertainment like childrens literature? They are okay.

>> No.16441456

In general I only read anonymous works, i.e. I don't read any females, no.

>> No.16441466
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women writing books? lmao just make me sandwich and suck my dick bitch. easy

>> No.16441472

No women have written anything that I would want to read, so no, not really.

>> No.16441476
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Reminder to spam all gender war threads with giantess images

>> No.16441509
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Isn't it strange that, unlike most other languages, the greatest English authors of both prose and poetry have been women? Emily Dickinson is unquestionably the greatest Anglophone poet, and George Eliot and Virginia Woolf are tied as the greatest Anglophone prose authors. The prose list is especially damning for Anglo men; Edith Wharton and Jane Austen both come before the best male writer (Henry James), and the Brontës are up there too. What's going on with Anglo "men"?

>> No.16441535

>Emily Dickinson is unquestionably the greatest Anglophone poet
good but not even close
>George Eliot and Virginia Woolf are tied as the greatest Anglophone prose authors
holy fuck read more, you dumb whore

>> No.16441549

it's mostly a matter of them writing about things that don't concern me.

>> No.16441560

I went through the same phase as a lot of women my age; the "I can't like feminine things or I'm a vapid whore" phase, which is very common for women. I tried to get over it, and I have for the most part, but as far as books go, I only read female authors if I read the book before I know what gender the author is, which happens more often than you'd think.

>> No.16441567
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>Do you hold any prejudice against female writers?
Insofar as they are women, yes.

>Do you read female writers?
What's the point when there isn't enough time to read all the good books by men?

>> No.16441592

>Do you hold any prejudice against female writers?
Some a lot of the female "Greats" are pretty middling, but the one poster is right that the english tradition some females really shine. (Could just be bias however)
>Do you read female writers?
I do just not as often as men

>> No.16441621

Honestly, I hold prejudice against women, but not really women writers. Just don't generally care for talking with them.

>> No.16441644

>serious topics
what is a serious topic?

>> No.16441649
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>"I can't like feminine things or I'm a vapid whore"
That has nothing to do with the topic of literature. Female authors are simply inferiour to anything worth reading. They are simply the mediocre gender, without any relevant geniuses, which also reflects in great literary works. Understanding this, means understanding your own nature.

>> No.16441651
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>> No.16441663

Politics or history for example.

>> No.16441667

>Politics: I’m more entertaining than you so I win.
>History: I won so I can say what happened.

>> No.16441671

I refuse to read everything a woman has laid her hands on

>> No.16441673

I have a strong prejudice against female writers, except for female writers who I like. Didion, for example.

>> No.16441679

>>"I can't like feminine things or I'm a vapid whore"
>That has nothing to do with the topic of literature.
That's just not true. How a woman sees herself would of course impact how she writes

Female authors are simply inferiour to anything worth reading. They are simply the mediocre gender, without any relevant geniuses, which also reflects in great literary works.
fundamentally untrue, especially if you consider the amount of female authors in the western canon. (adjusted of course, for the fact that women have been actively suppressed for most of history)

>> No.16441692

i dont hold prejudice against female writers but it certainly seems like the majority of great works are written by men. however, frankenstein is a great work by a woman, i've read two books by black women "their eyes were watching god" and "song of solomon" and also the outsiders is pretty gud

>> No.16441693
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>frailty thy name is woman

>> No.16441698

I'm female and drunk, AMA

>> No.16441700

>Do you hold any prejudice against female writers?
>Do you read female writers?

>> No.16441701

Despite dismissing her at first, Nabokov later admitted Jane Austen is a great writer.

>> No.16441705

How do your feet smell?

>> No.16441710

a little bit like my gorgonzola-mustard sauce, actually

>> No.16441728


>> No.16441732
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Thank you

>> No.16441741

They're too emotional. Even the female writers that are most unlike other female writers (Devi, Rand) still let their emotions guide them even though they try to be rational. Don't get me wrong, the same goes for many men, but not all.

>> No.16441746

Start by answering the OP's questions, cunt

>> No.16441749

I've read Ayn Rand. Is alright.

>> No.16441751

no, it's yummy

you're welcome

I did

>> No.16441752
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Women writers always have some sort of agenda that is antithetical to me enjoying much of anything in life

>> No.16441763

i'd like to feel the force of the second from the lefts ass on my face desu

>> No.16441768

>Women writers always have some sort of agenda that is antithetical to me enjoying much of anything in life
that depends on what kind of books you're reading. Also, I think you should consider the agenda male authors have. It's not like women have MORE agendas.

>> No.16441777

>I think you should consider the agenda male authors have.
men are better and more subtle at it though, as with everything else.

>> No.16441790

Prove it

>> No.16441798

post feet

>> No.16441803
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>> No.16441811

Exquisite taste

>> No.16441828
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>> No.16441846

I hate women unless it's for sex or just fun superficial conversations over a drink.

>> No.16441856

>I think you should consider the agenda male authors have.

One of the few things I enjoy in life is a few books by almost exclusively male authors. This anon wants me to reconsider that meager enjoyment.
Just out of curiosity, anon, what gender are you?
And why do women want to RUIN EVERYFUCKING THING I ENJOY?

>> No.16441866
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I've read Shelley's Frankenstein and thought it was great. I've read Beard's SPQR and found it lacking. I also later learned Beard isn't a great source in regards to impartiality.
I'm divided on bitches in lit.

>> No.16441870

I have a copy of SPQR. Should I read it? Really interested in roman history and know some stuff already, but don't want disinformation.

>> No.16441875
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>> No.16441908

>Do you hold any prejudice against female writers?
Yes, none of us can help but be prejudicial, however open-minded.
The main concerns I have with female writers are that they are 1) obsessively self-interested such that it effects their narrative, 2) are overly-holistic, philosophical meanderers, or 3) are overt female chauvinists. Any one of these defects alone is tolerable, but in combination is not.
For any book written by a female, I consider the following:
1) has it been published by some kind of women-only collective publishing house (e.g. Virago, Honno, etc.)?
2) is it a book written ostensibly for women and about women, portraying their unassuming disquiet under some kind of overbearing male dispensation?
3) are there excessive references to any of the following in either the blurb or introduction: "women's perspective", "sympathetic portrayal of a community, in particular the women", "womenfolk", "patriarchy", "punitive effects against women", "silent", "oppressed", etc. to name only some of the countless, colourful ways in which women have written about their not having been written about quite in the way that they'd have liked in hindsight.
If it meets these three criteria, I am unlikely to read it. Occasionally, I will go for it anyway out of a kind of curious masochism, and because I have more money than sense and like books for their own sake.
>Do you read female writers?
Yes. One of my favourite authors is female. I also like a couple women's poems, and some of my favourite books were written by women, including a couple of the domestic-centric, it's-hard-being-a-woman-in-a-house-rent-free kind of novels.

>> No.16441941

None, I'll read anything by anyone and if I don't enjoy the book I just put it down

>> No.16441942


>> No.16441960

Women’s writing in a nutshell


>> No.16441991

I'm tired of people not treating me
like the gift
that I am.

It's hurtful
and it stings.

>> No.16442164
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>fundamentally untrue
Pic related and now stop pestering people with some intelectual dignity left.

>> No.16442176
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>the fact that women have been actively suppressed for most of history
You are delusional.

>> No.16442182

>that women have been actively suppressed for most of history

>> No.16442201


>> No.16442270
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Emrace actual femininity instead if larping as a big brain author, Felicia.

>> No.16442278


>> No.16442309

Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve actually ever read a single book written by a women

>> No.16442340

You're scientific source is a blog post, how credible.

>> No.16442355

I still haven't gotten over Sylvia Plath's manlet bashing in the Bell Curve.
Since then I've refused to ever read anything written by a woman.

>> No.16442358

>Implying you couldn't find the same information on pubmed


>> No.16442446

yep, you're a woman

>> No.16442461
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You're beyond retarded if you expect to be spoonfeed. IQ distribution in regards to the sexess has been established for a long time. Maybe use your computer for more than google image search and buzzfeed.

>> No.16442466

>women: who hurt you?
>this anon: Sylvia Plath.
>women: fair enough. sorry to hear that, anon.

>> No.16442471

lmao on that image

>> No.16442523

Saved, funny, thx

>> No.16442545

I wouldn't be caught dead reading anything written by a woman after 1959

>> No.16442719

All this really proves is that men are better STEMfags than women. Art doesn't require genius tier IQ

>> No.16442750

I love women but I can't read women

>> No.16442850
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IQ reflects upon everthing. STEM has absolutely nothing to do with IQ. Even a dog can "learn" to count and bark on the right spots, but you can't make him understand. Art isn't something else than IQ, it's just another way of expression. Genius IQ also isn't necessary, the golden spot is anything around 140, too high can also e disgenic.

Please stop deluding yourself and face reality. It's not a shame that a fish can't ride a bike, but it becomes pathetic when he tries to claim it's due to fishogony. Be cute, humble and nice, this is your way.

>> No.16442901

What is IQ even. What does it measure.

>> No.16442911

low iq = needs a concept explained to them a couple of times

high iq = gets it on the first try

>> No.16443653

wait... are those the ones you have prejudice against, or the only ones you read?

>> No.16443661

the ladder

>> No.16443886

Not many: Patricia Highsmith, Camille Paglia, Emily Dickinson.