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16439986 No.16439986 [Reply] [Original]

Critique Jordan Petersons book "12 Rules for Life" in your best prose.

>> No.16440000

>that vocaroo

>> No.16440146

No one? Wtf?

>> No.16440147

As per the instructions of Doctor Professor Pooperstain I position my shoulders backward. This creates a forward chest posture which reportedly improves self confidence. Doctor Professor Pooperstain has assured me that this is vital if one wishes to view themselves in a positively dominant light. Time to shoot some heroin. I mix my afgan gold with instant coffee. I blast that shit into my eyeballs every morning. The plunger squeaks as my death nectar flushes into my bloodstream.

I've never less gay. My will to power is now actualized. I am a monster. I am chaos. I am the tightrope walker. I'm going to capture a newborn and raise it on the 19th floor of a high rise apartment. At any time if it wants to, it can be free. I'm going to leave every window open. The ultimate test. That'll be a good kid I tell ya bucko.

Surrounded by chaos and imminent death, and instead chose to do homework. That's agreeable. That's functional. Give your kids the chance to kill themselves. Leave that gun out. If you don't ride the lightning. If, as a toddler, you don't accidentally shoot your sister then you'll never really see what Jung called the "shadow".

You need that. You need to know your shadow. Give a kid a gun. Leave out your car keys. Make the next generation of overmen.

>> No.16440724


>> No.16440802

How did you get to interview him? Isn't he in Russia?

>> No.16440830
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I know it's hip to hate Peterson, but this book was never meant to be a profound, philosophical dive. It was meant to be a guideline for life, a set of rules that will help the average struggling individual. I think it does it marvellously. Those rules may seem obvious to you, but they definitely aren't to the average person.

I think this book helped a lot of readers improve their lives in many ways. It was its goal and it makes it a success in my view.