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/lit/ - Literature

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16436861 No.16436861 [Reply] [Original]

Name 1 (won) book Arktos has published that is actually worth reading.

>> No.16436880

The few things they have from klages and spengler. But yes mostly a meme shit tier publisher

>> No.16436904


>> No.16436911

They are due to do a republishing of The Decline Of The West soon,

>> No.16436913

Prometheus and Atlas.

>> No.16436931

I bought a Linkola book from this publisher and now I cringe at owning what is essentially neo nazi literature

>> No.16436933

These are the only two I've read from Arktos and they are both worth reading. Will probably eventually read their edition of Man and Technics as well.

>> No.16436950


>> No.16436980
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>> No.16436991

>1 (won)
Here in PA Dutch country, "one" and "won" are a minimal pair. Wun as opposed to waaahhhhn. They really drag it out like that. Baffling.

>> No.16437315

>Publishes your book with the ugliest possible cover
Heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.16437324

Man and Technics is pretty good. Looking forward to the reprint of Decline also

>> No.16437332

Is Man and Technics worth reading really ??

>> No.16437368

Its pretty short but yes, its an interesting read

>> No.16437663

Don't they publish Dugin's works? He seems like he's worth checking out.

>> No.16438969

Most of their Evola books.

>> No.16438979

I can't get past their tacky branding but I like that they publish some of the dissident right stuff

I'd never buy anything from them though

>> No.16439035


>> No.16439058

Jorjani is a pseud. Watch his interviews on New Thinking Allowed for proof.

>> No.16439062

t. retard

>> No.16439071

are they commercially successful?

>> No.16439123
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>> No.16439127

Everything by Oswald Spengler

>> No.16439135
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This is worth reading.

>> No.16439148

whenever i'm on the train from my hometown in downstate NY to my university in upstate NY there are usually amish people there too
they're interesting to talk to, i like talking with them about their language and language education and stuff

>> No.16439177

Cope seethe dilate

>> No.16439590

The two Klages books. They're just compilations but anything of his into English is good.

>> No.16439642
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Theion has a new translation out.

>> No.16439654
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>> No.16439945

I don't trust them, because they are duginist shills.

>> No.16439955

Evola is Rand tier

>> No.16439973

I'm not paying money for that - scan a pdf or gfto

>> No.16439989

Fuck off Spirit-shill. /lit/ is a board of Soul.

>> No.16440012
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>I cringe at owning what is essentially neo nazi literature

Imagine being this much of a fag.

>> No.16440203

Fuck off
This is a good read, anon. IMO Dugin's schizophrenia gets in the way sometimes, but he has valuable observations on Platonism and if you're well-read on the Traditionalists you can even make sort the good from the bad with his discourse on that topic.
Then just don't read Dugin, retard.

>> No.16440927

I liked the Biocentric Worldview but I don’t have much faith in the accuracy of translations these guys put out

>> No.16440950

t. retard who either never read Evola or got filtered hard.

>> No.16441111

Prometheism, Archeofuturism, i bet their upcoming DOTW translation will be good too.

>> No.16441123


>> No.16441154

Why is their Decline of the West taking so long?

>> No.16441183

he got filtered

>> No.16442145


>> No.16442161

didnt they publish that cringe "white apocalypse" book that Amren.com tried to shill?

>> No.16442167
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kys trannie

>> No.16442172


>> No.16442177

I bought both of the Klages pieces they offer. Nice quality but the most expensive books I own. Not complaining

>> No.16443474

A mere 50 EUR is too rich for your blood? Given the level of scholarship involved, the fact that it is the only version available in English, and only recently been translated, 50 EUR is a bargain.

>> No.16443550

duderino, for 50 quid I could learn the language and read it in its original form

>> No.16444153

50 is my weekly alcohol budget

>> No.16444204


>> No.16444247

I associate fascism with being boorish and stupid

>> No.16444452

so you been a fascist for years

>> No.16444710
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*blocks your path*

>> No.16445792

can't wait for unabridged DotW

>> No.16445800
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>> No.16445802

I associate you with being a feminine fag nancy boy.

>> No.16445873

Unfortunately, they are the only anglo publisher taking his work (semi-)seriously in the English-speaking world. The print, layout, and design of both Cosmogonic Eros and Biocentric Worldview is laughable. It’s pretty obvious that Artkos are using Klages’s comments on the Jews and his proto-Pagan Revivalism as a selling point. Without it, they would have no reason to publish his works, which is exactly why they never published his work on Nietzsche, despite the demand. It just isn’t for their audience. That’s the problem with most publishers though. The people at the top who make decisions are tasteless retards. I think Jorjani is intelligent and so are some of the translators, but they should really part ways with Artkos.

>> No.16446643
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They published the Swedish edition of one of his books.
Do you think he would have allowed basically a fascist company to publish his works? I mean who's decision allowed that?

>> No.16446928

Have they said when this is supposed to come out? I feel like they've been working on it for fucking ages now.

>> No.16447007

Yes, he commented that it would be good for them to read his works.

>> No.16447045

>basically a fascist company
Why are you this retarded

>> No.16447145
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why couldn't jorjani save the alt-right?

>> No.16448396

we missed you

>> No.16448662

Jorjani was a CIA operative at the time, he was also involved with that failed attempt at an Iranian Spring

>> No.16449841

Take meds, schizo