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16434875 No.16434875 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on divine magic in fantasy fiction, /lit/ anons?
>Should some or all magic come from the gods, and should divine magic only be accessible via direct faith and worship in the god or gods of the setting?
>If there are ways for the non-devout to access it, what should they be and why? The best ideas that I can come up with siphoning tiny amounts of energy from the gods or their followers on the sly or using talismans and artifacts created by the gods or their priests, what ideas do you have?
>On a related note, how much awareness should gods have of who is using their powers and what they are using them for?
>Is it better for all divine magic users to have similar abilities regardless of their divine patron, like D&D clerics, or should the god of war only give combat magic to his priests, for example?

>> No.16435004

Of course it is a gift from god, no talismans are required. And if such magician turns dark or displeases his god then he loses his power and possibly his life.

>> No.16436074

>loses his power and possibly his life.
That seems a bit harsh if they just make a mistake.

>> No.16437568

you can tak einspirationon hermetic mysticism and interpret mortal as physical emanations of the divine mind, that is, mortals are in fact creating reality all the time with their conscience, a mage could be someone tha ttrascends that and learns of to create and affect reality at will

>> No.16437926

>you can tak einspirationon hermetic mysticism and interpret mortal as physical emanations of the divine mind, that is, mortals are in fact creating reality all the time with their conscience, a mage could be someone tha ttrascends that and learns of to create and affect reality at will
Do you have any more sources of info on this, please?

>> No.16438221

i walked around the house and looked at my backyard, which had fallen into a terrible disrepair. would i work on that today, i thought? no, i couldnt. it would cause to much sweat, and i was not one to sweat on purpose, only because i really sweat too much. it was to the point, in fact, that i would have extreme cautions when shaking someone's hand, being sure to constantly wipe my appendages on my trousers to be sure no clammy affectation was forming on my fingertips.

>> No.16438294

Fantasy writer here: everyone is doing it wrong.

>> No.16439111

>Fantasy writer here: everyone is doing it wrong.
And what’s the “right” way to do things?

>> No.16439139

My approach to divine magic is that it arises out of belief in one's connection to divinity, and not from divinity itself. So it's not all that different from innate or "normal" magic

>> No.16439317

>Is it better for all divine magic users to have similar abilities regardless of their divine patron, like D&D clerics
Is that really the case in D&D?

>> No.16439513

is this just CHIM

>Fantasy writer here
given the state of fantasy, i don't think you have any ground to stand on.