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16434125 No.16434125 [Reply] [Original]

This book is such melodramatic faggotry

Both men and women fall head over heels love this guy, everyone loves everything he does, he's naturally good at everything and doesn't even have to try in school to do well, but WAH I'M SO SAD I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF WAH

Christ I get he was molested as a kid but does that really justify all this melodrama? Christ I'm seriously considering dropping this, you have to be the most narcissistic pseud to relate to this asshole.

>> No.16434160
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>everyone loves everything he does, he's naturally good at everything
>you have to be the most narcissistic pseud to relate
When your brain is so rotted you can only think in memes and buzzwords and yet you manage to unconsciously glimpse the truth. Alas, you're still actually retarded and can't reconcile the paradox.

Quick question, OP. How many fiction books do you read per year?

>> No.16434194

I don't read genre fiction, I read classics, philosphy, and history. Defend this book without using buzzwords yourself or leave /lit/

>> No.16434252

What's there to defend? I thought it was a decent book, with an honest depiction of despair and 20s Japan. Guy committed suicide not long afterwards.
You don't have to relate to some character to enjoy a book. You don't have to read something expecting "reasonable" behavior. Both are extremely pleb takes.
Sounds like you got memed into reading it, even though it's been recommended in /lit/ since the start of times. If you don't like it, stop reading it, or don't. Who the fuck cares. It's <300 pages.

How many books?

>> No.16434262

>Christ I get he was molested as a kid
I don't remember that part.

>> No.16434302

iirc he was molested by one of his family's maids.

>> No.16434314

It's heavily implied in the first chapter, also >>16434302

>> No.16434315

It was sort of implied that his family's servants diddled him. There's a few things in the beginning and end that allude to this, but I don't remember anything specific. But it wasn't really explicit.

>> No.16434339

I just find his melodramatic tendencies to be poorly motivated outside of a supposed mental illness. I'll keep reading, but I haven't seen anything that really shows how Japanese society led him to such a depraved mental state. Just reads like the diary of some depressed guy humblebragging about his exploits.

>> No.16434395

and then only the suicide pact partner dies and he survives
kek that is such a shit book
euh, that's a blessing. I wish I had a maid introduce me to manhood.

>> No.16434481

>In other words, you might say that I still have no understanding of what makes human beings tick.
>Before anyone realized it, I had become an accomplished clown, a child who never spoke a single truthful word.
>In the composition class I wrote nothing but funny stories. (...) One day I submitted a story written in a particularly doleful style recounting how when I was taken by my mother on the train to Tokyo, I had made water in a spittoon in the corridor.
Can't see the recursive pattern of the child writing such an embarrassing story and the novel itself.
>I have not been able to work up much concern over the morality prescribed in textbooks of ethics under such names as "righteousness."
More character.
>I think it would be no exaggeration to any that my only playmates while I was growing up were girls. (...) There was also the maidservant of the "crime." (...) at times I made indiscreet mistakes which brought me painful wounds. These wounds, unlike the scars from the lashing a man might give, cut inwards very deep
Literally what explains his attitude towards women.
>becomes a communist for shits and giggles
>at a time where the secret police could hunt you down and kill you in some warehouse
Everything will look melodramatic if you already have a bias or are obtuse enough.

inb4 I'm defending the book.
It's just that these clues are so obvious from the very start it amazes me how someone would be so clueless and yet so confident in their opinions.

>> No.16434623

You didn't disprove my point that he doesn't explain how Japanese society in particular led him to such a a dark path. You can literally copy and paste his childhood to any other aristocratic country and it'd still work. I was under the impression that this would be a picture into how Japanese society generated such a man like him, like what Dostoevesky did with Notes. I get this is more of an autobiography than a story and if I look at it in that frame, it's a much better book; guess I was just mislead as to what this book consisted of.

>> No.16435418

Are you 12 years old? Your take in this book is absolutely trash.

>> No.16435427

Most melodrama doesn’t have reasonable catalysts.

>> No.16435441

Love, attention or the praise of others will never heal the despondency some feel. It's the thoughts of an incel to believe pussy will improve anything.