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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 220x325, Beowulf 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16432022 No.16432022 [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest movie screenplay literary wise?

>> No.16432085

I dunno, probably something by Charlie Kaufman.

>> No.16432542

Withnail & I desu

>> No.16432565

This, one of the few ones that is actually enjoyable to read.

>> No.16432640

Fanny & Alexander, it's actually buyable in regular pocket book editions.

>> No.16432647

Film adaptation of My Diary Desu

>> No.16432804


>> No.16432816

Moving pictures are a waste of time

>> No.16432946
File: 107 KB, 540x810, kub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent filmmaker
there are a few anon

>> No.16433463

So are books

>> No.16433687

Not the one you posted. It is one of the most awful adaptations ever and I hate that fucking movie:
>Beowulf and all the human characters except Unferth are distrustful of Christianity, in perhaps the most blatantly Christian poem in English history
>Unferth is a Wormtongue-tier character who is the only one, even after decades, to take his Christian faith seriously
>Beowulf is not a holy warrior fighting demons for the glory of God but is more concerned with cucking the king and taking his wife
>They make Grendel sympathetic cos every victim has to be treated with care and compassion, even literal demons
>A witch/hag/monster/banshee bitch outsmarts Beowulf with her pussy
>Beowulf is a lying coward and hides his weakness from his people
>Trades in his mission for a kingdom, something he could have had anyway
>He shags his wife's servants all day once he is old and tired
>Wealtheow resents him and sounds off about the folly of men and their idiocy, in an adaptation of the purest story of heroism perhaps ever
>When Beowulf finally pulls himself together and dies, Wiglaf takes over, then it is implied he is just as frail and weak
>Every man is a sex crazed brute or a snivelling jew like Unferth
The worst affront against British literature and our hallowed and beautiful language since the creation of this fucking board.