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/lit/ - Literature

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16430901 No.16430901 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/ reading these days?
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I'll start

I'm currently reading 'Ombre giapponesi' (Japanese Shadows). It's a collection of short Japanese folk stories. The English version is called 'Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things' and it inspired a movie in 1965 from director Masaki Kobayashi. If you're into folk stories, I'd suggest you read it. It's interesting, especially if you're into the Fair Folk. In fact, most of the stories reminded me of Irish and Scottish legends, with imps and ghosts.

>> No.16430932
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Just started pic related. I’m in my twenties and I wish this had been required reading in high school. It’s like The Canterbury Tales, but intelligible, because OE isn’t being forced on me like it’s modern English dialect.

Plus, it contains bawdy Italian tales told in an emergent medieval/renaissance style. Highly recommend.

>> No.16430944

das bretty cool 'non

>> No.16430949

10/10 absolutely based tastes anon

>> No.16430976
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I just finished this, it was ok, fairly entertaining.

>> No.16430991
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I’m 273 pages into infinite jest. It’s actually really funny and cripplingly sad. There are these little moments, these few lines every so many pages, that just feel like an utterly intentional personal attack. I’ve been struggling with isolation, unfulfilled potential, escapism, and addiction quite a lot recently. And it makes for an enveloping and uncomfortable experience. I also like footnotes, so it’s been even more fun. I’d recommend it, but not for the meme. If you are trying to read it just for the meme you’d be like me the first time and only get through like 60 pages. The ironic thing is that the books themes are directly targeted at things we anons struggle with, and the fact that it’s been boiled down into “lmao he killed himself” is disappointing.

>> No.16431034
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I've read that too, ottima scelta anon
Currently reading pic related, it's a collection of last poems written on their death bed by Japanese noblemen, poets, warriors etc, I think you might like it.

>> No.16431259
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Going to start reading The Count of Monte Cristo today, so hopefully that'll be good. Also, slowly making my way through this old school textbook on Polish literature from in between the two world wars. Some really good stuff in there, especially the poetry, so yeh I'm enjoying it a lot.

>> No.16431658

>this fag thinks /lit/ actually read
nah mate, /lit/ don't read books we just shitpost about them

>> No.16431662


>> No.16431838
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I've been re-reading Celine's Death on the Installment Plan. What really sticks out to me is the nostalgia Celine feels for the past, even if it is rotten and crazy. Also Yu Hua's China in 10 words. But I've just started it.