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16429279 No.16429279 [Reply] [Original]

For a religion that uses so much of their influence to limit abortions, almost no one seems to acknowledge the fact that god ordered the indiscriminate slaughter of all amalekites, which included children and infants. I am an off and on believer, but things like this, god filling samson with rage and killing 30 people, and job all make it hard to believe. Is there some sort of misunderstanding? Did god really order the Israelites to wipe out all amalekites?

>> No.16429285

It is not your place to question God. I will pray for you

>> No.16429294

But it is our task to understand his Revealed doctrine, no?

>> No.16429297

No. Obey the jew on a stick or face hell.

>> No.16429300

God has made me this way, unfortunately. From a young age, I have always evaluated things on a level deeper than most

>> No.16429306

YHWH is the national god of israel. if you're not an isrealite you have no business worshipping him

>> No.16429310

The amalekites where very very evil people. The didn't earn sth. different.

>> No.16429315

So, was Jesus just lying when he claimed that the OT is true? What about the fact that the first Apostles all lived and identified as Jews?

>> No.16429317

>was Jesus just lying when he claimed that the OT is true?
What verse are you referring to?

>> No.16429324


>> No.16429327

Yaweh =/= the heavenly father.

>> No.16429329
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159:4.5."Nathaniel, never permit yourself for one moment to believe the Scripture records which tell you that the God of love directed your forefathers to go forth in battle to slay all their enemies—men, women, and children. Such records are the words of men, not very holy men, and they are not the word of God. The Scriptures always have, and always will, reflect the intellectual, moral, and spiritual status of those who create them. Have you not noted that the concepts of Yahweh grow in beauty and glory as the prophets make their records from Samuel to Isaiah? And you should remember that the Scriptures are intended for religious instruction and spiritual guidance. They are not the works of either historians or philosophers.

>> No.16429330

Then who is he?

>> No.16429338

Just answer the question. Cite the verse. Commentaries by retards are best avoided. The "OT" didn't even exist in its final form in the first century.

>> No.16429342

Did God change? That seems quite a weird thesis

>> No.16429346

I've linked that only because it is filled with verses that support my claim. Feel free to ignore the commentary

>> No.16429349

The thesis that "God changed" is the opposite of the thesis in the post you replied to.

>> No.16429361

They don't, though. Cite the verse that's confusing you and we can go through it.

>> No.16429381
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>> No.16429391

I'll just copypaste them, since you're being so dense.

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me. (John 5:39 NASB)
Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. (Matthew 5:17 RSV)
Jesus said to them, “While I was still with you, I told you that everything written about me in the Law of Moses, the Books of the Prophets, and in the Psalms had to happen.” Then he helped them understand the Scriptures. He told them, The Scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer, then three days later he will rise from death. (Luke 24:44-46CEV)

Jesus seems to validate the accounts of the Prophets, and the Prophets accepted the canonical doctrines the OT available to them in their time.

>> No.16429444

You seem a bit dense, so I'll try to go slowly. In none of those passages does Jesus say that the OT is "true". He believes certain prophecies about the Jewish messiah apply to himself. Indeed, Christians think a whole range of non-Jewish prophecies apply to Jesus as well. That doesn't "validate" pagan Gods in the eyes of Christians.

>> No.16429479

>The Urantia Book

>> No.16429500
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159:4.3."These writings are the work of men, some of them holy men, others not so holy. The teachings of these books represent the views and extent of enlightenment of the times in which they had their origin. As a revelation of truth, the last are more dependable than the first. The Scriptures are faulty and altogether human in origin, but mistake not, they do constitute the best collection of religious wisdom and spiritual truth to be found in all the world at this time.

159:4.4."Many of these books were not written by the persons whose names they bear, but that in no way detracts from the value of the truths which they contain. If the story of Jonah should not be a fact, even if Jonah had never lived, still would the profound truth of this narrative, the love of God for Nineveh and the so-called heathen, be none the less precious in the eyes of all those who love their fellow men. The Scriptures are sacred because they present the thoughts and acts of men who were searching for God, and who in these writings left on record their highest concepts of righteousness, truth, and holiness. The Scriptures contain much that is true, very much, but in the light of your present teaching, you know that these writings also contain much that is misrepresentative of the Father in heaven, the loving God I have come to reveal to all the worlds.

>> No.16429645

>even if Jonah had never lived, still would the profound truth of this narrative
holy cope

>> No.16429653

He didn't.

>> No.16429705

Yes, allegory can contain spiritual truth and wisdom so if even if its not literally true it does not diminish its value to humanity.
Its the most mature and reasonable take on scripture.

(121:6.3) Though the Hellenized Jewish beliefs were very little influenced by the teachings of the Epicureans, they were very materially affected by the philosophy of Plato and the self-abnegation doctrines of the Stoics. The great inroad of Stoicism is exemplified by the Fourth Book of the Maccabees; the penetration of both Platonic philosophy and Stoic doctrines is exhibited in the Wisdom of Solomon. The Hellenized Jews brought to the Hebrew scriptures such an allegorical interpretation that they found no difficulty in conforming Hebrew theology with their revered Aristotelian philosophy. But this all led to disastrous confusion until these problems were taken in hand by Philo of Alexandria, who proceeded to harmonize and systemize Greek philosophy and Hebrew theology into a compact and fairly consistent system of religious belief and practice. And it was this later teaching of combined Greek philosophy and Hebrew theology that prevailed in Palestine when Jesus lived and taught, and which Paul utilized as the foundation on which to build his more advanced and enlightening cult of Christianity.

>> No.16429711

So where did the line come from?

>> No.16429732


>> No.16429749
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>It is not your place to question God. I will pray for you
Anon I had a chat with God and he disagrees

>> No.16429797

The demented mind of a desert tribesman.

>> No.16429807

Are there any other lines that you consider to be tainted? In all honesty, I feel that these jews are too quick to exaggerate their foes, so it makes sense that the big nose tribe demonized their enemies to justify their genocide