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/lit/ - Literature

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16425495 No.16425495 [Reply] [Original]

my mom just bought me this book since im back in lockdown
its rated pretty highly on cringereads but I want to hear /lit/'s opinion on this book

>> No.16425507

I just downloaded it a few days ago because someone recommended it when I posted hare nochi guu
But I'm reading something else right now so I haven't gotten to it yet. I'm almost done with the book I'm reading now though

>> No.16425511

Nice bait fag, but yes it's one of Russia's greatest pieces of literature and a true classic. But you should check out the different translations before reading, I recommend first.

>> No.16425518

I read it. Was kinda boring desu. Guess I’m not a fan of russian literature, I think it’s cuz I’m not a woman. Maybe if I was a woman I’d be more of a fan

>> No.16425531

Its alright, but those russian names make me yawn
it'll have more impact if you are religious

>> No.16425536

Amusing book with charming characters and an alright critique of Soviet society, but not some kind of masterpiece. I recommend it nonetheless.

>> No.16425537

It's actually really good and give your mom a pat on the head

>> No.16425544

I like how people who praise Russian literature have actually got nothing in its defense.

It’s literally just genre schlock written for women so that they could pass their time. Conventional and boring.