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/lit/ - Literature

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16424620 No.16424620 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ Humour

>> No.16424664
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>> No.16424763

Diametrically opposed to such a noncery.

>> No.16424792
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>> No.16424880

But both are sensible images. Both the body, and the sculpture. The real platonists would be contemplating the forms, not observing them with their gross senses. Yes I have autism, and this picture offended me.

>> No.16424926
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>> No.16424931

reddit humor thread

>> No.16424952
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>> No.16424974
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>> No.16424978
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>> No.16425003


>> No.16425015
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crime and punishment in a nutshell

>> No.16425024
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>> No.16425295

top kek

>> No.16425454

i thought the same but it's still funny.

What actually made me REEE was the library copy of The Republic I read had something scrawled next to the allegory of the cave to the effect of "it's just like how the media shows us what they want and we don't pay attention to what's in front of us". Motherfucker did you entirely skip the previous side of the page where he explains that (basically) forms don't exist in the physical world? That 'stuff right in front of you' is still just shadows you thick sod. I realized his prof probably gave him the incorrect interpretation and he flipped to the page so he could confirm it and pat himself on the back for reading plato.

I'm glad there's another person alive as autistic as I am. Too bad we're doomed as a whole.

>> No.16425466
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>> No.16425498

>it's just like how the media shows us what they want and we don't pay attention to what's in front of us

Its not an extremely bad analogy, the guy is just using an example from his life to put it in a way he understands it more easily, he's not necessarily implying what you think he is. You are right about being extremely autistic though.

>> No.16425521
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>wordsworth classics covers

>> No.16425539

You could literally apply the same reasoning to the allegory of the cave you utter brainlet, its just an allegory, except he's using the media and reality instead of a cave wall and shadows, its perfectly viable.
>What actually made me REEE was the copy of The Republic I read had something about an allegory of the cave to the effect of "it's just like if a pupeteer was showing you shadows on a wall of the cave and we dont pay attention to the light". Motherfucker did you entirely skip the previous side of the page where he explains that (basically) forms don't exist in the physical world? That 'light and the sun after you leave the cave' are still just shadows you thick sod

>> No.16425576
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>> No.16425681

Explain pls

>> No.16425705

half of those are normal and the same behaviour is present in other language. in fact, if your language evaluates 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 as TRUE something's wrong

>> No.16425724
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Wordsworth has some very good covers unironically.

>> No.16425725

huh, that does happen in python too I just tried.
I guess it's a truncation thing.

you're supposed to define a tolerance error if you want to comare those 2 things right?

>> No.16425729
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>> No.16425734

so kakkoi

>> No.16425757

it's canadas famous incel mass shooter

>> No.16425759

python is one of the most idiosyncratic languages that is widely used. it completely disregards common metaphors and conventions. beginners find it more intuitive though.

yes, most langs you'd have to round or specify tolerance

>> No.16425790
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>> No.16425796

What about a man falling from the chair?

>> No.16425806
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Who did it better?

>> No.16425880

what does it disregard?

>> No.16425881

His philosophy is shit by design. Made it vague enough so that no female could really understand it and pretentious enough so that they couldn’t help but be turned on. Hes an ugly bastard but I give him props for engineering a way to get mad pussy despite it.

>> No.16425896


>> No.16425998

Yeah that's seems fine, but then I don't understand why 0.5+0.1==0.6 is different. You can define the results of a bunch of this however you want, it's the irregularities which are especially confusing.

>> No.16426048

it's different because of all the digits you don't see. 0.6 is never equal to 0.6, it might be 0.60000000000000001 or 0.600000000000000003 or 0.59999999999999. there's always some error associated with a number

>> No.16426077
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>> No.16426140

superficial examples

>no ++ operator
>no || or && operators
>weird scoping rules
>no private attributes (weird roundabout ways of hiding variables)
>forced indentation

and this is just the surface. once you dive deep into python you find it behaves unlike any other language

>> No.16426152

eh, for a free matlab it's not bad

>> No.16426163

are you aware of octave? it's literally a matlab clone that's also free

>> No.16426166

Ah, joker, what a Sisyphean being he was

>> No.16426226

I'm stuck with python now, but I used octave before.

i'm starting to feel indifferent about languages, they are just something you use to write and solve math

>> No.16426292

>it's real

>> No.16426318
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>> No.16426381

fuck you anon post the full version

>> No.16426402
File: 246 KB, 766x1042, Cowboy henk 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit hate the new yorker. I can't even articulate it, it fills me with alexithymic fury
something about the readership and stupid fuckin references to shit everyone's read
not even funny

>> No.16426407

>not using image search

>> No.16426425

I am reading Hamlet right now, 3.4.161-171 is one passage in the long line of the habit self-help industry

>> No.16426482


>> No.16426529

>>no ++ operator
i regard that as an advantage
>forced indentation
this too

>> No.16426541

>>forced indentation
"no", absolute fucking trash, even worse than golang's forced naming conventions

>> No.16426545

forced indentation is nice because it makes you write readable code, although brackets would be nice too sometimes it gets confusing.

but what's wrong with ++?

>> No.16426561

i've just always hated that notation
i especially hate --x

>> No.16426606

>forced indentation is nice because it makes you write readable code
if you think readable code is the product of indentation you have never written a complex program

>> No.16426673

how to spot a pseud
>c variant
stop feeling proud for learning babbys first programming language. good for you that you know fucking if then statements. come talk to me when youre coding in sql

>> No.16426682

>he doesn't prod the memory directly with a soldering iron and etch programs manually

>> No.16426706
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>> No.16426707

>coding in sql
>calls python, c and javascript pseud

>> No.16426724

you programmers are all just monkey that copypaste shit off google.

>> No.16426727
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>> No.16426785

>aye, there's the rub

>> No.16426912

holy shit that's hilarious

>> No.16427225


>> No.16427242

You have to go back.

>> No.16427261

It's pretty much how Raskolnikov acted, though.

>> No.16428660
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>> No.16428791
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>> No.16428804

I'm learning web design and JavaScript is just the worst.

>> No.16428816

ngl nietzsche looks horrible as well.

>> No.16428829
File: 171 KB, 937x1062, jordanpbeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16428875

Still don't get it and don't really want to watch 2 hours of that. Is the meme just that he is awkward?

>> No.16428882

Celibacy is the best thing you can do in any mental pursuit. All the s*x havers are wasting all their creative energy on ungrateful children.

>> No.16428908

Damn he was thicc

>> No.16428933

What's the punchline?

>> No.16428945

Okay but what's the joke?

>> No.16428978

>-oomer memes

>> No.16429046
File: 155 KB, 400x299, all my friends are dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16429077

This looks like it was made by a 14 year old who just learned how to use GIMP

>> No.16429130
File: 37 KB, 353x296, 1495151346580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16429199

He's completely emotionless, his voice is monotone, his answers consists mostly of "yes", "no", and "I don't know", keeps his hands on the desk or in his lap the entire two hours, and barely breaks eye contact with the detectives. They fail to get anything out of him, get irritated, and that detective puts a lot of faith into that swivel chair.

>> No.16429253

>come talk to me when youre coding in sql
This is a joke, right?

>> No.16429281

I'll never understand why anyone would subject himself to an interview with a police detective, of all people. Is it just some niche form of masochism? Or the prospect of a more structured existence, with free room and board? Baffling.

>> No.16429291

Ever heard of a visual metaphor?

>> No.16429319

do you have a choice if you are the prime suspect and they get a warrant?
also he did actually commit the murder

>> No.16429321

> in fact, if your language evaluates 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 as TRUE something's wrong
There are languages for symbolic computation in which that would be a completely valid expression (as it should be). You are only talking about languages that implement real numbers by wrapping over certain floating point hardware standard. Even in that case, some allow overloading of basic operators, and making floating point comparisons in a way that would evaluate it as true. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution, though, as the programmer still should understand how all of it works.

Lurk more.

>> No.16429337

ok wolfram mathematica evaluates it as truth huh
you live you learn

>> No.16429347

still, it makes total sense why it would be false in some languages

>> No.16429355

Forms don't exist in “real world”. “Platonists”, just as all other people, can only study the sensible image. In this case, most likely, by putting their cameras under her skirt.

>> No.16429358

Yes, all the evidence pointed towards him and he took a plea deal.

>> No.16429399

Of course you have a choice. If you're detained by police, you say "I'm invoking my right to an attorney" or "my attorney has instructed me not to answer any questions at this time" etc. *Especially* if you committed the murder. Duh.

>> No.16429412

>Nick Land

>> No.16429433

>The real platonists would be contemplating the forms, not observing them with their gross senses.
So masturbating in the dark to vague memories of anime girls?

>> No.16429441

This was not just a counterexample. Look into the difference between implementations — in this case, interpreting the values as rounded limited precision numbers vs objects with specific meaning (decimal fractions) interacting with other objects (plus and equation signs).

>> No.16429488

>Nick Land is a bloomer

Someone hasn't read "A Dirty Joke" yet

>> No.16429618

The joke is that this is how brainlets(99% of the 1% who actually read on this shitboard) look at this novel.